Britain's hidden housing crisis


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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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How sad is panorama's housing crisis. Have had a few tears over it so far xoxo
ive just watched it and found it shocking, especially the lady who was suffering from cancer. Really made me appreciate my little home.

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OMG! Have so gone off Barclays!
Awww its heartbreaking to see those people who have lost everything! It makes it worse knowing theres a load of empty houses just round the corner from me (i know its not that simple). hopefully i'll think twice next time i complain about something trivial xx

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There's a new thing in my area saying the council will start charging extra for unused rooms (such as, a 3 bed house with a couple and one child, there is a bedroom unused so they will charge extra for it), can people afford it? Is there enough smaller houses out there?
The house I'm in is a large family house, 3 large double bedrooms, massive kitchen diner, I'd say a comfortable house for 6 people easy... Just me and my mum, my oh stays now and again. Am I going to move to a smaller house with a tiny bathroom and kitchen? No! And more importantly do they have a smaller house in the same area? No. All the houses here are 3 bedroom. So how can it be justified? Yet these programmes show people being kicked out for very little.

Barclays were really nasty in the case with the cancer patient, its like telling someone with no limbs they can't have dla because they could work in Tesco on a checkout using their mouth and nose to scan items. Yeah right. Xoxo
There's a new thing in my area saying the council will start charging extra for unused rooms (such as, a 3 bed house with a couple and one child, there is a bedroom unused so they will charge extra for it), can people afford it? Is there enough smaller houses out there?
The house I'm in is a large family house, 3 large double bedrooms, massive kitchen diner, I'd say a comfortable house for 6 people easy... Just me and my mum, my oh stays now and again. Am I going to move to a smaller house with a tiny bathroom and kitchen? No! And more importantly do they have a smaller house in the same area? No. All the houses here are 3 bedroom. So how can it be justified? Yet these programmes show people being kicked out for very little.

Barclays were really nasty in the case with the cancer patient, its like telling someone with no limbs they can't have dla because they could work in Tesco on a checkout using their mouth and nose to scan items. Yeah right. Xoxo

Thats a crazy idea! my mum and dad have a four bedroom house which now me and my brothers have moved out leave them with 3 empty bedrooms which may sound a little excessive however when they have looked at downsizing into a smaller property they are actually going to lose out (with house prices, cost of moving ect) so have decided to stay put. it would be outrageous to charge for those extra rooms.
How sad is panorama's housing crisis. Have had a few tears over it so far xoxo

So did i it was sooo sad but really really eye opening i hope some peoe tuned in to that as it reallu showed you not every one homeless is there through faults of there own etc xx

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This is awful and is happening to my friend. She has lived in her 3 bed house for 15 yrs and her 2 daughters were young when they moved in. 1 daughter now married with children of her own and other daughter moved in with her boyfriend. My friend is on a benefit as she is unable to work and as she only uses 1 bedroom from April she is going to have to pay for those 2 empty bedrooms (how...) or move out of the home she loves and has brought her children up in! She can't afford to rent privately and is talking of moving home with her mother. I understand families need houses but it is sad and upsetting for so many ppl x
This is awful and is happening to my friend. She has lived in her 3 bed house for 15 yrs and her 2 daughters were young when they moved in. 1 daughter now married with children of her own and other daughter moved in with her boyfriend. My friend is on a benefit as she is unable to work and as she only uses 1 bedroom from April she is going to have to pay for those 2 empty bedrooms (how...) or move out of the home she loves and has brought her children up in! She can't afford to rent privately and is talking of moving home with her mother. I understand families need houses but it is sad and upsetting for so many ppl x

But is there a 2 bed property in the local area for her? Obviously she needs a spare room for grandchildren. If there isn't smaller property's in the area I think its out of order. Xoxo
This is awful and is happening to my friend. She has lived in her 3 bed house for 15 yrs and her 2 daughters were young when they moved in. 1 daughter now married with children of her own and other daughter moved in with her boyfriend. My friend is on a benefit as she is unable to work and as she only uses 1 bedroom from April she is going to have to pay for those 2 empty bedrooms (how...) or move out of the home she loves and has brought her children up in! She can't afford to rent privately and is talking of moving home with her mother. I understand families need houses but it is sad and upsetting for so many ppl x

Yep its just terriable times and this bed room tax is stupid its going to hit so many people x

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I'm in an area that is charging (from April) for more bedrooms than we need.
Im in a 3 bed house, I've 4 children
Girls are 19 and 10yrs older than youngest daughter/child and son who is 16yrs older than youngest daughter/child.
At one stage when I had all four
at home I had my 3 girls ( 2, 12 & 21) sharing a room. My house is small, but now the older two (daughter and son) have moved out and had their own kids my daughters finally get their own rooms.

Because in april my daughters will be 15 and 4 I have been told I have to pay 14% of my rent for the 3rd bedroom that I no longer need.
Children are not allowed their own room until they reach 16!!

My elder children (24 & 21) go to college along with partners too to try and better their lives so they don't live on benefits all their life, college nursery are able to take their children almost all week but I have my grandchildren 2days a week to enable my older kids to stay in college for the full week, I work 2 half days at the salon, volunteer many hours at gymnastics coaching and am trying to build my hours up so I can come off main benefits to give my kids at home a better life.

BUT, I'm living on a very tight budget, I can't afford extra money for a bedroom that's needed and used, I can't work any more hours due to my small person and coaching commitments, I'm hoping to get more clients but work is very slow, how do you explain to a 4yro that Christmas may not happen??
You don't.. You just hope they don't notice they are the only one with anything to open!!
There are families like mine who really are suffering but trying to get on with life regardless but the bloody council trying to recoup money back from folk is going to push us further into personal despair.. I have no cards to fall back on, no family, no savings and really don't see how I can find this extra money..
It's minus degrees out there most days at the mo and I can't even afford heating.... How long until I'm put outside on my arse in the elements cause I can't afford this extra room??

The programme was a reality for a few folk I know, it's hard!!
I'm going to watch this programme tonight.

I'll probably get shot down for saying this...

But what about the families who have 3 young children and live in small 2 bedroom flats?

Surely they will benefit from a 3 bedroom house, more so then a couple/single person would whose children have left home?

It makes sense to house swap, especially if people can't afford to pay the extra money to keep their empy bedrooms. Xxx
I'm going to watch this programme tonight.

I'll probably get shot down for saying this...

But what about the families who have 3 young children and live in small 2 bedroom flats?

Surely they will benefit from a 3 bedroom house, more so then a couple/single person would whose children have left home?

It makes sense to house swap, especially if people can't afford to pay the extra money to keep their empy bedrooms. Xxx

I'm thinking more when there's no housing stick with less bedrooms such as my area. An old lady near me has had a letter saying she has a spare bedroom so has to pay. She needs carers so where are they meant to sleep ? Xoxo
I think we just have to except things are dramatically changing in the country.
Too many people not enough houses.What could have been learnt with hindsight.
We are supposed to be having 700 new homes built near us on a beautiful wildlife spot while near the town there is a massive derelict area once owned by Nabisco but now owned by Tesco.
The protected buildings are becoming dilapidated and the land is laid to waste but they won't do anything with it because they were refused permission for a store.
So we have to have more homes built here as that is what the government have said but we have to lose our countryside.
One thing that needs to stop is big companies being able to land bank for years.
Our town is also like many others in that we have thousands of empty offices to let and they still build more where is the sense in that.
I'm going to watch this programme tonight.

I'll probably get shot down for saying this...

But what about the families who have 3 young children and live in small 2 bedroom flats?

Surely they will benefit from a 3 bedroom house, more so then a couple/single person would whose children have left home?

It makes sense to house swap, especially if people can't afford to pay the extra money to keep their empy bedrooms. Xxx

Yea i can see your point but its not always that simple if you work and dont need benefits then you dont get charged its just if you are in recipt of benefits it effects them and also what happens if say for example you have grand kids they come stay over every weekend its just crazy i jnderstand cuts need to be made etc but its completly imbalanced and the real issue here is we need more housing xx

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I'll never ever moan about my mini house again!! Got a small 2 bedroom house with me and my daughter I say I need more space but after seeing people kicked out & a family if 6 in a 2 bedroom god I felt selfish!!
One day it will all be sorted, I was happy for the homeless guy though, sometimes stories have a happy ending!x
I'm thinking more when there's no housing stick with less bedrooms such as my area. An old lady near me has had a letter saying she has a spare bedroom so has to pay. She needs carers so where are they meant to sleep ? Xoxo

I'm with you on this Tomme. My dad has heart failure and I'm his carer, he doesn't always need care at night but when he's having a bad turn which happens regularly I sometimes need to be there for him plus if he has appointments up in Papworth I stay over so I can get him there on time. But even though he needs his spare room regularly because I'm not registered as living there he will still get charged. Very unfair in my opinion. Xx
There are always two sides to a story.
It wouldn't make such good telly if we had discovered that the lady suffering from cancer had defaulted once already, or that she had credit card debt up to her eyeballs, or, or, or.
If it is as was portrayed, and only if, then I think it's indefensible on the part of the lender.
As for the family in the 1/2 mill house, that was shockingly poor business acumen having all their eggs in one basket.
There are always two sides to a story.
It wouldn't make such good telly if we had discovered that the lady suffering from cancer had defaulted once already, or that she had credit card debt up to her eyeballs, or, or, or.
If it is as was portrayed, and only if, then I think it's indefensible on the part of the lender.
As for the family in the 1/2 mill house, that was shockingly poor business acumen having all their eggs in one basket.

I always say there are three sides to every story ... Yours, theirs and the truth. :)

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