excellent attitude


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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
just wanted to say how lucky the english geeks are to have each other, you guys always support each other( and us others,too). in australia ive found we kind of eye each other off warily and basically regard each other as the competition, certainly no one offers technical support unless its through a class, its almost like any skills you have theyre not happily shared and definitley not with the salon up the road. its really nice reading through all the posts. p.s take note this has been my experience over the years so am only speaking from my view point! i guess if we had a australian nail geek we would find the same camaderie, hopefully!
why not start it off then hun get together witha few other geeks and make it more supportive or run a support group with some other techs. Once soem see you doign this others will soon follow.
maybe in the future scatty, for now i'm more than content with you guys!
will it ain't all "la- de -da -dee" on here unfortunately.Word of advice if you have a opinion you are probably better off keeping to to yourself unless your a tough skinned little nail tech.I certainly don't come on here as much anymore.

Howver the majority of geeks are so supportive and lovely but there is the odd few...well anyway...your welcome as far as i'm concerned babe.:hug:
louisenewell said:
will it ain't all "la- de -da -dee" on here unfortunately.Word of advice if you have a opinion you are probably better off keeping to to yourself unless your a tough skinned little nail tech.

I have always voiced my opinion on here and recieved feedback from it and hopefully it was constructive , sometimes i think its how you say things rather than what you say. Every one IS entitled to their own opinion but if it is done in a aggressive or sarcastic way it can backfire on you but this is true in all walks of life. This does not mean this is how you have done it previously as i havent got a clue what your on about in the first place.

We cannot possible all agree with each other all of the time that woudl make Jack a very boring boy.

Have to say in the begining i made many errors with comments i made and got shouted down for it, it doesnt mean to say that i avoided the site though, it just made me more careful of what i was posting as sometimes things can be misconscrued. Also sometimes the comments we make may be in relation to something we have learnt. But we may have been taught the wrong way we can never learn wihout sites like this which help and support techs from all different product companies.

i agree with ya scatty fox when you first start posting on this site
and you maybe voice your opinion obviously not everyone is going
to agree with you, i have had a difference of opinion before but it hasn't
stoped me from posting and using this site im as addicted as ever and
while its still going and i am still a nail tech i always will as it is just the


jules x
i think its the good thing about this industry , the fact that we will all try and help each other, i know a few techs near me and would never think of them as competition, as i think there are plenty of clients for everyone, i love talking to other nail techs and asking them questions , or suggesting things to help them out :biggrin: , and if i got a client who wanted something i dont offer i would always put them intouch with a good nail tech who can sort em out, i am maybe too nice but i am sure the techs i know would do the same for me :biggrin:
thats what i think too.
me may fall out on here and have different opinions on here...but there is no rivalry, or jealously and we dont bad mouth each other as proffesional.
cute tips aka beccy has juct opened a new nail salon in southport.....we are not against each other if people ring up looking for a gel technician then i give them beccy's number and she gave me a loyal mobile client of hers, because she was to busy but didnt want to let the lady down....we are not in compotition and in a way it helps the joe public to know that we are supporting each other in the same industry.
if we have our little dissagreaments on here its all forgotten about quick smart,
dont be afraid to speek on here, no one bites.
I had made arrangements the other day for fellow geek Lancslass to come over to my home and have a coffee and a natter. She was bringing her 3 yr old daughter and I would have my little 2 yr old here for her to play with.

I was really looking forward to it... but my husband who is a worrymonger was quite anxious about Lisa coming over. I said what is your problem about inviting someone to our home for coffee. And he said "Don't you think you may have a conflict of interest with this lady"?

It never crossed my mind ... I was happy to share my limited knowledge with Lisa, not that we discussed work that much anyway ... but the little we did discuss we were both easy with sharing ideas and the like.

I can see his point.... and to be fair most people would feel the same and would be nervous about giving away any of your treasured skills ... but on this site ... everyone is happy to share and encourage fellow techs, I just couldnt see what the problem was doing it with an actual person and not just through the computer.

I don't know of any other industry where this sort of community exists ... its brilliant :)
i've made lots of LOVELY mates on here...from 2 mins down the road to the otherside of the world !!!

eg funkyfingers Penny & Angie aka nailstyle

Angie and Iwork seperately for our selves, but have done numerous weddings together and had a HOOT....if we hadnt of pulled together we'd have turned the business way because its too much for one person.

Angie was poorly the other day with a kiddies nail art party i offered to go and help...

I dont see my fellow teks as a threat - i see them as friends i can moan to about clients, bash ideas about together, send new customers to if i cant do them. I have even sent MY customers to Angie when i was on holiday !

I would hate to be all on my own in the big wide nail world !!!
*JOANNE* said:
thats what i think too.
me may fall out on here and have different opinions on here...but there is no rivalry, or jealously and we dont bad mouth each other as proffesional.
cute tips aka beccy has juct opened a new nail salon in southport.....we are not against each other if people ring up looking for a gel technician then i give them beccy's number and she gave me a loyal mobile client of hers, because she was to busy but didnt want to let the lady down....we are not in compotition and in a way it helps the joe public to know that we are supporting each other in the same industry.
if we have our little dissagreaments on here its all forgotten about quick smart,
dont be afraid to speek on here, no one bites.

totally agree with you Joanne.

what is the point of being over protective of our clients... if we know of another local tech who can help us out and vice versa then it's great to be able to do this. Having another tech to bounce ideas off is kewl.

as for opinions on the site... hell yes, if I've got something constructive to say then I will. Sometimes I keep my mouth shut because I don't like adding fuel to an already burning fire but normally I let my opinion be known :twisted:

Great thread Melody :hug: xx
nailtech said:
Hi Melody
Have you tried the Yahoo group, they are all very supportive & friendly on there. I've put a link, hope it works.

Best wishes


thanks karen for that, will definitley hav a look, it would have to be damn good to equal this one tho! xx
Make you right girls we are not competing against each other as Melody said we are supportign each other. With our views on NSS and other amtters hopefully it will be us generation of techs who can make a difference in the industry with the back up and support of more experienced geeks who hlep us as and support us as well.

i ansewered a thread yesterday where a young lady wanted a nail tech you lot were kind enough to put me forward and when i spoke to her she really wanted an LCN tech so i gave her that information and tol her if she wasnt happy wiht that come and have a demo nail and see how she get on with L&P you never know i may get a convert yet. if not no problem then vicky will send her l&p ladies to me.
melody jayne said:
thanks karen for that, will definitley hav a look, it would have to be damn good to equal this one tho! xx

Well I for one don't want you to go anywhere Melody Jane cause you are a love!!

I certainly do not agree with Louise about not being able to fearlessly post your opinion on here .... there're over 450 people who post per day who obviously don't agree either. What's the point of posting if you can't post your opinion?? duh? Isn't that what everyone is doing every time they post?
*JOANNE* said:
thats what i think too.
me may fall out on here and have different opinions on here...but there is no rivalry, or jealously and we dont bad mouth each other as proffesional.
cute tips aka beccy has juct opened a new nail salon in southport.....we are not against each other if people ring up looking for a gel technician then i give them beccy's number and she gave me a loyal mobile client of hers, because she was to busy but didnt want to let the lady down....we are not in compotition and in a way it helps the joe public to know that we are supporting each other in the same industry.
if we have our little dissagreaments on here its all forgotten about quick smart,
dont be afraid to speek on here, no one bites.

Ahhh thanks Jo!
Just the other week I was stuck with a problem client and I couldnt get online to ask you guys for help......so I called Jo! I told her my problem....she suggested what to do.....problem was solved! Bear in mind that I wouldnt call any nail tech in southport, but I know Jo from the site, and rather than being my dredded competition she is my friendly competition who I can recommend any of my clients to when I cant help them AND I can call her for help and advice.....and she does the same for me.......helping each other out!
So thanks Jo and thanks Sam for this wonderful site!
geeg said:
I certainly do not agree with Louise about not being able to fearlessly post your opinion on here .... there're over 450 people who post per day who obviously don't agree either. What's the point of posting if you can't post your opinion?? duh? Isn't that what everyone is doing every time they post?

Please tell me why is that every time i post my opinion i get either a bad rep or a fierce telling off and lots of bitchiness seems to erupt.I have just occured one bad rep for what i have posted on this thread(which is my point exactly) and all i can say to that individual WHO DIDN'T HAVE THE GUTS TO APPLY THERE NAME is you are a perfect example of what i am referring to.Perhaps its me but lately i type one word and i seem to get loads of grief for it.I give up.:cry:
...another word springs to mind "BULLYING".
louisenewell said:
...another word springs to mind "BULLYING".

Louise perhaps you are just reading into things too much. I always try to answer posts in a positive and non agressive way. But I think that sometimes posts can come across as attitudy or nasty. We all get neg reps its just part of the site, I wouldnt take things so seriously. You may meet the odd geek who's opinion you dont like but hey with 4,000 members, I think that the site is unbiased and a fab way to meet new friends who all love the same thing-Nails.:Love:
i'm not really that bothered about neg reps more the comments that go with them...and i certainly wasn't referring to geeg when i said "bullying".
gigi is an inspiration.

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