excellent attitude


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louisenewell said:
i'm not really that bothered about neg reps more the comments that go with them...and i certainly wasn't referring to geeg when i said "bullying".
gigi is an inspiration.

Louise you post your opinion and never feel that you can't.
To be honest with you Lou.....I'm not suprised. If you read the beginning of the post, what started out as a good constructive post got turned sour by your comments. You cant really make comments like that and then not get the backlash of it, what was you expecting.....a pat on the back
louisenewell said:
i'm not really that bothered about neg reps more the comments that go with them...and i certainly wasn't referring to geeg when i said "bullying".
gigi is an inspiration.

Lou - first of all :Love: and now a little :smack: - sweetie it is time to chill. Jaydee was right - MelodyJane wrote a very positive post and you bought it down with a negative response; I am sure you weren't intending to, but go back and look at what was written, then what you posted and you must see.

No more being peed off or saying you are going and don't worry about the neg reps - I get em too (mum get's em ALL the time :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: - just kidding Mama) just chill and think happy thoughts! :hug:
woke up to some good replies this morning. thanks geeg that was alovely compliment. i try very hard to post in a way that doesnt offend anyone, lol. although have found myself in the middle of a scrap a couple of times
but unless you dont post at all i think its pretty impossible to avoid, especially communicating electronically as its difficult to judge at times whether some comments are made in jest. i think if you've had a hard week or are a naturally sensitive person some things can bother you alot more than usual.if you receive a negative comment its hard not to take it personally, but thats all it is, a negative comment. it doesnt mean that you as a person suck! i think you need to take the negative with a pinch of salt and concentrate on the positive ones you do get rather than the other way around.there are so many people on this site its unrealistic to expect everyone to agree with you. you need to like yourself and not to look to others to affirm you of your worth as a person. lol, i think i should be a shrink not a nail tech! now to apply my wisdom to myself!
You can post anything as long as its constructive and informative. We are all entitled to our opinion and this site lets you do that. As with texts and emails, typed words can be misconstrued or taken wrongly, so if someone takes it the wrong way you just apologise and move on.

I have made many good friends from this site and don't believe in not helping each other. Aspirations doesn't live far from me, Scatty fox even closer. We always recommend each other when a client wants something we don't personally offer...... ( nails related of course!:eek:) Plus a little competition never hurt anyone, i think it makes you a better tech as you always want to offer something a little bit different.

In this world there's enough violence and bad feeling, so its good when you can make friends on here and help each other so at least you feel you have somewhere good to go, when the world is being sh**y to you.

Just my opinion. I love this site.:D
melody jayne said:
just wanted to say how lucky the english geeks are to have each other, you guys always support each other( and us others,too). in australia ive found we kind of eye each other off warily and basically regard each other as the competition, certainly no one offers technical support unless its through a class, its almost like any skills you have theyre not happily shared and definitley not with the salon up the road. its really nice reading through all the posts. p.s take note this has been my experience over the years so am only speaking from my view point! i guess if we had a australian nail geek we would find the same camaderie, hopefully!

It is nice yes, it's a shame it's not the same for you over there but you've got us hun!! :biggrin:
thankyou katey your a sweetheart, you all are! XX i'm all teary now:cry:
melody jayne said:
thankyou katey your a sweetheart, you all are! XX i'm all teary now:cry:

Ah bless - don't cry hun!! :hug:
Here I go again, but i have to say, that I have lived long enough now to have gained a bit of insight as to how the 'world goes round' and I spend much time looking behind what people say and do to figure out the MOTIVE behind their actions.

The motive behind bitchiness is generally jealousy ... yes ... the 'green eyed monster' herself. There are not so many people that are just plain nasty, but there are many who are jealous of others in many ways. could be their looks, their popularity, their standing in the industry, their money ... you name it.

So unless what anyone has written is just plain asking for it, (and I can understand Louise's anger at what she sees as bullying) try to think what their motive might be ... bet you it is more often than not jealousy. Then forget the pathetic creature/s who are doing it and move on.

EXCUSE ME, Samantha, but I do not get very much neg rep but when I do I usually know the reason ... if not the donor!! Course they never put their name to it. :biggrin: Certainly I'm not going to waste a second thinking about it.
geeg said:
EXCUSE ME, Samantha, but I do not get very much neg rep but when I do I usually know the reason ... if not the donor!! Course they never put their name to it. :biggrin: Certainly I'm not going to waste a second thinking about it.

I DID say I was just kidding!! Muzz!!! :Grope: :smack: :smack: :smack:
geeg said:
Here I go again, but i have to say, that I have lived long enough now to have gained a bit of insight as to how the 'world goes round' and I spend much time looking behind what people say and do to figure out the MOTIVE behind their actions.

The motive behind bitchiness is generally jealousy ... yes ... the 'green eyed monster' herself. There are not so many people that are just plain nasty, but there are many who are jealous of others in many ways. could be their looks, their popularity, their standing in the industry, their money ... you name it.

So unless what anyone has written is just plain asking for it, (and I can understand Louise's anger at what she sees as bullying) try to think what their motive might be ... bet you it is more often than not jealousy. Then forget the pathetic creature/s who are doing it and move on.

EXCUSE ME, Samantha, but I do not get very much neg rep but when I do I usually know the reason ... if not the donor!! Course they never put their name to it. :biggrin: Certainly I'm not going to waste a second thinking about it.

Thanks for Gigi,made me feel better.:hug:
Wow....I have just discovered TODAY that when you give someone neg rep your name doesn't appear beside it, I assumed it did....duh!

I have now read the tutorial on reputation and know what I'm doing (I hope).....the thing is, I only learned this new stuff because I gave neg rep points for the first time ever yesterday.....yes, it was me Louise:cry:

I was so upbeat when I started reading this thread and then....I read your post Louise and I was :irked: :irked: :irked:

The thing is the geeks have been answering questions, giving advice, motivating peeps who are down, etc, etc, on this site for years now and I am amazed at what MOST GEEKS GIVE IN TERMS OF THEIR TIME, KNOWLEDGE AND CARING and even private messaging people with encouragement and support ...even worrying about them throughout the day and thinking of ways to help them even more when they get back on the site.......SO, when I read your post, I felt that you were being very ungracious and ungrateful after all the help that people have being giving ALL TO ONE ANOTHER (and you) and it made me defensive on their behalf (so there you have the MOTIVE Geeg)

I think you have a wonderful opportunity Louise to receive a lot of support and love from this site....use it to your advantage!!!!!!!! Fiona xxx:Love:
Mrs Geek said:
Lou - first of all :Love: and now a little :smack: - sweetie it is time to chill. Jaydee was right - MelodyJane wrote a very positive post and you bought it down with a negative response; I am sure you weren't intending to, but go back and look at what was written, then what you posted and you must see.

No more being peed off or saying you are going and don't worry about the neg reps - I get em too (mum get's em ALL the time :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: - just kidding Mama) just chill and think happy thoughts! :hug:

samantha is geeg your mom then ? i didnt know what !

Haylz Nailz :biggrin:
Ermmm!....so all the people i've given pos rep to won't know either?????????duh!!!!!!!!
One thing I have learned from a lot of trial and error from this site and other forums is that:

  • Its almost too easy to click the reply button. Sometimes we say whats off the top of our head without thinking about the ramifications of saying it.
  • Its too easy to misread what someone has posted (mostly because of the above point!)
  • That in the end, we are all just a bunch of people that get together because we share the same love: Nails. Who wants to compete over a love you have?
  • There is too much life to be had rather than worry about negative rep, bad comments, etc... That doesn't mean you should be oblivious to it, it just means that it means a lot less then you sometimes feel it means (if you know what I mean!)

We are all here because we share a passion. That in itself in todays day and age is a freaking miracle. Who gives a toss about what 1 person responded to when you think about what the other 2,999 people that visited today thought!

As for being is Aussieland, I would love it if we could start to develop more of an international audience. After all, nails are freaking nails no matter where you live. My goal for year 4 of this site is to bring on more people from other countries as I feel that is the only way we can truly evolve and grow.
Keeping that in mind, I would love feedback on how we do this. Personally, I think its just a matter of time. Remember, there wasn't always this many Brits on :) fingers crossed, we can become a global community where people in Australia, America, Canada and even Mars see the strength from joining together to share and grow. Its funny that when people realise they share a common bond (nails) they realise they really are not competitors - but rather geeks ;)

Spread the word: The Nail Geek is taking over the world :)
Spread the word: The Nail Geek is taking over the world
fiona wallace said:
I have now read the tutorial on reputation and know what I'm doing (I hope).....the thing is, I only learned this new stuff because I gave neg rep points for the first time ever yesterday.....yes, it was me Louise:cry:

I was so upbeat when I started reading this thread and then....I read your post Louise and I was :irked: :irked: :irked:

Fiona xxx:Love:

Ok,well i feel a bit better knowing who ONE of the bad reps was from.Doesn't make it as nasty when someone leaves there name.I think if someone ,not referring to you here fiona just in general,has the guts to give a bad rep then they should have the guts to post there name next to it.Unfortunately i will not say sorry for my opinions because we are all in entitled to one and i stand by what i said.Perhaps it came out a bit strong probably in the aftermath of a post i put on here a week/two weeks ago.I am a very opinonated person and unfortunately it does get peoples back up...its funny when you think about it i post "be careful what you post because it can get bitchy.."my point has been proved exactly by the outcome of post on this thread.A few people proved me right!well done!And bring on the bad reps...I really couldn't give a S*** anymore and as for being banned from this site "am i bovered??".I have an opinion and thats that.
Personally Fiona i was really touched by a nice reply to my thread you posted last week and it actually really touched me.I'm 26 (although i look 20 in my avatar)a single mum with a big ambition and a big mouth to go with it.What i'm trying to say is i have lots more important things to moan about other than the odd bitching on here.But lately i seem to really feel the brunt of it on here.I know a bit about bitching...i've been to a all girls school,the london college of fashion and the london college of beauty therapy so i recognise it when it comes my way.
Anyway..lets all chill!!!! x x
Hi geeks & Ozzie techs.

What a fantastic idea to have this across the globe.......
But here in OZ Melody Jane is RIGHT.... We just dont BOND here the same as the UK Geeks......

The offer GMG is still open to organize a Global Geek ball here in OZ at the same time as your's in the UK..... Marslie - CND - geek[from UK now in OZ ] mentioned a geek meet also.

I have mentioned to a couple CND educators here about the Nail Geek site....
if they know about it they arn't telling anyone about it.
One blatantly me they told hadnt heard of it ......& there's a geek mug sitting on her desk ...PLUEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSEEEEEE....... U tell me.....

Cooeeee Aussie Geeks.......

I think the trouble is less to do with the attitudes than to do with the fact that Australia has yet to be geeked.

When this site first started up it was very similar. However like a snowflake rolling down a mountain it eventually picked up more snowflakes of the same until it turned into an avalanche.
The hard part is getting enough envolved to where the others realize that sharing your passion on line isnt a defecit - its a benefit!

Ill speak to some Aussie contacts and see if we cant do some PR to get a few more involved.
next time i go to our creative here(australian nail academy) in perth will let the girls know about the site and how valuable it is as an addition to their training courses. if only i had known about it years ago! i just stumbled across it by accident while looking at nail stuff, and thought what the heck is the nail geek?the word has to be spread!

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