Natural Nail split


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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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hi this is kinda embarassing as im supposed to be the nail tech, but basically i went to take off nail extensions with gel off a week or 2 ago and wasnt patient when taking them off and went a bit mad with the nail file and ended up causing a bit of nail damage!
Well i looked after my nails and they started to feel better. However the worse one was still soft but growing. Anyway, i went to put my equipment away and leaned awkwardly and lost balance and fell, landing on the nail!
This resulted in the free edge of the nail doing a complete vertical split, stopping just past where the free edge begins (if you get me!).

So i filed off most of the split but couldnt file it all off as the split finishes just below the line where the free edge starts. Thought this would be ok and all would mend itself but now the split it travelling down my nail! Its only tiny but i dont want it to get worse, so would like some advice what to do please!
Ive wrapped my finger in plasters to protect it but dont want the split to travel down the nail, so any advice will be much appreciated!

I feel really stupid as ive NEVER hurt any of my clients nails but dont want to put potential clients off when they see the hairline crack down my nail plz help!

kaz :o
have you got any silk & resin or silk & gel.

That will sort it out brilliantly.


forgot to add.....just apply a small peice to the crack or a bit the the whole nail whichever.

no i havent trained to do silk only gel and acrylic. I feel really stupid for doing it, i hope im not the only one to have done this before! :o
Hiya, just to protect it i would put a very thin layer of gel on and then creep ya nail to the lamp or you may get a slight sting/burn from the lamp. I am talking from experience here has i have done the same thing...with me, once the gel was on i felt happy to put a tip on and just let it grow out...but thats up to you and how you feel about it. Best of luck xxx
thanks for the advice. As i have no free edge and the nail is still a little soft i dont know if i should put a nail tip on it. Should i just put a coat of gel over the natural nail then?
It soo annoying as all my other nails are looking perfect! :mad:
yeah..just do the thin layer of gel, then see how it feels, i felt better having a tip on once the gel was on and you are fine to tip on top of the gel. xxx
I'm not trained in fabric either but I had a similar problem a while back, another geek sent me really good step by step how to fix with fabric (I got some star nails stuff from sallys so it wasn't expensive). If you want the details PM me your email address & I'll forward the instructions.
thanks for the advice really made me feel better after feeling a bit on an inadequate nail tech :cry:

I've try putt a layer of gel on it and see if that works! thanks

silk is very versatile.....excellent for adding a bit of strength or doing a repair here and there.

Just place it on the nail saturate it with the gel....make sure its transparent.....and cure........easy thats all there is too it.

I got mine from sallys

Always got some in my drawer.

Amb x
thanks for the advice! its seems like everything is going wrong with nails no matter how hard i try at the moment!:(
What were the worst things that happened to the more experienced nail techs, when you first began?

Any stories that will make me feel im not alone in doing things wrong will be appreciated!

I agree with Angie! Any weak spots or sore bits may become more painful under the lamp so go carefully!

You may need to fix clients breaks in the future so learning to mend with silk or other fabrics may be essential, it happens fairly often.

In the meantime and seeing as you have learnt gel, my method of repairing with bio sculpture gel is this:
-Do all your preparation; carefully if pain is present
-Thin layer over the break and surrounding area then cure briefly
-Apply a piece of silk to fit as necessary sticking it down and trimming to fit around the free edge if it hangs over
-use clear gel and push into the silk until its saturated and gone clear and invisible. Cure for full time
-Wipe over and buff till all bits are smooth. Gently so you don't buff off the silk
-Now carry on with your normal overlay method and finishing procedures

Quite tough so it eliminates pain too!

Hope this is helpful! :)
Sorry Amb! Must've been typing as you were replying, I've repeated you!

Its good advice though isn't it? I use silk for repairs all the time! :o
thanks alot for your advice i'll have to go and get some silk when i go and train to do pedicures tues! Glad to see that other people have had experience of doing this!

Its not so much painful, it just looks like there is a hairline crack doing straight down the nail and i really dont want it to get much worse! At least it'll teach me to fix any clients nails if this happens to them so in a way its good practise for me (well i'll use that excuse for now :) ).

Has anyone felt very inadequate doing this job to begin with? how did you combat that? Im really struggling with my confidence at the moment, as some of you may have read in my other posts

yes we've all been there.........

THe more clients you do the more your confidence will grow and you will stumble across tips and tricks, and your own little routine of what works best for you.

Stick on a massive encyclopedia !!!!

You cant go wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The answer to your question to your feeling inadequte is yes I did at times!!!! Don't worry yourself though! One day something will just click in your head and everything becomes clear. You will be able to perform all things nails with your eyes closed and you will be dishing out advice to others and it all comes with practice and experience and you will start enjoying the work!

I just acted confident in all I did and made out I was boss infront of new clients, even if I went home afterwards worrying that I'd done everything right! If it makes you feel better I still feel frustrated sometimes and its been a while. Inadequecy ,(however its spelt), disappears but things still get on top of you sometimes. Just believe in yourself, sounds corny but its true.

Some things I cringe over when I started out as mobile:
-Too much squeezy soak in a whirling foot spa! Shovelled the suds back in the bowl and mopped up her carpet
-Burnt some wheat bags in a new clients microwave, stunk her house out, smoke in my eyes, me heaving, resorted to throwing a bowl of water over them on her lawn in her garden! They literally hissed as they cooled down!
-Red gel just wouldn't cure on a clients thumb. Wiped off after 4 tries at it. Me sweating, thought I was rubbish, didn't want to do nails anymore. Had to go back in the evening when I finished my day to do it again! She is still my client after 7 years!! :Love:
yeah i'll definitely will stick with this site it has made me feel much better!
I think ive been trying to get good too quickly as i am moving to spain in about 2-3 weeks and want to set up as a mobile nail technician and realised im not going to get perfect over night! Resulting in me being stressed out!
I think that damaging my nails has been the last straw to my confidence so i think i just need to chill out a bit!:rolleyes:

perfectly polis said:
I just acted confident in all I did and made out I was boss infront of new clients, even if I went home afterwards worrying that I'd done everything right! If it makes you feel better I still feel frustrated sometimes and its been a while. Inadequecy ,(however its spelt), disappears but things still get on top of you sometimes. Just believe in yourself, sounds corny but its true.

Yeah thats a big problem for me at the moment! I know all the advice and how to do it, i just cant believe i can at the moment and get nervous thus things go wrong! When im confident i love this job, even when it does go wrong. I dont want to give this up at all, but it just stresses me out at the mo!
Like I said just smile your way through it. You're probably all fingers and thumbs infront of your clients. It will all subside, I promise!!

Sounds like you might be smiling soon though!! Nails in the sun!! Would make me smile more than nails in grey, wet England!!

Best of luck with your move and keep me and us informed with your progress. I hope to be asking you for advice one day!! :cool:
thanks its really nice to hear people are supporting me as i need all the support i can get at the moment! Its really weird as when i was training to do acrylics i was a bag of nerves in the salon i trained, but months later when i did my gel course (3 weeks ago) i was fine! enjoyed what i was doing and didnt take it to heart if i went wrong and started to feel quietly confident!

As soon as i got home and started to do nails, i was a bag of nerves again i dont understand it! I would like to be how i behaved in the salon as i really enjoyed myself and know that if i can get over doubting myself i could really love this job! Just not sure how to do that at the moment but im sure with the support from all you peeps i'll get there!

Any more advice anyone can give me would be much appreciated!


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