Novice competition


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Divorced Geek
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Basingstoke, Hampshire
I had a practise tonight on my model. I took mum's advice and cut the tips shorter, but I think these look too short now. I would like to take them longer personnally.

I know that some of the reds are translucent, but I was using up the clear tips that I don't want in my tray. I will only use normal tips on the day.

Anyway, what do you think? I think they look very novice!! Atleast I'm gonna have a go.

Honesty would be greatly appreciated!!
Ok Caz - here goes:

Firstly congratulations on a super set and having the guts to post your pics!

Consistency is the name of the game; particularly in shape and you shape isn't consistent - your nagging finger is quite tapered where as the middle finger is quite wide and the others (although not as wide a the middle finger) are still wider than the nagger.
The middle finger is the worst offender of the five but it always seems to be the hardest one to do??? go figure? If you look at the how the light lands on all the fingers this will show you where your inconsistencies have got a good shine but it could be even shinier - try one girlfriend per nail...

You have done a great job, your smile lines are crisp but could be even crisper but you have got a really nice shape and neatness around the whole free edge! So - now get them all the same shape and buff down checking the barrel (looking down the nails all the time so you have a beautiful curve!)

Good Job and I hope this helps you! :hug:
Just wanted to say I admire you for having a go and posting picture (something I'm too chicken to do :irked: ). Good luck with the comp.
Well done Caz, they look great. I am sure if you take on board Mrs Geeks construtive critism your nails will be fab (they sure look fab to me now but I am a novice and Mrs Geek is da expert).

Best of luck with the comps.
plaoh said:
Just wanted to say I admire you for having a go and posting picture (something I'm too chicken to do :irked: ). Good luck with the comp.
me too, you must do a post when you have competed telling us all about have balls girl
good luck
Thank you Sam that was not as bad as I thought...I'd been holding my breath expecting worse. I can gasp now and relax.

Marian said her nail beds may not be long enough to win with but it will be a good experience for me and I can go in relaxed, knowing I won't win.

Her naislare different widths naturally, so are you saying to taper the middle in to create the illusion that they are all even? Also, I did these in two hours thinking that that was the time restraint. After receiving my rules this morning, I realised that I could have spent another half hour buffing!!!

On the length of the whites....what do you think, go a bit longer?

Thank you by the way it was very constructive and gentle critism. I can handle that!!
Hi there,

I think that they look great especially for a novice!!:cool:
Good luck with the comp, keep us up to date with how you get on.
I wish I had the guts to do it!!
Anyway best of British!!!
Love Tina x
inspirations said:
Thank you Sam that was not as bad as I thought...I'd been holding my breath expecting worse. I can gasp now and relax.

Marian said her nail beds may not be long enough to win with but it will be a good experience for me and I can go in relaxed, knowing I won't win.

Her naislare different widths naturally, so are you saying to taper the middle in to create the illusion that they are all even? Also, I did these in two hours thinking that that was the time restraint. After receiving my rules this morning, I realised that I could have spent another half hour buffing!!!

On the length of the whites....what do you think, go a bit longer?

Thank you by the way it was very constructive and gentle critism. I can handle that!!

bless for being a sport and handling comments so well. as to length I'd really like others to step in here... I would think Antonio would say longer.. I liked the length personally as I felt you had enhanced her natural nails without making them look too fake... i would love to see what other have to say. Good news about that extra 30 minutes... I wanna see those babies shine.....:lol:
Hi ya babe,
This saves me that PM I owe you lol
Right no need for me to add anything as Samantha has said it all so prefectly.....I personaly would not make the whites any longer, because then you will visualy shorten the pink nail plate and then that can make them look stubby.............
On the middle finger, take a kanga board and just reduce the width a tad............ I love the kanga board perfect for stream lining a nail..........
When you have done the hand turn it fingers towards your model,and look at them from this angle , towards the cuticle edge...... you will be amazed what shows up........the slightest flaring out will show and then you can see excactly where you need to tweak the nail......

Fab work babe and I will see ya there xxxxx
I did it and came picture though sorry, forgot my camera.

Does anyone think it would be ok to put that I came third on my web site, even though it is not a recognised place?! Its just for marketing purposes!!
Well done Caz

3rd Place is a great placing and you should be very proud - i'd definately mention it on my web site hun - you deserve to advertise how well you did


inspirations said:
I did it and came picture though sorry, forgot my camera.

Does anyone think it would be ok to put that I came third on my web site, even though it is not a recognised place?! Its just for marketing purposes!!
congratulations caz,
how was the whole thing
the nerves, the competition, was it what you expected i would love to hear all about it, as i am sure loads of us would
i would be shouting it off the rooftops let alone putting it my deserve it
well done
i am in ore of you all who competed
Well done to you for 3rd place. Absolutely brilliant. I thought your nails looked fantastic on your post.

I am entering the Novice Competition in March and am soooooo nervous. Any tips appreciated lol!
wel done caz

you are an 'inspiration' to those of us too chicken to enter. I thought the pictures looked great!!
That is so cool caz you got 3rd and nail novice got 4th both something to be proud of and boast about and your both geeks excellent
well done girls
I posted a bit about my nerves on the thread about "more results are in for competition".

My advice is just do it because it really is a great atmosphere.

About the nerves...well!!

I over blended my first tip and it fell

I cut my model's pinky...oooops! Don't normally do that!!

I spent half an hour in the toilet before the results were read!!

My biggest mistake which caused me to get nil points on was dust under free edge. I had wiped it away, but they pulled the tip back and got right in underneath to look.

My hand shook the whole time and I don't know how I produced the smile lines that I did. They weren't perfect by any means, but I was proud of them considering I was shaking soo much.

I've rung the chicken suit's neck; he's a gonna!... that is it. I don't care about not winning, I am hooked on it now.
Congratulations. Third Place is absolutely brilliant. Well Done, you should be and I'm sure you are really chuffed with yourself. Of course put it on your website - third place in a national competition - fantastic stuff.
Many congratulations, third place is fantastic.
You should be really proud of yourself - 3rd place in a National competition - WOW!!!! Congratulations you deserve it :biggrin:
sam chaney said:
Well done to you for 3rd place. Absolutely brilliant. I thought your nails looked fantastic on your post.

I am entering the Novice Competition in March and am soooooo nervous. Any tips appreciated lol![/QUOTE

Hi How do you all get into these competitions or here about them??


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