Tan error


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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
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Hi guys

I done my first tan yesterday since my training (thankfully on my kids to practice ). I used sienna x 8 and 10 and found them very dark. One daughter's hands went very dark the other one when I was spraying the tan on went on watery and like spots. What can I do to prevent this happening again. I panicked and didn't know how to resolve this at the time of spraying thank you
Light application on hands and feet. Make sure to use barrier cream also. And speckling on skin can mean your gun is set to high, so too much product coming out. I don't use sienna x but I have used LA tan in the past and I had same problem with that. I now use suntana and have no problems x
Have aloof on YouTube for tips on hand spraying. I think there's a technique called the Venice beach? I could have the name wrong on that but it's where you do a sort of X motion on the hands and feet. Hope this helps x
Thanks for your reply guys. I have looked on youtube yesterday, spent a long time lol. My trainer didn't even mention barrier cream however this didn't happen when I tanned my model who didn't use it

I take it barrier cream should be used at all times.

How do I check my gun setting without doing it on a person any tip xx
Thanks for your reply guys. I have looked on youtube yesterday, spent a long time lol. My trainer didn't even mention barrier cream however this didn't happen when I tanned my model who didn't use it

I take it barrier cream should be used at all times.

How do I check my gun setting without doing it on a person any tip xx
The dial on your gun needs to be wound to as tight as it'll go then should be around the ten past mark and I wind mine back too about ten to. You want to get some couch / kitchen roll and each time you wind it back a little test on the roll until you are getting a nice even light coverage. If your tan is coming out wet it's too high! You're not only wasting product but also profit.
As for tanning hand and feet normally the over spray catches those areas but pull your gun back a good distance and either x them at a dostance and range or when coming down arms when you get to the wrist pull gun back and spray in an upside down Y so you cover both halves of the hand and only ever spray hands and feet once they catch the most tan and develop a lot heavier than other body parts !
Excellent advice guys. Thanks so much I'll dig my gun out and have a look bought it new but I think the kids got to it before I did and can't find the instructions
trainer did not mention barrier cream wow
Defiantly barrier cream :confused: and I always test the gun on the inside left of my tent before spraying and wipe down once done.
It makes sure nothing has changed on the gun and ensure I have got rid of any air in the pickup tube before spraying the client.
Happy tanning :);)
I trained with Sienna X and thought they were brilliant. The trainer was so thorough about everything.
Not sure why they didn't explain the importance of barrier cream to you? That point was stressed to us.
Always use a thin layer of barrier cream on elbows, knees, fingers ( I always massage it into the skin around their nails too) and same applies for toes and lightly go inbetween to prevent and tan settling too much there and looking unnatural :)

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