What Are Your Goals?


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Kim Lawless

Grande Dame of the Brazilian Wax for Men and Women
Apr 17, 2003
Reaction score
London and Essex
Some of you may know that I'm a trained life coach and am a great believer in setting goals to achieve aims and ambitions.

So, this has got me thinking about how many of us on here seem to be 'playing' at being nail techs. By that I mean we trained a couple of years ago but are still only doing the odd set for friends and family and not charging full price. Yeah, we go to the trade shows and spend a fortune but that's as far as we get. This isn't a criticism; just an observation.

So, I'd love to hear what your goals are.

Is it a hobby or a profession?

When do you intend to start working either full time or part time as a proper, grown up tech?

Do you want your own salon?

Do you want to be mobile?

Do you want to be home based?

What's stopping you?

How do you intend to achieve your goal?

When do you plan to achieve your goal?

Come on geeks !!!! Let's motivate each other. Just putting it down in writing will give you the kick start that you need.
well i think youv'e started a great thing here kimmi.

i passed last year gave my self 6 months to practice, but thats just gone on and on, bought lots of stock, been to excel bought more stuff. thing is i have only done freinds and family, just dont have the confidence to go out there and do it. i am a very shy person, just walking in to a shop on my own i feel like every one is looking at me.
i was very suprised that i went to do the course walking in to a room full of people that i didn't now was really scarey.
but im not gonna give up one day i will step out there a just do it.xx
crystals said:
well i think youv'e started a great thing here kimmi.

i passed last year gave my self 6 months to practice, but thats just gone on and on, bought lots of stock, been to excel bought more stuff. thing is i have only done freinds and family, just dont have the confidence to go out there and do it. i am a very shy person, just walking in to a shop on my own i feel like every one is looking at me.
i was very suprised that i went to do the course walking in to a room full of people that i didn't now was really scarey.
but im not gonna give up one day i will step out there a just do it.xx

Ok, so it's just the practice that you need.

How about you put a notice on the board at a local 6th form college asking for models? If you just charge say £5 to cover your costs, you won't feel like you're ripping them off and they'll be delighted. You could limit the offer to one full set and one infill per person. That way you'll have had plenty of practice in a month to fine tune your application and times.

So, how would you feel about getting your diary ready for all the calls and putting your notice up on Wednesday of this week?
no its not the practise, the nails i do are fine. its the confidence to go out there and do it. as you say about asking for models, ive even got that far as making a poster asking for models. but again its just doing it, god i sound a wimp. x
crystals said:
no its not the practise, the nails i do are fine. its the confidence to go out there and do it. as you say about asking for models, ive even got that far as making a poster asking for models. but again its just doing it, god i sound a wimp. x

If your nails are fine then what are you afraid of?
people :cry: just kidding, really i am very fragile even on here, its like when your at school you no the answer but wont put your hand up, well on here i will no the answer to some ones question but wont reply.i will do it promise.xx
crystals said:
i will do it promise.xx[/color][/color][/size]

Ok Dianna. Keep us all posted on your progress won't you? Good luck.
My Name is Glo and Im an... ooh !!!! wrong thread, lmao!!!

Ok ... so this is me....
Im not really sure what direction Im going in.
Yes I have the training... yes I go to the trade shows and spend spend spend.
I am supposed to be working from home salon.
Was really quite ill for a while with Fibromyalgia .. I pace myself and I seem to be gradually getting back to more like m yold self over the last 7 months.
No I dont want my own salon.... I never have!
I have started to think I need salon experience, to get my speed up and to make myself a fully rounded tech. Im now looking around for a Creative salon that will take me knowing Im sloooow!
I love this industry and I know I want to be a big part of it but Im not sure how, or where my place is yet.
I love getting creative with nails and really enjoy taking pics and finding ideas for nail pics... err, but youve probably noticed that :o
I have become wrapped up in teaching fnail art or Adult Ed the last 6 months, I have found it has actually hindered my nails career rather than helped and I feel no further forward than I was last year.
I love the excitement of the shows, love the comps, and meeting other techs... so come on Kimmie... give me a direction!... and dont say taking the coats at the shows, lmao!
crystals said:
no its not the practise, the nails i do are fine. its the confidence to go out there and do it. as you say about asking for models, ive even got that far as making a poster asking for models. but again its just doing it, god i sound a wimp. x

Hiya hun xx

I know just how you feel, i was just the same at first. But then i thought .. what have i got to lose..! the longer you leave it the more of an issue it will become....and it shouldn't be. I did my training in November last year...then practiced on people, a mate of robs asked how i was getting on and i told him i was still practicing on people (was charging £10 per set) he said why haven't you advertised yet...and i said i am scared to cos then the phone will ring and i will have to go and do it for real. He gave me a right ear bashing and said why have you bothered then..? What have you got to lose..? Just go for it, chuck yourself in at the deep end and don't stop to think about it. I knew he was right so the next day placed my first ad in a local rag...the next day i got my first call and was petrified...but i went and did my thing, got paid my £30.00 and was home 2 hours later with a massive grin on my face. I haven't looked back since....just keep thinking positive and you will be fine.

I think you should do the ad's and then just wait and see what happens...do you drive..? i remember when i first passed and the thought of getting in that car alone and without my instructor made me feel sick...i had made it an issue...then on day it was raining really bad and had to get kids school and i didn't want them to get wet so i just went in the car cos i thought..1) a professional person has confirmed that i can drive and passed me...2) i am fully insured...and 3) i am going to take my time and just do my best.
I dropped the kids off and felt great .... never felt sick having to drive again.

Its only your first client you will have nerves about...and once your in that chair doing your stuff, chatting away..you will have forgot that you where nervous.

Please do it hun....xxx
Ohh this is interesting and is making me think a bit.

My overall goal is to be an educator, i have the teaching qualifications but just need to have enough years nail experience and this takes time.
This is definitely not a hobby but is becoming a profession, the nails i do now have really improved as i have put the work in.

I work part time as a tech from my home salon.

I am home based until my little one is settled with his health and schooling then its a case of good childcare to back me up in this so i can work in a salon to increase speeds and professionalism.

Whats stopping me is ME, On this occasion i have put my own money into this career and am still passionate about it after 18months , I want to succeed and be one of the best, i don't want to be a run of the mill tech taking short cuts and want to teach students the right way not the wrong way.

So its looks like in 4/5 years I may be heading in the right direction but its going to be a long slog but I'm not going anywhere.

And i gave up doing model prices and charge them all full whack now i believe my nails are good enough to do that.

ps and i rembered to use the spell checker for a change lol.

Now i just need you living round the corner to me to kick me up the backside and keep me on track.
Kimmi Rocks said:
Some of you may know that I'm a trained life coach and am a great believer in setting goals to achieve aims and ambitions.

So, this has got me thinking about how many of us on here seem to be 'playing' at being nail techs. By that I mean we trained a couple of years ago but are still only doing the odd set for friends and family and not charging full price. Yeah, we go to the trade shows and spend a fortune but that's as far as we get. This isn't a criticism; just an observation.

So, I'd love to hear what your goals are.

Is it a hobby or a profession?
Definitley my profession one that I love with a passion.
When do you intend to start working either full time or part time as a proper, grown up tech?
Oh my god grown up, do I have to be ?
Do you want your own salon?
Yes and no, I want to be in a complete professional set up and not just a little nail station in the corner, even though this is paying me a handsome wage....but London rents seem to be holding me back on this one, but never say never..........
Do you want to be mobile?
I did this to start off with and it was a fab learning curve to prepare me for salon life.... but I do love the Salon enviroment. I love going to work....
Do you want to be home based?
For teaching probably, if I can negotiate a bigger flat.
What's stopping you?
For Home based simply the space, tiny one bedroom Housing association flat..
For a Salon in the City..... MONEY....just the rent for a nice shop is about 50k plus rates here in the city.....It's catch 22 ... The avarage wage for inner city workers is about 50k , so the money is there to be spend, but to get a salon they are looking for a huge amount of available funds just to entertain you...
How do you intend to achieve your goal?
By compromising maybe...........I have a few ideas for this.
When do you plan to achieve your goal?
Hmmmmmmmmm god knows Kimmi, but 2007 may be just the year for me...

Come on geeks !!!! Let's motivate each other. Just putting it down in writing will give you the kick start that you need.

What a brilliant post Kimmi ...............
This is fab, a motivation for all to sit down an evaluate.........
Even though I have got to my first few goals there are still plenty more left......
My Nail life so far:
Establishing a good sound business...........
Becomming a Master Technician with L&P
Winning a National Nail Competition
Mentoring Competiton Technicians and see them gaining top 1st, 2nd and 3rd in National Nail Competitions
Doing a Photo shoot for a Mag
Getting a front cover on a glossy Mag ok it's a french one but it still counts in my book lol..........

Whats left to achive, oh so much :
Winning the Nailympics
Winning Nail competitions with other systems too
Gaining my Masters in Fabric# and Brisa
Becoming known as a great teacher
When my contract at the current Salon ends, finding a salon that will give me a good home, so relocating and making this new Salon rock just like the current one, will be on my agenda
Photographics course
just a few little things to keep me on the straight and narrow lol and off the dole ......
Well, I have upped the stakes for myself, I have to make a success of my business 'cos I've handed in my notice. I am going to do spray tans too and work all the hours I can to make this work; don't want to end up working in a call centre. (actually I have in the past and it was good for me, but I like nails more)

ok angie youv'e just given me the verble kick up the a---- that i needed, will put advert in some windows tommorow, n see how it goes. xx
Glorsclaws said:
I am supposed to be working from home salon.
Was really quite ill for a while with Fibromyalgia .. .
No I dont want my own salon.... I never have!
I have started to think I need salon experience, to get my speed up and to make myself a fully rounded tech. Im now looking around for a Creative salon that will take me knowing Im sloooow!
I love this industry and I know I want to be a big part of it but Im not sure how, or where my place is yet.
I love getting creative with nails and really enjoy taking pics and finding ideas for nail pics... err, but youve probably noticed that :o
I have become wrapped up in teaching fnail art or Adult Ed the last 6 months, I have found it has actually hindered my nails career rather than helped and I feel no further forward than I was last year.
I love the excitement of the shows, love the comps, and meeting other techs... so come on Kimmie... give me a direction!... and dont say taking the coats at the shows, lmao!

Ok Miss Glo with the flow !!!!

Well at least you know what you don't want which is a brilliant start.

Have you given up on working from home then?

I know Fibromyalgia is very painful and debilitating so hats off to you for pushing through. A lot of people would just lay there and feel sorry for themselves.

As exercise is good for that condition, how about becoming an educator for Creative? You've very talented with a lot to share and you've got a fantastic personality. Besides, you teach already so it'll come naturally. That way Glo, you won't be rooted to your chair all day. What do you think to that then?
OK dont wish to offend anyone at all just simply give my opinion..

There are so many nail techs popping up around where i live, just a sleepy little Lincolnshire town, so I am soon to hang up my files... I will still do a few regulars just to keep my hand in. The fact that so many of us are struggling to find regular clients kinda tells me its the time to get out.. with so many people taking homebased learning, short courses, i simply feel that nails has become TOO easy a job to enter into. I realise that alot of you will say that good education and providing an excellent service will overcome, but a dont agree! I love doing nails and for some of you im sure it is very profitable, rewarding & challenging, but sadly not for me. Ive found it enjoyable while ive done it but in reality it has just been something to get my teeth into while the kids were very young.
My long term goals are to go into social care work, ide like to work with children that have been removed from homes, due to parental behaviour, their own behaviour or learning difficulties.
nailfairy said:
OK dont wish to offend anyone at all just simply give my opinion..

There are so many nail techs popping up around where i live, just a sleepy little Lincolnshire town, so I am soon to hang up my files... I will still do a few regulars just to keep my hand in. The fact that so many of us are struggling to find regular clients kinda tells me its the time to get out.. with so many people taking homebased learning, short courses, i simply feel that nails has become TOO easy a job to enter into. I realise that alot of you will say that good education and providing an excellent service will overcome, but a dont agree! I love doing nails and for some of you im sure it is very profitable, rewarding & challenging, but sadly not for me. Ive found it enjoyable while ive done it but in reality it has just been something to get my teeth into while the kids were very young.
My long term goals are to go into social care work, ide like to work with children that have been removed from homes, due to parental behaviour, their own behaviour or learning difficulties.
good luck xxx
Kimmi Rocks said:
Ok Miss Glo with the flow !!!!
Ha! Ha! ha! I like that bit, lol!

Kimmi Rocks said:
As exercise is good for that condition, how about becoming an educator for Creative? You've very talented with a lot to share and you've got a fantastic personality. Besides, you teach already so it'll come naturally. That way Glo, you won't be rooted to your chair all day. What do you think to that then?
GULP! :eek: ....Christ Kimmie, dont pull ya punches do ya!
Errr, dont think Im quite up to their standard Kimmie but, you can bet ya bottom dollar, just as soon as I get hit by lightening, er, I mean confidence... I shall be hammering on some doors.
OOOh what was that pink thing just flew over my head, rofl!!!!

Now Im gonna turn this sh*t around... what do you want to do? ... I was thinking just the other day...you have been a little quieter on the board of late!!!

This thread is all about setting goals for ourselves and that's what you're doing. You've decided that nails isn't for you and that you'd like a totally different career. Good on ya..................you know what you want and you're going for it.
Kimmi Rocks said:

This thread is all about setting goals for ourselves and that's what you're doing. You've decided that nails isn't for you and that you'd like a totally different career. Good on ya..................you know what you want and you're going for it.

Thanks kimmie, ive actually got an interview on Tuesday to work at a childrens home, they will provide me with all the formal qaulifications I need to further myself in this career, I really hope I get it..Fingers crossed..
will let you know how i get on. xx
Glorsclaws said:
Ha! Ha! ha! I like that bit, lol!

GULP! :eek: ....Christ Kimmie, dont pull ya punches do ya!
Errr, dont think Im quite up to their standard Kimmie but, you can bet ya bottom dollar, just as soon as I get hit by lightening, er, I mean confidence... I shall be hammering on some doors.
OOOh what was that pink thing just flew over my head, rofl!!!!

Now Im gonna turn this sh*t around... what do you want to do? ... I was thinking just the other day...you have been a little quieter on the board of late!!!

I've given this a lot of thought in the past few days and I'd like to specialize in natural nails. I want to be Cleopatra, Queen of the Nail.

I want to learn everything there is to know about manicures and pedicures and to give the most luxurious treatments around. I want to perfect my painting skills and be totally confident in what I do. I want to have a waiting list as long as your arm.

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