What Are Your Goals?


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I haven't read the whole of this thred but I used to think I wanted to be the best nail tech in Bristol.....seems I have a way to go....guess I'll get there one day!
My goal just now is to have a full book by the end of the year, or at least as full as I can get it! And to be making at least a certain amount of money each week.

I'm going to try and achieve this by getting on the old trainers and doing a good old fashioned leaflet drop and to make sure as many people as possible know about me!
Thanks everyone for your support, sass, you give me waaaay to much credit, I can't believe you exposed them !! (love it !!!!! thanks!!!)x
Kimmi i would love to be your friend!x I'll be there on sunday 11th either wearing a black pinstripe uniform or pinstripe trousers and a white t-shirt, my hair is similar to yours. I might regognise you from your picture!
Vicki will you be at salisbury on sunday? x
Kate Rickeard said:
Kimmi i would love to be your friend!x I'll be there on sunday 11th either wearing a black pinstripe uniform or pinstripe trousers and a white t-shirt, my hair is similar to yours. I might regognise you from your picture!

Look forward to it. xxxxxxx
Im hoping too, need hubby to drive for me at the mo. It will be great to see everyone i have'nt seen Karren for a few weeks so i really hope so.
Kate Rickeard said:
Thanks everyone for your support, sass, you give me waaaay to much credit, I can't believe you exposed them !! (love it !!!!! thanks!!!)x
Kimmi i would love to be your friend!x I'll be there on sunday 11th either wearing a black pinstripe uniform or pinstripe trousers and a white t-shirt, my hair is similar to yours. I might regognise you from your picture!
Vicki will you be at salisbury on sunday? x
Thanks Envy, think I am on the way to becoming an addict to this site.


This is as a profession.
Ive always had my nails maintained in USA and UK or where ever else I travelled to, so rather than paying someone to do them learn it!!

I intend on starting my business in mid 2006. I dont know if I will be a "Proper" tech as such dependant upon my skills/abilities/confidence. However the information I gain over the years will certainly display my competence as a "Proper" nail tech along with the feedback from clients. In order to achievce this I will need to attend courses/seek info to upskill myself, to compete against the growing trends.

To own a salon?
Absolutely in the future.

Due to not owning a house let alone furniture. This isnt an option.

Mobile seems to be the best option at this stage in my life with low overheads/costs etc.. .

Whats stopping me?
Nada now.
I have spent the last 5 years in USA/UK pondering on the idea of taking a nail course. My South London partner and I moved to NZ last year to do just this, although it has taken me some time to settle in NZ I am finally doing it.
So to those of you who are thinking about it mentally but aren't actively doing anything....dont despair KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE is the main thing and by doing this is a step closer to actually doing it. Eventually it will all fall into place.

When do I plan to achieve my goals/How do I plan to achieve it?
I have achieved one goal which was to start my course, the next step is setting up business. I have many smaller goals to accomplish what I want so be REALISTIC about your needs/wants. I do not have one goal as I find once this is achieved there is nothing left to conquer. KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE have ongoing goals to motivate, seek guidance, inform yourself on whats out there.

We dont always have great days but when I have a bad day, it may sound silly but I change my day around by taking a different route to work, I shop when I can afford to, do something different but the main thing is to change the daily routine. I am lucky to be where I am with my health, family,friends- remember there are people worse off than yourselves.
I havent had it easy in my life, but it makes me a stronger/wiser person.

Being true to yourself, clients and those that surround you goes a long way.

So the answer to this is...planning to achievce goals is ongoing.

Hope this helps and KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE.

Lilliewhite from New Zealand
Kimmi Rocks said:

This thread is all about setting goals for ourselves and that's what you're doing. You've decided that nails isn't for you and that you'd like a totally different career. Good on ya..................you know what you want and you're going for it.

well ive just completed my first two weeks in my new career and I am loving it. It is so challenging and rewarding and i really wish i had done it years ago!! Ive wanted to work with kids with challenging behaviour for years now and i am so pleased that i dared to grab the horns and go for it, Thanks for all your support xxx
nailfairy said:
well ive just completed my first two weeks in my new career and I am loving it. It is so challenging and rewarding and i really wish i had done it years ago!! Ive wanted to work with kids with challenging behaviour for years now and i am so pleased that i dared to grab the horns and go for it, Thanks for all your support xxx

If you're happy...........we're happy. xxxxx
ok well i have replied to this before, but my goal in life is to now think of myself infuture. and to get on with building my nail buissines. up up and away yay!!! :D
crystals said:
ok well i have replied to this before, but my goal in life is to now think of myself infuture. and to get on with building my nail buissines. up up and away yay!!! :D

and you have all the support from the geeks, you will do great:D
kittenclaws said:
and you have all the support from the geeks, you will do great:D
thanks tracey xxx
My long term goal is to work in a salon and mobile. I trained 13 months ago, when my daughter was 6 weeks old and I was only 17.

I know this is what I really want to do but I just dont know how to get started, Ive trained in l+p, gel and manicure and in september im doing a diploma at a local college in manicure and pedicure and hopefully nail technology after that, but Im completely lost as to how Im going to get working.

Im only 18, Im on benefits (and very ashamed of that fact) I dont drive and I cant afford lessons. If I started working I would go onto working tax credit and have some of my childcare payed for but then theres no garuntee of work in this proffesion so I dont know if I could cover the rest of the fees.

But Im so passionate about nails and I know in my heart that its what I want to do but I just dont know where to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hollie if you want me to be honest I think that you will need to convince any employer that you are going to be fully committed to a salon, and not keep bunking off because you are so young and have a baby too. I know I am giving you a stereo typical view of young mums as viewed by an employer, and under the sex discrimination act they cannot ask you at interview about you child care arrangements, but it will probably be their first thought and may lose you that job. So, although you don't have to, I would put in a letter of application what arrangements you have made (unless other Geeks think that's a bad idea).

Another thing, I get calls all the time from young girls looking for a job, but I say I don't have anything (i'm a one man band now anyway so don't need to employ). And that's it, I don't have their details on file so IF a job did come up then they have missed out, so keep badgering these guys so they know you are keen and committed and get something in writing to them and follow it up with a phone call or visit. the more effort you show that you want to get that job then the more seriously you will be taken.

For example, I got a letter and cv from a young girl who was starting beauty therapy at college in September and was looking for a Saturday job. She had a simply worded letter, and her cv was straight to the point and not trying to make her sound more experienced than she was. But what really impressed me was that she would do 4 weeks voluntary work in the summer to get some salon experience before starting at college. Now I know this probably isn't an option for you to do voluntary work, but I was going to be opening my own salon, and I gave her an interview and offered her the work experience with no guarantee at the end of it. But you know what? I would have MADE a position for her, it's not often that you find someone so keen and committed and you just don't let people like that go.

Good luck hunny, I wish you all the luck in the world. You deserve a break.
I have a goal now Kimmi. Next year I am going to enter competitions. I'm fed up with that ruddy chicken suit laughing at me, so I'm going to have the last laugh and DO IT! I just need a hand model - a free packet of custard tarts to any willing and reliable volunteers (that is you have the packet and I have the TARTS! lol)
Thanks for that sassy, I will definatly take your advice onboard, its just very frustrating when you know what you want to do with your life but you dont know how to get there!!
You're welcome Hollie _ I'm not saying everyone will view you like that, but if I'm honest I would be worried about you being able to fully commit to a salon, and would feel a lot better if YOU told ME that you had your child care 99% wrapped up.
holliejayne said:
Im so passionate about nails and I know in my heart that its what I want to do but I just dont know where to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

That pretty much sums it up, if you put that passion forward and don't let go you will go places. If you got through a baby, your classes and are getting through life, it sounds like you could do this too. Your trainers will probably give you a glowing reference if you had good attendance, paid attention and showed the artistic ability for the profession.

One of my students graduated today, single mom 4 kids, living with her parents while she is in school and until she gets a job. She takes her licensing exam next month, and is truly a source of inspiration for me. Her attendance was good, she had to study hard to maintain her grades and the passion she has shown just to finish gives her an edge, the employers know she must have been willing to make sacrifices for her education especially with her children, but when they call I can honestly give them a good referral.

Sassy gave you great advice when she said be honest and persistant. Keep checking back and if you make an appointment for an interview show up early.

I'm pretty lucky, I'm working at my dream job, my friends and family support what I do (my husband isn't sure why nails are necessary or the purpose of purple hair...ok, that was last month it's just red now) My goals are pretty humble to me, but they probably matter more to my students, I only want to be the best instructor I can be, to do that I know I have to keep my knowledge and skill up to date. I want to make sure that when my students graduate they have the skills to become successful and fulfill their own goals dreams and desires. I know once they leave my velvet covered iron fist, they will be on their own, but they can always come back or call just to check in.

I used to think I wanted to work on a cruise ship and sail the 7 seas....then I grew up and realized that wasn't truly my calling....my students are.
Sassy Hassy said:
I have a goal now Kimmi. Next year I am going to enter competitions. I'm fed up with that ruddy chicken suit laughing at me, so I'm going to have the last laugh and DO IT! I just need a hand model - a free packet of custard tarts to any willing and reliable volunteers (that is you have the packet and I have the TARTS! lol)

You've inspired me too Sass. I am going to enter a competition next year also. xxx
Is it a hobby or a profession?

When do you intend to start working either full time or part time as a proper, grown up tech?

21yrs in the Industry.

Do you want your own salon?

I have had my own salon.
Aiming to have again

Do you want to be mobile?
I have 2 separate business' One is mobile.

Do you want to be home based?
My other is home based at the moment.

What's stopping you?
Money ,,, Always Money lol.

How do you intend to achieve your goal?
With Professionalism Prestige & Productivity.

When do you plan to achieve your goal?
Constantly working at it.

Great thread
This is probably gonna sound really nasty, I love my daughter so much but after being stuck at home for 2 years and as Im a single parent aswell, Im just itching to get out and work! when Im doing any training I just feel really free, like my old self again because Im enjoying myself so much! And all my friends say to me when im doing their nails 'dont you get bored doing the same thing over and over' but I honestly dont. I get really into it and dont want to stop!

There's no hope for me! Im obviously a born geek...x

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