Advertising at a car boot


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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
So basically a local car boot organiser has said I can go along and have a space to advertise and get talking to people about my mobile nail business. I will be taking business card, prices lists etc, and the organiser said I should take my equipment if possible and maybe offer small treatments on site.

I was just looking for ideas of what else I could do? What treatments? Would I charge for these or just do say a free quick reshape to get talking to them? Also on the insurance side of things, they would have to fill out a consultation form wouldn't they?

Thanks for any help :) x
I personally wouldn't advertise myself on a car boot.
People associate those with cheap bargains, like a kind of jumble sale to off load your used stuff. I like them, all my garden plants come from them, and all my son's outgrown toys got sold on them over the yrs for him to keep the money and buy new things he wanted.
But to advertise beauty or nails... Hmm I'm unsure.

Have you looked around your area for pamper events?
Thank you for your reply! I never really thought of it like that, I just thought of it as a chance to hand out business cards and leaflets/price lists to get my name out there a bit more. It is a well organised car boot that operates every Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and I know a lot of people attend. I will definitely re-think though as I obviously don't want my business to be seen as a cheap bargain :)
I agree with above. The car boots around my area are full of people who ask for 50% discount on an item that's 50p to start with.

I'd ask the organiser if you can leaflet drop on the cars parked there....... Or any other place that attracts a large number of people. Markets, horse shows, craft shows. Multi story car parks.. All must be close to your area or you'll be getting calls from 50 miles away.
@kirstyhow never under value yourself or your service :)

I'd approach hotels, guest houses etc, ask to leave little welcome packs in rooms or reception.

Have a good read of "more ways to promote your business" pinned to the top of business section.

I'd also avoid attaching things to car windscreens, people don't react to kindly to having their cars messed with, I certainly don't.
My last car had a flyer put under the, windscreen, their flyer bag fell off their shoulder knocking my wing mirror off! Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for him, I saw it happen!!
if any damage caused to a car, by anyone's car door, trolly, anything. you'll get the blame! Don't put yourself in that position
No I wouldn't put them on the cars, I might just walk around and hand them out instead, the car boots very near me so it may be worth a try.

I read through the whole of that thread today and have made a list of all the ones I want to try.

The welcome packs is such a good idea, what would you recommend I put in them? Just business cards and a price list or?
The welcome packs is such a good idea, what would you recommend I put in them? Just business cards and a price list or?
Yes, and maybe a voucher of money off or a % off
If you Google "wholesale cellophane gift bags" you can get some gorgeous bags to put them in :)
Just looked on eBay, have 100's of small clear ones you could add a few of those sparkly sprinkles (don't know what they're called)
That's such a good idea! Thank you for your help [emoji4]
How would I go about doing this? Just go in and explain about the business and then offer the owner a % off in return for having the welcome packs?
Yep, exactly that :)

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