European hair is the best. Remy hair is most certainly not top quality.
You can wash and blow dry decent hair ext in the same way as normal hair.
Hi mia , got to agree with Persianista

as she says .... good virgin hair can be treated just like your own hair and is very easy to look after plus good hair is always re usable.
If you get the cheaper coated hair ..... it will be very high maintenance and far more prone to tangling and matting , plus you won't be able to to re install it ,
and once that artificial coating gets shampooed off ..... that's when the problems of matting and tangling will begin.
Good hair will never encounter such problems as it doesn't need any artificial coatings as it is all root to point correct
Cheaper hair needs chemical coatings to disguise the quality of the turned hair that is present within the bundle.... and it's these turned hairs which cause all the problems .... this hair in my opinion is not worth using as it's simply
not root to tip correct ,
it will end backcombing on itself due to the friction caused by the cuticles facing the wrong way and rubbing up against the hairs which are the right way.
You will always pay dearer for good hair , usually starts from around £200 alone just for the hair!
but.... it works out cheaper in the long run as you will have no problems with it , it will always look fabulous and it will pay for itself with further re installs.
So it's well worth paying for it.
