Advice please?


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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2016
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Done my pals hair on Sunday from 2 to 9:30..!!! I'm not qualified yet but do work in salon training . I spent £15 on colour and foil and used the bleach and peroxide and stuff I had in house I done a full head foils wet root stretch and tone ..and fitted micro loop extensions (first time ever) I've said to her £40 since its a Friend but my other friend is telling me that that's way to steep and she didn't think I'd try get money out my friends like that I now feel really bad and confused what should I do she's ment to be paying today
Done my pals hair on Sunday from 2 to 9:30..!!! I'm not qualified yet but do work in salon training . I spent £15 on colour and foil and used the bleach and peroxide and stuff I had in house I done a full head foils wet root stretch and tone ..and fitted micro loop extensions (first time ever) I've said to her £40 since its a Friend but my other friend is telling me that that's way to steep and she didn't think I'd try get money out my friends like that I now feel really bad and confused what should I do she's ment to be paying today

So really you've charged £20 for c7 hours of work!

You shouldn't have to explain yourself but just show your "friend" that your charge is only £20 and the other £20 was for products.

Next time discuss and agree all before doing it so there's no issue.

Unfortunately friends are the worst clients at times.
Start as you mean to go on otherwise you may find you have lots more 'friends' than you realised.
Friend or not your costs need covering my friend works in the co op doesn't mean i get my shopping free! X
Tell your other friend to keep her nose out its nothing to do with her! Or if the friend who's hair you did is complaing aswell tell her to go to a salon and get that done your talking over £300!
Cheeky mare!! How dare she!! You have actually lost money doing her hair. If she went to a salon or even a mobile stylist she would still be looking at a bill of 300 quid!
I know I'm so pissed off , I don't mind doing it cheap for friends as its practice but honestly some people take the piss thinking they should get it free !! I'm using my talent

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