Am I asking for the right hair colour?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2013
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Hi ladies,

I have previously posted on Baby Chops thread in hair about going back to natural colours. I thought I would post in here as I am not a hairdresser and two hair dressers have told me different things so I thought I would ask you lot if what I am asking for is what I am supposed to be asking for if that makes sense!

I have had my hair coloured for 10 years. I am natural strawberry blonde ( well I was back then ) I am wanting to go back to that without massive roots! I am blonde at the moment but have been ever colour as I used to do modelling competitions and do work for hairdresser shoots.

One hair dresser has said she can put a full head of colour on that’s closest to my roots as I have been growing them for about 8 weeks to allow a hairdresser to get a good look. She said that when I get roots they will blend in with the colour and eventually I can grow it out with regular trims.

Another has said she would put a high lift on, high lights and low lights. I have no idea what a high lift is but someone commented on my post in hair that they don't know why they would do. The hair dresser said it would be darker than my natural colour for a while.

Am I requesting the right thing ImageUploadedBySalonGeek1380207145.246641.jpg? I am booked in for 7th October and I am a bit scared that I am going to come out completely not what I want. I can’t even find a photo of anyone to show her!

I know you can’t give me pro advice ( I don’t want to tell my hair dresser what to do – shes the pro) but what I am asking you all is; am I correct in going with the high lift, high lights and low lights for a gradual no roots approach?

Thanks xx
Oops sorry for random photo. I thought I deleted that out! That's my hair at the moment anyways!
The best option is to have an all over colour as close to your natural colour as possible so when it grows out you won't have "bad roots" or you could have lowlights put in that are the same colour as your natural hair. It depends on how you feel having an all over colour as it will feel a lot darker, so foils will be a good way to start. So I would ask for some lowlights that are the same as your natural hair colour. Or go ombre like me! Lol so many options! X
So there is no right and wrong way?

I wanted an all over colour so I could get my extensions back in quicker!

Thank you!x
Not not really its just up to how you feel, if you want to have an all over colour closest to your natural then go for it! :) x
I would love an all over colour but the thing worrying me is my hair never really holds colour unless it's a blonde! I was turned copper for a modelling comp and since then it's just a nightmare.

Think I'm going to go back for another chat before my actually appointment!

It will start to hold colour once you've had it done a few times, you will get a build up on there and it will start to last longer x
Thank you I feel better now!xx
Full head demi in your natural colour

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Full head colour
NO foils it will be even harder to get your natural colour back
Full head colour
NO foils it will be even harder to get your natural colour back

Thank you. I spoke to her last night and requested a full head of colour. She said it may not last as I have colour build up. I am even more confused. So I showed her a photo and said that's my natural colour and that's what I want to be. So I'm kinda trusting her now.

Thanks for you advice!x
Like I said the more times you have it done the longer it will last, it will fade quickly the first time as it is straight over blonde hair xx
Like I said the more times you have it done the longer it will last, it will fade quickly the first time as it is straight over blonde hair xx

Okay I will just go for it! I know it's a science so just got to trust! Just didn't fancy shelling out £80 every month to keep the colour up. But if that's what I have to do that's what I have to do!xx
You will only have to pay for it maybe twice as it'll grab more the second time and then you can just leave ur natural colour to grow out x
Thanks Baby Chops! My mind is relieved now!
It will hold better each time Hun but until the blonde is out from underneath it will always fade, it'll be a case of having it done 2-3 times regular in a row then every 3-4 months depending on the fade ... That will depend on the range she uses.

I wouldn't agree with highlift tint ... (Blonde) and darker as that will defeat the object, would look nice but not be what you're after.

Baby hops advise is also good if you had full head foils which just your natural to break up the blondes you have, and keep doing that, but that will cost more and take longer.

I would advise either an ombré or full head. For you from whats been said full head. You will feel dark, but if your used to being all colours, it won't take you long to adjust xx

You can also get mixed extensions to match what you have, you don't have to be one colour (unless you have them already) xx
It will hold better each time Hun but until the blonde is out from underneath it will always fade, it'll be a case of having it done 2-3 times regular in a row then every 3-4 months depending on the fade ... That will depend on the range she uses.

I wouldn't agree with highlift tint ... (Blonde) and darker as that will defeat the object, would look nice but not be what you're after.

Baby hops advise is also good if you had full head foils which just your natural to break up the blondes you have, and keep doing that, but that will cost more and take longer.

I would advise either an ombré or full head. For you from whats been said full head. You will feel dark, but if your used to being all colours, it won't take you long to adjust xx

You can also get mixed extensions to match what you have, you don't have to be one colour (unless you have them already) xx

That's that makes sense! Yeah I've kind of found the shades I want from studio 58 on my colour ring but depending on how my hair turns out as to what I can get to blend well as I haven't found many companies with more than 1 shade of the colour I'm going for.

I definitely want a full head. Seems easiest option for me personally. Thank you for you advice!

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