Bio Sculpture LED issues


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New Member
Oct 2, 2013
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I have used Bio sculpture for almost 3 years and made the switch to an LED light. BIG mistake.. gel applications went smoothly for the first few months but now it seems that every client I have has issues with their nails curing and keeping a full overlay on for more than a week. I have tried everything and my reps are being far from helpful! :irked: All they suggested was to have my clients put there hands in the light only half way and to cure their thumbs by themselves (which i have done). I have double, triple, quadruple cured.. Nothing is working!

Is anyone else struggling with this system? Any solutions?
If they were ok for the first few months but now problems, did something change somewhere along the line? Any change of product or any change in prep? X
What combo of layers are you using? I personally love my lamp but had teething problems, I now use clear as my base and top coat with 2 colour in the middle, make the layers thing and only do 30 second cures. I always do my thumbs separetely as they cure better. Are you making sure all the gels are deffo led compatible or have you got some old pots? I found even if it was in an old pot and they told me it was led curable it didn't last, I only used the new pots with it. Hth

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