Black to blonde client- hairdressers saying no?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2014
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Hi all,

I had a client contact me with the below pictures of what she has and what she wants, she has had black box dyed hair for years and has put a at home colour stripper on her hair. I have explained to her that it all depends on the condition of her hair whether she can go that blonde and that it will take a few processes over time not just one sitting as that will cause to much damage.
She has said that about 30 hairdressers have said no to her and a salon told her that the only opinion is to stay black, I haven't seen her yet she is coming in later for a patch test but the fact 30 people said no to doing her hair is making me nervous.
Has anyone got any advice or tips on how to handle this or experience of this type of colour correction?
I'm going to do a strand test first but she has said that someone had done this and said it lifted fine, they arranged a time and date but the hairdresser cancelled on her a few days before says she didn't feel comfortable doing it. She also doesn't want any cut off except for a very small trim as she has had a lot cut off already.
Argh! 30 hairdressers said no?!

I would assume 1)they aren't confident in their skills 2) they haven't got olaplex 3)she's an annoying clients (it's too warm/I see red in platinum blonde) 4)she won't bother with the upkeep 5)her hair is shot.

Get her in for the patch test and full consultation. Do some strand tests. Check porosity and moisture levels. Get an in depth list of what she does and uses both colour, colour remover and regular styling and cleansing products.

And if she seems like a d*** during the consultation. Then you can tell her the strand test didn't lift etc etc.
Thank you very much for replying, she is defiantly a pushy client and is very protective of her hair (we all are) but I can see how she made people nervous to go anywhere near!
She has olaplex no3, I haven't used it yet but want to start offering it.
Would you do 6 or 9% with bleach? Or I may just test out both and take a few strands.
I was also going to tone it after each session aswell so she doesn't have to walk around with orange hair.
Will do an In depth consultation though, thank you x
She has also mentioned she had bleached the ends a few years back to get Ombre and covered it back over black again, surely her ends would become like chewing gum? But she doesn't want a cut x
I was wondering why the ends were lighter and there was a dark band in the middle.

I would be doing a couple more colour removers befor touching it with bleach.
Tread very carefully. See how consult goes. I read over and over in different articles that if consult takes forever then chances are they aren't going to like anything you do.
I would also be making it clear that there is no chance of achieving that in one process. (Unless she is happy to take her hair home in a bag.) Lots of strand tests to see what the state of hair is in.
Remember that you are the professional and she is not. If she is not the type to maintain proper after care and not willing to invest in proper aftercare products I probably wouldn't do it as it's your work she's going to be walking around with.
Good luck. X
30 hairdressers said No. You need to ask yourself 'why?'.

My first thought is that she's a pushy, never satisfied client who has a tendency to over exaggeration....

Definitely tread carefully and make it clear that you are in charge of the process.
Keep control of the situation from start to finish.

Best of luck. Keep us posted on how you get on?
30 hairdressers said No. You need to ask yourself 'why?'.

My first thought is that she's a pushy, never satisfied client who has a tendency to over exaggeration....

Definitely tread carefully and make it clear that you are in charge of the process.
Keep control of the situation from start to finish.

Best of luck. Keep us posted on how you get on?

Totes!! Controlling and pushy clients tend to be hard to please. And once they get any sniff of nervousness or fear you are basically effed.
I'd love to know what her current hair are routine is, if she's serious about keeping that length I'd want to hear top of the range shampoo & conditioner & a million high quality products! If you don't hear it is bet she's a pain in the ass type client.

The reason they don't want to touch it is because of that mid section, it's going to hold onto the ginge for ages, toning will only keep it at bay for a wash or 2.

If you do tackle this job please lift in one go rather than foiling, some plonker foiled a lady of mine up from black when her end goal was like that pic & now I'm stuck getting the last of the ginge out because some bits are light enough already, I'm going to overprocess some bits if I keep lightening, it's driving me mad, thank god my client IS using good products!

Our 1'st session was 7 hours & our second was 4 hours, point is make sure you charge accordingly, I also would not do it without olaplex

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