CND wall racks


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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2013
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Does sweet squared sell the cnd wall racks separate. I work crappy shifts which makes it difficult to call them. I'm off in Friday so will call them then but in the mean time does anybody know on here if they do an how much for thank you xxx
Does sweet squared sell the cnd wall racks separate. I work crappy shifts which makes it difficult to call them. I'm off in Friday so will call them then but in the mean time does anybody know on here if they do an how much for thank you xxx

One thing that is really good to do (and they are FREE) is when you next order, to ask them to include one of the beautiful and also very informative, product catalogs.

Samantha works so hard on them, 2-3 times a year, to make them more than a list of products. They are very user friendly, there is oodles of information in them (many questions answered that are asked on here repeatedly) all special kits listed, colours, charts, as well as recommended retail prices, education info etc. well worth requesting.

That doesn't answer your question, but it would have if you had a Sweet Squared product catalog. X
One thing that is really good to do (and they are FREE) is when you next order, to ask them to include one of the beautiful and also very informative, product catalogs.

Samantha works so hard on them, 2-3 times a year, to make them more than a list of products. They are very user friendly, there is oodles of information in them (many questions answered that are asked on here repeatedly) all special kits listed, colours, charts, as well as recommended retail prices, education info etc. well worth requesting.

That doesn't answer your question, but it would have if you had a Sweet Squared product catalog. X

Apparently your not allowed to give a rrp now
Apparently the laws changed
I might request a catalogue Friday when call them. Bloody typical too jus had a massive order off them did nt think to ask x
It is a guide .. Not an order .. Lol. It's in there and I never heard of it not being allowed or against the law. That's news to me.
Yes they do sell the shellac wall racks, but you have to ring to order them as they don't have them on the site, I've bought 2 as have friends, they are very reasonably priced :)
It is a guide .. Not an order .. Lol. It's in there and I never heard of it not being allowed or against the law. That's news to me.

It is a nice brochure- I recently got it! Geeg....Can I make a suggestion for the future brochure, if I dare.... They could have a separate brochure (or a page in the existing brochure) with all the courses/education, prices and a visual grid or something with the education routes to master etc! I found it really hard to find out what was what when booking my courses and the people on the phone seemed confused as well!

It took me weeks to work out what I did and didn't need to do! What courses came with kits, what didn't, one lamp, two lamps, deducting prices of lamps... So on and so forth!

I only found out through a very helpful fellow geek!
It is a guide .. Not an order .. Lol. It's in there and I never heard of it not being allowed or against the law. That's news to me.

Yea it's apparently just come out I couldn't understand it either as it's a good guide to have but a few suppliers have told me they are not allowed now
Worth checking out
It is a nice brochure- I recently got it! Geeg....Can I make a suggestion for the future brochure, if I dare.... They could have a separate brochure (or a page in the existing brochure) with all the courses/education, prices and a visual grid or something with the education routes to master etc! I found it really hard to find out what was what when booking my courses and the people on the phone seemed confused as well!

It took me weeks to work out what I did and didn't need to do! What courses came with kits, what didn't, one lamp, two lamps, deducting prices of lamps... So on and so forth!

I only found out through a very helpful fellow geek!

Thanks for the suggestion ... But I believe there is an education brochure you can request, and there are allot of options so I realise it can be confusing. All the girls are very well trained in 'what is what' and I don't think they are confused ... Although you may have spoken to a new member of staff who is just learning (we have just taken on three new 'squares') .. You can always ask to speak to Debbie Davies who is the education manager if you feel you are not getting all the info you want or need. All the info is not on the S2 site.

Why not email your suggestion direct to her? ... She is the one who needs and would like to know. She is Debbie.davies @ sweet
They are too busy to monitor this site so unless you inform her, she won't know. HTH. Thanks again for the feedback ... We train all the time and certainly do not want folks confused about options. :hug:
I phoned up and got my shellac wall rack and my Vinylux one and they also included free postage which I thought was lovely :). & don't worry there not over £125 for the 2 haha

Sarah xx
Thanks ladies. What would I be roughly looking to pay for one just to give me an idea. Asy other half was going to mKe me a wall rack as he's good at wood work but it might work out cheaper to just but the cnd one by the times he's bought everything x
Thanks ladies. What would I be roughly looking to pay for one just to give me an idea. Asy other half was going to mKe me a wall rack as he's good at wood work but it might work out cheaper to just but the cnd one by the times he's bought everything x

I'll PM you the price.
Thanks for the suggestion ... But I believe there is an education brochure you can request, and there are allot of options so I realise it can be confusing. All the girls are very well trained in 'what is what' and I don't think they are confused ... Although you may have spoken to a new member of staff who is just learning (we have just taken on three new 'squares') .. You can always ask to speak to Debbie Davies who is the education manager if you feel you are not getting all the info you want or need. All the info is not on the S2 site.

Why not email your suggestion direct to her? ... She is the one who needs and would like to know. She is Debbie.davies @ sweet
They are too busy to monitor this site so unless you inform her, she won't know. HTH. Thanks again for the feedback ... We train all the time and certainly do not want folks confused about options. :hug:

Ok I will do this thing! :)

I don't want them to think i'm niggling or moaning but it really would be helpful I think as I for one get all nervous when I'm booking courses that I'm booking the right ones in the most cost effective and career mindful way !!

I could do with a wall rack soon myself as i intend to be highly organised in the new year!
A bit of topic, I assumed the wall racks were out of stock and have just ordered a plain generic one. :( I'm phoning them first thing on Monday, I hate when things don't 'match' in the salon. I've just placed my big monthly order too. Typical.
Oh no I'm just starting out an I ordered loads of stuff trying to build my collection and a I would love a huge wall rack x
Sorry to drag an old thread up ladies but my wall rack will arrive tomorrow..
I'm just wondering how easy is it to put on the wall? Hubs is away but I want it up I can't wait until he's back! :)
Sorry to drag an old thread up ladies but my wall rack will arrive tomorrow..
I'm just wondering how easy is it to put on the wall? Hubs is away but I want it up I can't wait until he's back! :)

My dads a moan and if he doesn't get something right the first time he won't do it lol! And he got it up no problem just put pencil marks on the wall and screwed it in with a drill no probs :) xx
Thanks for the suggestion ... But I believe there is an education brochure you can request, and there are allot of options so I realise it can be confusing. All the girls are very well trained in 'what is what' and I don't think they are confused ... Although you may have spoken to a new member of staff who is just learning (we have just taken on three new 'squares') .. You can always ask to speak to Debbie Davies who is the education manager if you feel you are not getting all the info you want or need. All the info is not on the S2 site.

Why not email your suggestion direct to her? ... She is the one who needs and would like to know. She is Debbie.davies @ sweet
They are too busy to monitor this site so unless you inform her, she won't know. HTH. Thanks again for the feedback ... We train all the time and certainly do not want folks confused about options. :hug:

Yes your right Geeg, there is an education brochure the lovely ladies at s2 sent me one in the post after I had called enquiring about courses.

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