coloured powders with fiberglass?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2004
Reaction score
hi all, stupid question i know :o :o but how do you use glitter dust with fiberglass or silk nails, just seen the plea for help thread and thought ooohh i wonder how you do that, would love to know so i can have a bash.
Hey Zaza

If that was the thread i posted hun i posted it on behalf of a friend (Hollyballoo - pop her a pm she's soooooooo helpful)

I have yet to experience fibreglass/silk myself, though hoping it wont be long !!

goodluck and enjoy


zaza said:
hi all, stupid question i know :o :o but how do you use glitter dust with fiberglass or silk nails, just seen the plea for help thread and thought ooohh i wonder how you do that, would love to know so i can have a bash.
zaza said:
hi all, stupid question i know :o :o but how do you use glitter dust with fiberglass or silk nails, just seen the plea for help thread and thought ooohh i wonder how you do that, would love to know so i can have a bash.


Once you have your finished fibreglass nail paint on some brush on resin where you want the glitter ie if it's for a glitter tip paint in the smile line with brush on resin and sprinkle or dip you nail in the glitter tap your finger to shake off any excess glitter and then go over the nail with brush on resin activate and then buff. job done :) it's a good idea to keep a brush on resin just for glitter use, the finer glitter is better for this.


Take care Dawnie xxx
thanks very much dawnie, will get some and have a go!

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