Just completed my day 4 TODAY!!!!!
I never received any confirmation or a list of additional items..so never really had to worry about additional items until after day 3, when I suddenly realised I didn't have enough tips to finish what I had to do on the cards, and I exploded my gel :shock: on Day 3, so I needed a new one of those!!!
I will tell you what I bought to complete the course...
1 x box of Velocity Tips (because we practiced smile lines on tips a lot)
1 x Gelbond 9g (because mine burst!)
1 x pack of Abrasive Samplers (new files were needed desperately because you apply so much product when learning, that they wear out quickly!!!)
1 x pinkie bottle of Solar Oil (for my model....just to keep her happy and using Solar Oil really)
The whole lot came to about £40 inc. delivery, but you might not even need it!! I would recommend you get files, but the rest depends on how you get on and how much practice you do!!!
If you want to save money, (depending on how friendly you get with the others on your course) you could always order stuff altogether to save a bit on delivery..a couple of girls on our one did that, and shared some bits they ordered between them.
You don't really need everything listed - not yet anyway!
Hope that helps...