Conversion costs - panic!


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little voyce

Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
East Anglia
Yikes! I've just had an e-mail with a very rough quote for converting a unit into my new salon (not quite signed the lease!!).And it's already £1k over what I had considered without putting in basins, heaters, and a whole lot more.....

To make me feel better is anyone prepared to say how much their conversion costs were?? I'm looking at 750sq ft with two treatment room, reception, office and storage. One of the rooms is meant to be pretty big!! We are not talking flashy here. Just a whole load of stud walls and a couple of windows (at £350 each plus labour... to give you some idea...).

I'm suddenly getting a horrible cold feeling in my stomach and wondering if this is the commitment I want to make... However, I did speak to a therapist similar position to me who said opening her salon 'a little bit later in life' was the best thing she'd done! If anyone's spent anything from £10k above I'd feel a whole lot better!!!! I don't know if I'm just being tight...

For the record, I'm also waiting for a quote from another builder....

Being a grown up is never as much fun as you think it'll be when you're doing the growing up!!
It will end up costing far more than you think...we forget about all the little things we need and its not until you start putting furniture in that you realise you need more furniture and things than you thought!! Decorating cost will go over as something will happen...for me it was the fact the building had been empty for so long and was slightly damp and cold so the new plaster i had done wouldnt dry!!! We had to get dehumidifiers to get it to dry so that the decorator could get in!! Then the ceiling needed repinning which we hadnt accounted for as well as all the electrics needed looking at, the lighting was very old and hadnt been earthed so that was another job extra!! The list is endless but it all added up!! And that was all after the change of use application with architects drawings that id needed!!

Im not tying to put you off but yes you will spend 10k even with doing as much as you can yourself, with calling in favours and getting some bargains!

Good luck but enjoy it, dont spend on things you dont need is my advice, all that can come later

I should know all this having lived in two houses that were completely refurbed! The good news is that I already own all my equipment including nice electric couch- and I'm working with clients too and I've been in the biz a long time! Plan to rent the second room and space for nails - as I don't do them...

I suppose it's the big leap of faith that you'll be successful enough to recoup the investment before you die!! Or retire, or which ever comes first... Thanks for telling me your tale of woe. It does make me feel better, even if that sounds bad!
The way I do things is whatever I think it will cost start to finish including silly fees and bits and pieces... double it! Then be happy if it's less :)
you have to speculate to accumulate!

have you no tradesmen in the family that could do bits and pieces for you to bring down costs?
I spent £30k ! 🙈
I was quoted £10k for 2 rooms (inc soundproofing) putting water in (sinks in each room and 2 x pedi stations) quite a good extraction system as I wanted it to be quiet, some electrical work & a couple of other bits & bobs.

I told them I was looking at nearer £5k (in my dreams!!! lol) & we've settled on around £6.5k. All this before I even start on stock and equipment :rolleyes:

My advice is go back to them & negotiate..... And ....It always costs more than you expect so have a decent contingency in your budget!

Good luck. X
Im the same as you, i was working from home, had all my equipment and had surprised me how much we spent and all the little things id forgotten about!ive been a tech/therapist for 16 years so thought i was in good stead! Its been a real eye opener ,in a good way though, i wish id done it years ago!!
This is for Rhinn

Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho - I just fell off my chair laughing!! Considering I do the tyre pressures and own our tool box I don't see my other half helping! As the son of a bricky, somehow he only learned to dig!

Ironically, my own dad was a planning officer - so no useful skills there either. My ex-husband was great at DIY - just he did it over twenty years. So maybe that's why he's my ex.

Personally, I reckon all we girls could do it just as well!!
Thanks everyone! Honestly, I just couldn't go to bed with the £££££ in front of my eyes... It's starting to sound about right, from what you all say - and I don't want to compromise on quality when my treatments are mostly skin care (electrolysis, peels etc). Thankfully, I'm going for a kind of minimalist look......

but any ideas on economising would be gratefully received! xx
This is for Rhinn

Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho - I just fell off my chair laughing!! Considering I do the tyre pressures and own our tool box I don't see my other half helping! As the son of a bricky, somehow he only learned to dig!

Ironically, my own dad was a planning officer - so no useful skills there either. My ex-husband was great at DIY - just he did it over twenty years. So maybe that's why he's my ex.

Personally, I reckon all we girls could do it just as well!!

And WHAT did you have Amy Lee???

I'm now fascinated by all the work you've all had done. Please feel free to pm me the details. It might help me work out what I really need - and what I might not have thought about already!!

Night night ladies!
We did ours on a tight budget. My brother is a carpenter and did all the stud walls, doors, skirting etc. I paid him 120 per day and it took him 6 days but from 8 til about 11 each day! My client offered to put the plaster board, timber, doors etc on her Travis Perkins account and gave me 60 days to pay. When the 60 days was near she offered me another 30 in her. How great are people? That cost around 1000. My budget was 3000 and we did some furniture etc with that. I spent days up ladders decorating. We didn't have plumbing done or window's. We just had a big rectangle of a room split in half and half again, so one big area for nails/reception and 2 small treatment rooms.

Vic x
To convert something that you only lease...? Do check your lease as most will state you must leave the same way as you walked into it. It will cost you twice. It's a landlords way of getting more money! Is there nothing suitable around your area that may be easier on the pocket. ..

I could understand spending that sort of money if you owned the property. ...Sorry I'm not much help but do be aware this does happen. I have this clause in my lease.

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I got the breakdown of costs this morning - with a phone call where we discussed compromises... and I told my family that they were all painting over July!
Virtues - you are quite right - and I agree with you on all points BUT for me to be in a secondary retail location (primary isn't totally vital) I need to be in the town centre and not on one of the business parks on the outskirts. The crux is that i live in a rather charming market town that has a medieval centre with a lot of new Victorian frontage. We looked at a range of properties and most come in a conservation area to start with! Secondly, behind the facade of attractive shop fronts are predominantly stock areas that haven't been updated for decades. Everything would need at least the same extent OR more renovations. The beauty of the unit I'm looking at is that it's basically an oblong that needs to be divided into more oblongs, and has been renovated from a Victorian outbuilding. So structurally very straight forward and sound. Has a loo and water. Parking is very accessible and we are close to the High Street but discreet. A lot of my work is fairly specialised and people find me on the internet (but I've done some great networking too). No one in town does quite the same as me and judging by the number of skin tags I'm being asked to remove, it seems my is fairly buoyant!

My optimistic view is that the business succeeds and I'm there for the next 8-10 years.... I do have the option of passing the lease on if needed and, according to this forum at least, beauty therapy is pretty popular!

I'd love to buy but not in that position at the moment:(

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