Customer reviews


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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2015
Reaction score
Does anyone use a review company (e.g. Trustpilot or Feefo)? I have some lovely reviews on my Facebook page but I can't share them to my website. More annoyingly, Facebook has just 'lost' some of my 5* reviews and I have no way of getting them back, other than contacting the clients and asking them to resubmit them (which looks a bit shoddy I think).

If anyone has any experience of one of the review companies, I'd be very grateful. Also, do people know if you're allowed to encourage clients to leave a review by offering, say, a 10% discount on future treatments? Or is that considered dodgy as you're buying reviews?

From my knowledge, although these companies are good and install trust in visitors and actually benefit your website with a little bit of SEO they're pretty expensive. Both of these companies say 'call for a quote' which scares me. I remember several years ago looking at TrustPilot for ourselves and it displayed prices. I might be wrong but I think the lowest price is normally circa £100+ per month. I'm not sure if that's different now.

This is a 4 year old thread now but a price of £790 in one go was mentioned -

My concern is ROI with these sort of things and I couldn't justify it. Your best place to get reviews is get your business on google maps and reviewed on there.
Thank you for your reply. I was looking at Trustpilot and they do have an initial free price bracket but with all these things (I have a Weebly website and have now had to start 'creeping' up the price bands) I worry that you'll be committed and then find that you have to pay for things.

I do have a Google Plus business page - is that what you meant? Do you think I'll be able to ask customers to leave a review in exchange for a future discount (I'm assuming that as long as I don't insist it's a positive review, I should be OK??)?

Thanks, L

*Edited as misspelt 'Weebly'
Thank you for your reply. I was looking at Trustpilot and they do have an initial free price bracket but with all these things (I have a Weebly website and have now had to start 'creeping' up the price bands) I worry that you'll be committed and then find that you have to pay for things.

I do have a Google Plus business page - is that what you meant? Do you think I'll be able to ask customers to leave a review in exchange for a future discount (I'm assuming that as long as I don't insist it's a positive review, I should be OK??)?

Thanks, L

*Edited as misspelt 'Weebly'
The initial free plan is for 30 days only. It looks like it's just a free trial.
I've just had a quick look at it, as you're paying 12 months upfront you are committed for that year. Also if you were ever to get bad reviews (I'm sure that wouldn't be an issue for you) and decide to cease using the service, your rating would still be publicly available and will never be deleted. Food for thought.

Yeah if they leave a review on your google plus page that's going to be best but it normally relies on most people having a google account, which they don't.

Another free review platform is called We are on there. It's free for you and clients to leave reviews but again, they have to sign up.

There is no problem asking people to leave a review for a perk in return however most people will probably be happy to leave one without the perk. Don't give stuff away when you don't have to :)
Can't you just copy and paste your FB reviews onto your website?

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