Can anyone help on this one. I have been asked if a client who has the above can have any chemical treatments. ie hair straigtened chemicalily my imediate response was no after reading up on the problem
has any one any suggestions.
Hi , mmm this is tough one as you would have to be very rigourous with all usual allergy tests before hand
people with Lupus SLE can be a heck of a lot more sensitive than others (allergy wise )
I wouldnt perform
on the scalp treatments especially if the client has ever had a history of alopecia
as on the scalp colour treatments or straightening cream that could accidentally touch the scalp and the nuetralizer afterwards
may just become a trigger for alopecia in Lupus patients,
if you do anything chemically
always do skin tests
then test again each and every single time,
My friend has Lupus and cannot get her eyelashes tinted as she is totally allergic,
to be on the safe side , it may be better ( health wise) for your client
to have off the scalp treatments only
especially if she suffers with sensitive skin conditions and photo sensitivity ( sun reactions on the skin )
no one knows exactly what causes Lupus and Lupus can have a nasty habit of flaring up,
Lupus sufferers have to be careful and watch out for potential triggers that may cause a flare up ,