Dominican Republic - anyone been?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
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Hi all,

Im going to the dominican repub in june and was wondering if anyone had been there, if so could anyone give me any advice on what jabs we need before we go?!?! also whats the currency

Hi, we went the year before last, and we went to the North, so Puerta Plata area. We had Hepatitus jabs before going and a 6week course of Malaria tabs!
For the life of me I cannot remember what the currency is over there, but I got my money changed through my bank Natwest and it didnt cost me anything!
Where abouts are you going?
thanks for quick reply,

We are going to puerto plata, we staying at the Iberostar costa dorada
thanks for quick reply,

We are going to puerto plata, we staying at the Iberostar costa dorada

I'd say ask your doc about jabs :rolleyes: and your bank about currency :rolleyes:
I know we dropped off there on the way to our resort!! Looks fab, as do all those sorts of resorts out there!
Do not drink the water over there, just a word of warning, use the bottled water to brush your teeth, even be careful to keep your mouth closed having a shower, this might sound a bit extreme, its not believe me!!
When you have drinks at the bar, if you want ice, make sure it has holes in then you know it has been shipped from the US, if not dont touch it!

Anything else you need to know just ask!
I'd say ask your doc about jabs :rolleyes: and your bank about currency :rolleyes:
Oh yeah that goes without saying, you'll need to book yourself into the Travel Clinic at your Doctors, dont leave it too late though.

I am going in may to get married! going to bahiybe though. its american or dominican dollars and the jabs you need are tetanus, hep a and malaria tablets :hug:
thanks for quick reply,

We are going to puerto plata, we staying at the Iberostar costa dorada

We went there about 5 yrs ago for our Honeymoon!! Very Lush! The reception is all open (with a roof) and there is a fountain type thing in the middle with turtles swimming in it!!!!! Near the bar/entertainment they have flamingos in water!!
Very clean and a lovely pool! A bit of advice though - if you want to book for the speciality restaurants get in the queue first thing before all spaces are booked up - because they do - and fast!!!

From what i remember its dollars there!!


Try bringing there website up because they have virtual tours of alot of the areas of the hotel!

thanks for all your replys. im sure we are going to love it, at least i hope we do, the amount it cost us lol

so excited,

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