Ear piercing - how do you ensure they are even?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Essex, United Kingdom
Hey Geeks,
I'm looking for some ear piercing advice please.
How do you make sure that both ears are pierced in exactly the same spot?
I mark the area with a caflon marker before piercing and visually judge that it is even, but i'm looking for a more exact method. I can be a bit of a perfectionist and the thought that i might make them uneven terrifies me, lol.

Help! xXx
The best way I find is to pull both ears out/forward after marking with your pen, as it's easier to see if they are lined up...looking straight on at the dots.

Not a great look but so much better to see when they are out, rather than keep looking round your clients head left then right lol x
I give the client the mirror and ask her to check herself aswell x
Thanks Salpep.

Yeah, i do always get the client to check, as well as their parent if they are underage.

I just wondered if anyone had a better way of doing things :)
Hey Geeks,
I'm looking for some ear piercing advice please.
How do you make sure that both ears are pierced in exactly the same spot?
I mark the area with a caflon marker before piercing and visually judge that it is even, but i'm looking for a more exact method. I can be a bit of a perfectionist and the thought that i might make them uneven terrifies me, lol.

Help! xXx

I did my Caflon training course yesterday, and although this is an old post, I wondered about this too. I'm also a perfectionist and would hate to have uneven piercings. Is there not some sort of measuring tool sold on the market to ensure even piercings, like something a piercer would use??
As quite a few peoples ears are not even I mark the ears and rely on my visual ability to decide if they are matched, regardless of where on the lobe that might be as one may be higher than the other but they are actually visually even.

And like a couple of the other replies I get the client and her mother if its a child to have the FINAL DECISION. I advise them I can mark up the target spot a hundred times until they are happy with it. But its always going to be down to them yo make the final decision.

Jacqui xx
That sounds like good advice Jacqui, ensuring the customer is 100% happy before piercing...just a bit nervous as im new to it, but like everything, Practice makes Perfect. Thanks Geeks! ;)

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