Everything needed to start up hair salon


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New Member
Nov 27, 2013
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Hi all,

I have been reading quite a bit of people asking what is needed to start up a hair/beauty salon. And most of them aren't even hairdressers/beauty therapists.

Well, I have always wanted to own my own salon. I have been a stylist now for 8 years and doing beauty for 3 years. At my current job as a senior stylist, I unofficially help out my manager with running the salon. I haven't ever actually been employed as a manager, but do quite a bit with my manager now.

Anyway, I strongly feel that the time has come that I want to branch out on my own. I know the ins and outs of running a salon, but I'm not sure on how to start it up.

How/where do I go to get a startup loan?
How do I actually start/register the salon/business?
Are there any licenses or anything that I need in order for the salon to be legal?

Any and all info anyone could give me would be great.

Thanks :)
Startup loan - good luck with that one. We couldn't even get an overdraft facility when we started up so I can't help here!

You don't need to register for VAT until you hit the threshold - lots of ppl don't go limited until then if at all but I like the lease being signed in my company's name rather than my own. Initially it probably depends how much you're paying out for refit etc. and how much VAT you can reclaim. You can buy an off-the-shelf limited company and change the name very quickly and cheaply - our accountant sorted that.

You don't need to be state registered, though it's a nice certificate for your wall. You will need a really thorough insurance policy - definitely not worth cutting corners here.

Good luck xx
Agree with bravophil. I couldnt get help with money/loans so ended up setting up a home salon in my conservatory funded for by my parents lol x

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