Facebook business account


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Ashley Blakemore

The Beauty Room
Aug 1, 2012
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I have just created a buisness Facebook account for my salon at home. Does anyone else have one? I have never done Facebook as I find it can create too many problems than its worth! But I thought as I don't have a shop window I needed to get my name out there and do a bit of advertising. I have no clue what I'm doing and I have only got 8 likes from friends and family lol...does anyone have any tips on how to get a lot of buisness from this or is it just a time thing? I'm so quiet at the min & I'm up worrying about it! Where I work we are booked up in dec now but I still have loads of appointments left and I'm panicking!
Hey. There are a lot of groups set up on Facebook with loads of people in them. You could search for groups on fb, like "for sale in (then where you live)", or "things for sale in...." Etc. Then just post a photo or comment about your nail business with a link to your page, that's what I do xx


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Did u have to have a personal profile to set up the business one?
I don't have Facebook account either!
Oh god this is sooo frustrating, I don't have a search option to look for any groups etc!? I'm quite good with technology but this has me stumped😝! I liked a bunch of local businesses the other day from my mobile and they're nowhere to be seen. I have no idea what I'm doing
Did u have to have a personal profile to set up the business one?
I don't have Facebook account either!

Yes hazel eyes you need to have a personal Facebook in Ryder to create a Facebook page x

Nicola! Xxx
Did u have to have a personal profile to set up the business one?
I don't have Facebook account either!

It was just a business one, there are no personal info related to my page. I tried doing it a few years ago but it somehow turned into a personal one so I deleted it. Iv tried again and it has worked but I can't search for anything or anyone!
It was just a business one, there are no personal info related to my page. I tried doing it a few years ago but it somehow turned into a personal one so I deleted it. Iv tried again and it has worked but I can't search for anything or anyone!

So you don't have a personal FB only business?
Yes hazel eyes you need to have a personal Facebook in Ryder to create a Facebook page x

Nicola! Xxx

Oh ok thanks for your reply!
Annoying as I don't want a personal FB really! Grrrrr
Yes I don't have a personal one either. When you go to Facebook for the first time it gives you the option to make a business one. I have got my sister to like mine but I have warned her not to write anything embarrassing on it lol...although I'm still working it out and not sure you can get people to like you unless you ask your clients to or you pay to promote your page, I don't mind doing this but I have no idea how it works or if it works!
If you do one and find out how to like people mine is called Ashley's beauty room, I will like yours then.
Yes I don't have a personal one either. When you go to Facebook for the first time it gives you the option to make a business one. I have got my sister to like mine but I have warned her not to write anything embarrassing on it lol...although I'm still working it out and not sure you can get people to like you unless you ask your clients to or you pay to promote your page, I don't mind doing this but I have no idea how it works or if it works!
If you do one and find out how to like people mine is called Ashley's beauty room, I will like yours then.

Yes I will be doing one this week I hope! I will defo like yours. There is a thread here on SG where you can put your FB and people will like it!
Facebook want people to set up their businesses as business pages, so a personal page for a business isn 't really allowed. This has its positives & negatives:
Postives; you get 'page insights' and tou can see every second of activity on your page for example where people are liking it from, what time they liked a post, the time of day when there was the most clicks in your post.
You can get recommendations on this page as well as ratings & the option for someone to 'check in'
You can run paid adverts from €4.00 per day to target your audience & recieve likes, I recieved over 1,000 likes just in a few days using these adverts.

It doesnt let you tag people in posts (well mine doesnt anyways!)
You cant like pages or personal profiles or make friends, you can only invite your friends to like your page.

Hope this helps! Any more questions just let me know :) x
Facebook want people to set up their businesses as business pages, so a personal page for a business isn 't really allowed. This has its positives & negatives:
Postives; you get 'page insights' and tou can see every second of activity on your page for example where people are liking it from, what time they liked a post, the time of day when there was the most clicks in your post.
You can get recommendations on this page as well as ratings & the option for someone to 'check in'
You can run paid adverts from €4.00 per day to target your audience & recieve likes, I recieved over 1,000 likes just in a few days using these adverts.

It doesnt let you tag people in posts (well mine doesnt anyways!)
You cant like pages or personal profiles or make friends, you can only invite your friends to like your page.

Hope this helps! Any more questions just let me know :) x

you can like pages as your business page :) if you go to a page and click the asterix/cog looking button in the top right next to message then in the drop down box there is an option to like the page as your page :) then you can set favourite business pages up on your page so they appear on your page :)
I set up my facebook business page using a pseudonym as I just don't want to be on FB. I initially did it as me, but decided I wouldn't use it, and almost immediately received a 'friend' request from a client, which I turned down, then promptly removed myself. I have no pic on there, no personal info at all, and the 'silhouette' type pic that they give you until you load your own one shows me as a man.

I boost quite a lot of posts. You can set your budget for this, and from that I get a lot of likes and quite a few new clients. You can boost it to friends of friends, or you can target your audience, so 25-75, female and specify the county or counties, so you don't pay for it to be boosted in Timbuktu when you're in Liverpool!!!

Hope that helps

Vicki x

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