What colours do people use on a gelish French manicure? I tend to find the white I'm using goes a bit dull. I only put one coat of the white on as I don't want the nail to get too thick.
What colours do people use on a gelish French manicure? I tend to find the white I'm using goes a bit dull. I only put one coat of the white on as I don't want the nail to get too thick.
I did my first French using Gelish the other day. I used 1 coat ambience then 2 shriek white. Here's a pic.
Colour first with ambience because when I tried it on a sample nail with white first the ambience on top made the white look yellow and horrid. I also brushed the tip after curing the ambience and it helped to do the white, made it a bit more sticky. I'd like a pinker colour to put under white for a pinker looking French but I've only got go girl and it's too pink and I tried little princesses but thought it looked a bit milky white. Any suggestions?
Thanks everyone. I will start to do two coats of white and give it ago. I'm not sure what colours I've been using as the labels have fallen off, but will consider the ones you have all suggested next time.
Do both layers of the white need curing for 30 secs? I'm using the 6g led lamp.
What would you use for a bright white French finish? X
You could if nails were nice with no flaws only use sleek white with top coat x