Getting a customer base together ?


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Apr 7, 2012
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Hi everyone :) I qualified as a nail tech in acrylics a couple of months ago but I work full time in pharmacy too I love my nail passion and have been doing my own for a few years now I love nail art but I'm finding it difficult to build a client base as I can practice my first few sets on friends which I've done four sets and each one is improving but I'm scared to charge fully until I'm happy with them completely so I don't have the confidence at the moment to get past this I have a nail trainer but I find human nails easier lol but there are only so many sets I can do on friends and others don't like acrylics :( has any one else had probs getting their first clients as I don't think people are happy to pay if they are in any way floored :( will be great to hear any comments or suggestions xxx
I'm struggling as well I still have uni and a basically full time job so even finding the time to get clients is hard :( x
If you're not totally confident yet why don't you run an introductory offer? You can let customers know what the full price is and just say that as an introductory offer you are only charging £x. This will let you get some practice in and at the very least you will be covering the coat of your materials.

Facebook is great for getting your name out there so why not set up a page and invite all your friends, you can ask them to share your page on their walls which will get your name out there. Other ideas are leaflet drops or maybe teaming up with a hairdresser who you can refer customers back and forth to.
Exactly what smee said, I started out on my own as im sure alot did, 10 years ago after haying worked part tine in a salon not doing alot of nails and with offers to get you known and more practise you,l just get better and better, its all I personaly do all day now, nails and I still love it 12 years on, good luck, youl get there but defo get yourself advertised on Facebook x
Aww thanks so much for your kind comments I think you are right I need to get on Facebook for my nails as soon as poss I'm on it now ;) thanks ladies xxxx

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