Help! Black box dye to dark blonde with grey regrowth


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Jul 26, 2017
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Hi! Newby panic!
A friend of mine would like me to take her lighter from years of black box dye due to her greys becoming more obvious. A brown base with blonde highlights seems to be the target.
So do I go straight in with a full head of highlights and tone. Then lighten more next time. (What about the grey regrowth inbetween the foils though?) I use a colour remover, full head/half head of highlights with an ashy brown tint inbetween foils then tone the highlights. (If I do this, do i apply the brown to the roots or the mid length and ends 1st because of colour remover.) I bleach bath or or or or
I just qualified in July at 33 years old and colours break my brain! I never knew you needed a PhD in chemistry to colour hair!
Thanks peeps!
I think your best bet would be a colour reducer. But with black box dye it may not budge at all. Make no promises. I've know people with black box dye who have had to grow it out as it can't be lifted out. I would take strand tests first.
I think your best bet would be a colour reducer. But with black box dye it may not budge at all. Make no promises. I've know people with black box dye who have had to grow it out as it can't be lifted out. I would take strand tests first.
Yikes! thank you! ill definitely be taking a strand test.
I like the idea of effassor on the colour to lift and remove a bit. Then do an ashy brown inbetween half a head of foils. Just don't know what to do with the roots. I'd say she's a level 3 with 20% grey naturally and I just don't see how it's all going to blend and work together.
No, I don't recommend using Effasor. It's just another bleach type remover and will leave your client patchy.
Use a proper colour reducer such as affinage eraser. If there's a lot of build up, be prepared to apply the reducer 3 times.

This is a full on colour correction job, not a simple recolouring service. If you've only just completed level 2, you might find yourself out of your depth. Read the sticky thread below and carefully plan each stage of the process.
Thankyou! I do feel out of my depth because I'm on my own and have to rely on the internet and help groups. I'm saving up to do extra courses all the time. Got a colouring techniques course coming up next month and I'm saving for a colour correction course. But as shes a friend, in no rush and understands I'm new I feel a tad more comfortable doing it. Just trying to get some questions answered
Honestly you cannot plan for a colour correction! You may do the colour reducer once or three times but after that you won't know what you're doing because you don't know what you're gonna get. It may lift well and you can foil and colour it may not lift at all. Strand test is the way forward and then head into it with an open mind!

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