Marketing my home business?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Geeks! Walked out of my salon job this morning after being treated appallingly and being take for a fool
so now need to get my home business out there! Does anyone have any successful ways of promoting/ marketing/ advertising ? Your help would be much appreciated
Hi Geeks! Walked out of my salon job this morning after being treated appallingly and being take for a fool
so now need to get my home business out there! Does anyone have any successful ways of promoting/ marketing/ advertising ? Your help would be much appreciated

There's a great thread called 'more ways to promote your business' there's some Really good ideas I've written a lot of them down for when I open up my home salon :) xx
Firstly you'd probably get more posts if you posted under BIZ GEEKS hun.

This is a great thread by Lynne

The best two things i ever done was
1)Facebook- a business page where clients can LIKE you AND a personal Business page where they can add you.The difference is with the personal page you can TAG clients in photos.Take a photo of every set of nails and post them Tagging your clients so all her friends see it on their news feeds. Facebook competitions work well too

2)Website-- Its NOT just a case of getting one , building one and leaving it sitting there. You HAVE TO get it to the top of the list on goggle search. So when someone types in "Nails Manchester"for example you come up tops. Don't pay any companies to do it..because YOU CAN and will do it successfully yourself.There are loads of seo tutorials on here that will help

A lot of people will tell you its about words of mouth..BUT you need to put the word IN the mouth to begin with.

Good luck,you will do brilliantly , just remember that November is notoriously quiet , pre christmas season so don't panic.If you were treated badly its more than likely thru jealousy so therefore you must be a great therapist/technician. No one gets paid enough to be made to feel c**p!
Oh silly me! New to this whole thing haha
That is great thank you sooo much!!!!! Xxx

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