Mature training


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Jun 5, 2014
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Hi all,

Hoping you can help or offer some advice - struggling with just google.

im 27 and would really like to get into hair dressing.

As im slightly older I would really like to be on a mature course is this something that is offered? Im also hoping I can get Government funding - all my money has gone into training courses for beauty.

I am based in Kent and really have no idea where to start - it doesnt seem the local colleges offer mature or part time courses for hair? An apprenticeship isnt an option because of my age and obviously - I have bills to pay!

Is there anyone over 24 that has been in the same boat? What did you do?

Any advice welcome x
Realistically, if you're planning to retrain in hairdressing without completing a salon apprenticeship, you need to seriously consider doing both the level 2 and level 3 (or equivalent) NVQ/VRQ women's hairdressing courses. In addition, you might want to consider a men's barbering add-on unit.

Level 2 alone is very basic in terms of cutting and colouring and you'd struggle to find employment without substantial additional experience.

Re-training is expensive and there are few financial breaks although fees and payment arrangements vary from college to college and so you might find something suitable if you're prepared to travel further from home? There are different fee arrangements in Scotland and Wales.

I retrained in my forties and easily spent in excess of £4k on training but I dipped into my savings. Could you continue working and saving for another couple of years?
There are many part time courses out there, varying greatly in quality!
I have a part time stylist who retrained on one of these courses at the age of 40, so it can be done...HOWEVER....I Have had to spend ALOT of time smoothing over rough edges!
We are in a flooded'll need to be GREAT not good to stand a chance in a very competitive, saturated industry.
I wouldn't rule out an apprenticeship if I were you.:cool:
My daughter works in a top London salon, and I know they take older trainee's. :)
I'm 39 and a couple of weeks away from completing my level 2, before progressing to level 3. I had two options, either study at college only and get a VRQ,(Nothing wrong with a VRQ at all but just personal preference) ,or,search for a salon that offered the level 2/3. I went with the salon offering the vtct qualification. It's costly though, by th time I finish my level 3, the 2 courses will have set me back almost 4K,however, I see it as an investment and hopefully it will make me more employable in a salon. On a more personal note, although it's been tough as a mature student, I absolutely,y love nothing more than being on the salon floor and have enjoyed every single minute! Xx
Sounds like you've really invested in yourself and chosen the right course for you.

Just an aside, VTCT is the awarding body and City & Guilds is the other main awarding body.
Both award VRQs and NVQs depending on the curriculum that the college/salon follows.

Your course log book should state which award you are working towards.

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