Hi I set up a business before I had my baby (Babies) and found that I can easily work part time without the need for a nursery.
I found it hard to part with both mine esp when they are babies, until the ripe age of 3 when I was ready for eldest to go!
I'd say: have your baby and see how you feel. I wouldn't advise going back to work full time, it's hard when you've had a baby and it is very tiring. I wouldn't put pressue on yourself to make a decision until after the baby is born either hun.
I think my clients were bugging me for tans 3 weeks my baby was born! I also did a bit of work around 5 months when baby was sleeping. A lot of clients even said bring baby with you, and sometimes, like when I'm doing a tan and the clients have kids it can be nice for them to come along and play together.
So there's way and means round it. It's very frustrating for me as I'd like a salon, but at the same time I can't afford childcare and would spend my time worrying about both children whilst I'm at work.!
I may check the link that the lady gave out before to see if I can get help with fees, that's great so thanks for that.
Good luck and PM me if you want someone to talk to about your baby and running a business.
I find it a nice change to go to work and can usually manage it around my family and DH helping.