Hi Christie,

love the nails, ahhh glitter, i am a glitter fan.
Yes here in London
St. Patricks :sunny:
day is celebrated big time pubs are full and everybody irish or not irish, are having a great time. We have large irish communities as well as all other nations.
6 Million plus live in London, so as you can imagine we have a bit of everything here lol.
I don't think that nail art and nationality are a problem . Nail art to me and all the people that I know, is art. We love art no matter what. If I was to visit one of our art galleries and there was a great picture painted by an irish artist or any other national, I would look at the picture and not wonder about the artist religious, political or his/her race. Art is a bit like sport supposed to be none judgemental and great fun.
So no matter what the subject of nail art is, it is just that art and as long as it isn't propaganda in a offencive way and doesn't offend or provoke racism then that's just cool be me. :thumbsup:
Lots of love Ruth :flower:
I am german living in London,
polish mother,
hungarian grandmother,
german father and who knows what else my family tree would reveal