nightmare client from nss salon!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Hi all, well here i go with another story. I am not joking everything is happening to me, i dont know if someones trying to tell me that this biz is not for! Well anyway i have had a few nail biters who i thought were bad, but today i was faced with my biggest challenge yet. My client had severley bitten nails, very thin and hardly anything for the tip to stick to. I felt like crying when i saw them. If only i had a camera to show you all. I got to work anyway and succesfully tipped all her of her nails. We got chatting and she told me she was originally from birmingham and told me she got her nails done down there from a chinese salon. I dont know much about this but im sure it has been discussed on here. Anyway she went on to tell me how cool it was and that they used all this electrical equipment that changed into different things to complete all the jobs including removing cuticle etc. She said they wore masks didnt speak english and she was in out of the salon in 45 mins. I couldnt believe it. I asked her if she wanted pink and white, she just said she wanted the acrylic on thick so they would last as that is what she got the last time and they lasted ages. I told her that whatever was on her nails the last time wasnt good for them and she agreed but didnt care. How do you explain to people that this couldnt be right? Her boyfriend was waiting until i done her nails and they both kept asking when i was going to be done, i think it was the worst set i have ever done in my life as i was so nervous about getting them finished. I feel like giving up! Boo hoo!
Keep your chin up, I had a customer that bit her nails real bad too, I spent ages on her nails and they looked really good.. (from my point of view) I saw this friend about 2 days later too find that she had chewed.. yes chewed.... them all off.. all she could do was laugh and say oh well never mind... I hurt so much that i worked my butt of trying to make them look good for them to become a mid-night snack.....
Don't give up hun. You know that what you are doing for their natural nail is healthy. And thickness does NOT equal strength, a well placed apex will give you the strength as that is where the weak spot is, any other areas that are thick just make it look crap. When you get people like this just think of what you have learned on this site and be confident. If they want thick crap looking nails then let them go elsewhere, don't compromise your work for their ignorance. Say the greatest compliment you can be paid is that people look at your work and they cannot tell that it's not their own nail, you don't want to produce thick uglies!

I had a client in yesterday who hasn't been to me for a while. She saw me reducing the size of the well of the tip and said, don't cut that out because I need all the tip on my nail to give it strength and make sure you use really strong glue so they won't break. So I had to go through a little demo of the tip having no strength, the adhesive having no strength and the gel having all the strength, so by having some of the thickness of the apex being take over by the tip and not the gel meant that they would be weaker - don't think she believed me, but I know I was right!

They probably were hurrying you because they assumed that you were as quick as the other salon, always tell your clients how long you expect to take, this then menas you can take your time and not have peeps clock watching which is very unsettling.

Just mark it up to experience and prepare yourself as to how you would handle it differently if it ever happened again. Like the girl guides say - BE PREPARED!

Thany you sassy! I didnt agree and apply them thick at all. I am sticking to what i have learnt. She even said what your client said about the glue. She asked if it was good and strong. She was that type of person who wouldnt believe anything i told her. She was chatting away as if she knew what went on. Well at least i am having all this experiences early on in my career and i can be prepared the next time i face such challenges. It just seems that everything is happening in one week. But i aint giving up and im going to learn from this.
Well, i've not really been in business very long myself (8 months) but from what you're saying i think i would have refused to do them. I had a client who's nails were so thin (and i was too inexperienced to realise) that when i put L&P on them she reacted to the monomer within 24 hours. looking back i shouldn't have done them and i ended up seeking advice from a nail tech buddy and spending time soaking them off (for free!) but now i'm a little wiser.

Also, we all know you can't do a good set in 45 mins and i've had people come to me and tell me they had it done in less than an hour too. So now i say, "no i'm sorry, any nail tech worth their salt would take at least 1 and 1/2 hours if not 2". I'm doing mine in 2 hours at the moment (sometimes a little longer if they are problem nails) and I tell my clients when i book them in that's how long it takes. I used to think this was a long time until I find this site and realised i'm pretty much average for my experience. Tough if they don't like it, I'm not gonna rush and do a naff set, have them fall off and/or damage her nails and my reputation. I just lay it on thick to them that if they are in a salon less than an hour their tech is not doing it right. Tell them how long it takes when they book up so you don't feel rushed when they've got someone waiting. You wouldn't go to a hairdresser and demand that they rush it would you?

Next time, tell her that using electrical files causes cracking in the product and is bad for the natural nails. and putting the product on thick means there's no flexibility and they are more likely to break (is this right? I'm sure it is). If she argues, tell her you are not prepared to use drills and damage her nails and your reputation. Don't feel down because you have a client who thinks she knows best. If you know something they are telling you is wrong, have the confidence in yourself to put them right about it. You're the nail tech, you trained in it and you know best... not her.

Hope this helps and you don't feel too down about your naff client. I've turned people down who expect it done in 45 mins. They are not worth ruining my reputation over. Don't give up nail buddy, we all get clients like that and only experience (and this site) teaches us how to deal with them. (had a client last night from an NSS, she felt the MMA burn when they put it on her and they used their fingernails to push back her cuticle... hygienic.. not! She also said they used a big thick brush and slapped it on!)
zoeCU said:
Thany you sassy! I didnt agree and apply them thick at all. I am sticking to what i have learnt. She even said what your client said about the glue. She asked if it was good and strong. She was that type of person who wouldnt believe anything i told her. She was chatting away as if she knew what went on. Well at least i am having all this experiences early on in my career and i can be prepared the next time i face such challenges. It just seems that everything is happening in one week. But i aint giving up and im going to learn from this.

You're just starting to experience life as a REAL technician, you'll have really down days, but boy will you have some really up days. Just be firm and let them know the right way of doing things like you are, it's up to them if they want to believe you or not. Keep going at it, you're doing a great job!
The thing is some people just want chaep and uick nails and don't ca about what ahppens to their own nails as long as it is covered up. Tehy don't want to know hat they are going to ahve lots of problems with their natual nails at a later date.

it is extremely dificult to educate these clients and if his is the way theya e you don't ant hem anyway. you did a good job with a cheap pallette so be chuffed with your self girl you did good and so what if you took a long time, experience will make you quicker and the natural nails will still be lovely.


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