Nosy neighbour


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So we had an "open house" by appointment to sell our house.

Nosey neighbour opposite sends mother in law over to pretend to be interested (while appointments/viewings are being conducted). Then mother in law asks to bring daughter (nosey neighbour over). Agent says yes and while agent is conducting booked viewings nosey neighbour gets to snoop about.

What would your action be. I have offered nosey neighbour coffee and to look around house last year after it was renovated. Nothing. Now we are paying agent to sell our home nosey buts in/faking taking agent away from potential buyers.

How would you react? Would you call her out and say something?
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Hi, I know that must be annoying but really you'll have to accept what she did as it was an open event.
On the up side it would have looked like you had lots of interest in purchasing your house to the other people there which can only help the offers they might make in the future.
Best of luck with the sale!
Hi, I know that must be annoying but really you'll have to accept what she did as it was an open event.
On the up side it would have looked like you had lots of interest in purchasing your house to the other people there which can only help the offers they might make in the future.
Best of luck with the sale!

Thanks for responding, i've calmed down now (only took 3 days). Luckily I have not seen her, sooner we move the better :)

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