Old work mate approaching my clients


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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2009
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I have been at my current salon for around 3 years.
When I started I became very friendly with one of the other stylists until she left and fell out with the owners I now no longer have contact with the girl. (Through no fault of my own)

On Sunday I noticed this girl had set up a Facebook page advertising her new mobile buisness. Good on her... So I thought..
I was doing wedding hair at one of my clients homes as the salon was shut on Sunday. This lady is part of a very good group of clients I have who all stay in the same street.
The lady I was doing hair for started to tell me that the stylist from my old work had private mailed all these ladies on Facebook saying that she would come to one of their houses now to do their hair as they all come to my place of work on the same day. And she knows this. Thankfully my clients had said they were very happy coming into the salon to me.

I was so p..... Off by this.

When I got home I started to look at her buisness page she had set up and had a large quantity of likes from clients of our salon.
I then started to look at her pictures of her work and had taken different pictures of clients of their FB pages and was claiming it was her work IT WASNT! The final straw was when I saw she had taken a picture of me off my page where I had put my hair in a hair up myself for a night out and was claiming this to be her own work agh I was livid.

I just needed to rant as this is so frustrating. Is there anything I can do as she now seems to be approaching the salons clients.

I hope this makes sense I'm angrily tapping away writing this haha.
In so sorry this is happening 2 u!
I worked in a salon with 2 joint owners. Just as the salon became established the one owner robbed the record box and done the "midnight flint" she set up in a salon around 3 miles away. A few clients stuck with us and said they had recieved a txt saying that the salon was shuttin and to come 2 her. I stuck with the other boss at the origional salon and a 3 year court case ended with the origional boss recieving a settlement of £11,000. The origiinal boss had to shut the salon and downsize her house as court costs crippled her and the mignight flint boss is busy as ever working 6 days a week with clients comin out her ears. Horrible ending really. So juctice wasnt really done. Im freelance now. What shes doing is wrong and maybe u cud seek legal advice like my bosses did.

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