hello all
i am thinking of getting the winning nails video by creative could anyone tell me how good it is and how long it runs, also is doug schoon`s book a good purchase ?
bye for now dawn.
the winning vldeo is v. professionally done, & v. informative. it presents some of the worlds best nail techs showing their fave stage of the enhancement procedure.
doug schoon's book is an absolute must if you want to take our industry seriously.
i guarantee that you will learn loads of new stuff in each chapter.
i've had the pleasure of meeting doug on a few occaisions, & he is one of the coolest guys you will ever meet 8)
his passion for our industry is well known, & we should feel excited that, of all the areas he could work in, he chose ours
therefore i would reccomend that you purchase both the video & the book
lol liza xx
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