Psoriasis help


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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2015
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I have been tinting my hair for years and in the last two years I have started to get psoriasis all over the back of my head which is now moving around to my ears[emoji45] does anyone know of any treatments that actually help, I have tried so many and none of them do anything. I know it's a stress thing but clearly the colouring makes it worse, but I'm not ready to go grey [emoji70] HELP ME
I use dovobet gel in my ears (dont think im supposed to) as i use it rest of my body and after a couple of days it clears for a while
Try going to the sunbeds every month or so, I've had it since I was little and that's what I do now, I have it on my scalp.
When I use a colour that's potent, Hi lift tint etc sometimes the skin breaks and weeps, it's not nice!
I use the sunbeds once a month and if it's really bad and just want rid of the flakes in my hair I use head and shoulders for a quick fix :)
I had this for years as a kid. I used to control with sunbeds as I got them free in salon. My DR recommended hydrocortisone cream which you can buy over the counter. If you get stressed and feel it coming on just put cream on and it calms it right down. It works a treat and now I hardly have it and can control it very easily.
Just don't say ur using hydrocortisone on face when buying or they won't sell u it [emoji3]
I use hydrocortisone on mine too when it flares up. Mine is usually caused by stress too but it quickly clears it.
I use hydrocortisone on mine too when it flares up. Mine is usually caused by stress too but it quickly clears it.
Are you using that on your head ? Mine is under my hair on the back of my head
Does anyone have any ideas on colours.
I get shampoo on prescription but I use the cream around my hairline and on my scalp but mine is guttate psoriasis so is individual tiny patches so easy to just rub a tiny bit on
I have been tinting my hair for years and in the last two years I have started to get psoriasis all over the back of my head which is now moving around to my ears[emoji45] does anyone know of any treatments that actually help, I have tried so many and none of them do anything. I know it's a stress thing but clearly the colouring makes it worse, but I'm not ready to go grey [emoji70] HELP ME

I have psoriasis on my entire scalp. It's the WORST!!! I use a medicated shampoo (ketoconazole) to keep it under control and some intense oil to treat it in the winter when our humidity that already doesn't exists disappears entirely. Both are prescribed from the dermatologist. If you treat your scalp prior to coloring your hair, your psoriasis won't be such an issue. But you'd need to make sure any of the redness and inflammation is gone before applying color, otherwise the chemicals will piss it off!!
Betnivate lotion for scalp and hydrocortisone for creases of nose and ears, xxxx
I have psoriasis on my entire scalp. It's the WORST!!! I use a medicated shampoo (ketoconazole) to keep it under control and some intense oil to treat it in the winter when our humidity that already doesn't exists disappears entirely. Both are prescribed from the dermatologist. If you treat your scalp prior to coloring your hair, your psoriasis won't be such an issue. But you'd need to make sure any of the redness and inflammation is gone before applying color, otherwise the chemicals will piss it off!!
When ever I try a medicated shampoo it seems to make it worse[emoji30]I've tried different oils from proper hair oils to more recently olive oil and coconut oil the edible kind and nothing seems to make it better. Although a beautician friend of mine told me to drink Skinaide it's got lots of vitamins and collegen in its obviously for the face, and skin in general which really did seem to help but it's so expensive it's like £50 for just 2weeks I took it for a month and then every other day and then every 3rd day but it was just too expensive really. Shame

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