Quiet period


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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
North Devon
Hi Geeks

I've got a really quiet week this week and trying to think of ways to get new clients to visit my salon..am trying to think of ways to get bookings, I had a Facebook page which is how I make the majority of my bookings. Can anyone suggest any competitions or offers I can do to get people in and get my name out there?
Any suggestions greatly appreciated :)
What services do you offer?

Could you do a package offer with a discount? (Xyz for.... £xx, this Wed/Thur/Friday only) get them introduced to something they dont usually have?

Thank you for replying. Sorry I didn't put more info in the original post , I am a hairdresser, I offer colours, cuts, treatments, hair ups, blowdries and ear piercing.
I have already lowered my prices until the end of October, I am also offering free conditioning treatments with all cuts and colours. I don't want to lower my prices any more and be underselling myself I would be giving the treatments away!
I have to keep reminding myself this is only my 4th week having the salon, I just hate being quiet! x
Aww its still very early days, could you leaflet drop? Hand out flyers? Can you have an A board sign outside?

On your leaflets you could state free conditioning treatment with any service over x... On production of this leaflet. (Make them hold on to it ;)) ends 31st October.

Have you read more ways to promote your business thread?

Thanks for your replies, I've read a few threads on here where people have said they haven't had much response from leaflet drops, so wasn't wanting to invest too much money in this (I know you have to put money in when you have a business and only get out what you put in)
I have contacted local business (wedding shops and local hotels as I specialise in wedding/event hair) so hopefully something would come out of that,
I like the idea of an A board but wouldn't know where to start on finding where to get one etc and would I need permission to put it out from the council or anything?
Thanks again for you replies I really will try anything, I think I'm being so impatient because I love what I do and hate sitting around doing nothing!
A leaflet drop is good to get locals to know your salon is there, or under new ownership... You target the people closest to your salon too. Even if its not an offer but Salon name, number, address, Opening hours.

You could do it yourself if it saves money & you may even get to meet/speak to a few potential clients, on a quiet day.

Ive seen it work with our salon when they rented a room out, she did it each time she was quiet, & people did call & book.

Sometimes you dont always gain clients with low prices either, some people are wary if why you are cheaper...so you could maybe higher your prices yet still give a treatment as an added extra til end of Oct.

Yes sorry, check with the council about an A board. Are there any local businesses near by? Do they have them?

There's a butchers almost next door with one so was thinking where I would put it :/
I'm going to look into ordering some flyers to get handing out; I've made 3 appointments for the next few weeks but still only have 1 booked in for this week (which in going in on the evening of my day off to do)
I read Lynne's thread on here and have listed my details on about 7 free listing sights but am yet to have one appointment made from that, it just seems to be companies trying to sell me something!
is there anything I can do that doesn't involve spending loads?! I have another client-less day today and want to use me time effectively!
Do you have a twitter account?

I set one up & 'followed' people in my town. Ive had about 8 bookings from that.

Do you have a free yell listing? If not, do one of those. Are you on google places? Try that. These come up high on google when you search hairdressers and your town.

Ask the butchers did they need permission for their board :)

Do you have a twitter account?

I set one up & 'followed' people in my town. Ive had about 8 bookings from that.

Do you have a free yell listing? If not, do one of those. Are you on google places? Try that. These come up high on google when you search hairdressers and your town.

Ask the butchers did they need permission for their board :)


Sorry to jump on the thread here, but how do you search on twitter for people near you? I know there's a search term to use but can't for the life of me remember what it is! x
Firstly I looked for my local paper and had a nosey at their followers. Any follower that was female & near by I 'followed' also when you find someone look at their followers or who they follow too.

Then I searched my local town/village in the search bar looking for tweets by people, I looked at other local businesses like bars, clubs & pubs... Again looked at their followers.
& so on.

You can do an advanced search, you need to be on a pc. So you could search 'spray tan' click advanced or the little cog like symbol. Then enter your town & within a 9 mile distance (9 miles is the lowest) then you will find tweets about spray tans within a 9 mile radius.


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