Renting a room. My rights?


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Sep 29, 2010
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does anyone on here rent a room in an hairdressers or similar place?

I am asking because I want to to know my rights I rent a room above an hairdressers and the owner keeps getting involved with my business and tells me what to do and has a go about my treatments etc. I don't want to leave because have only been there a few months and want it to work but it gets me down, has anyone else been through anything like this or similar could help advise me I would appreciate
does anyone on here rent a room in an hairdressers or similar place?

I am asking because I want to to know my rights I rent a room above an hairdressers and the owner keeps getting involved with my business and tells me what to do and has a go about my treatments etc. I don't want to leave because have only been there a few months and want it to work but it gets me down, has anyone else been through anything like this or similar could help advise me I would appreciate

If you are renting the room then that's all it should be. You set up an agreement between you and the person who you are renting from about the amount to pay, what is included in the rent and that is it.

The person should have not input into how you run the business, that is your responsibility.

You need to either find another room or tell the person nicely that you are there to rent and not for any advice or help with your business.
If you are renting the room then that's all it should be. You set up an agreement between you and the person who you are renting from about the amount to pay, what is included in the rent and that is it.

The person should have not input into how you run the business, that is your responsibility.

You need to either find another room or tell the person nicely that you are there to rent and not for any advice or help with your business.
Yes I agree with the above! You need to stand your ground and get this sorted, this is your business, no one elses but "yours". I have had problems in the past & I know it can be a bloody nightmare :mad:. You can't let anyone take the mick out of you otherwise it will keep happening! It's a tough industry to work in sometimes, especially when you are renting, I just can't understand why people have to stick there noses in other peoples work, they should just get on with their job and let you do yours & everyone should work together as a "TEAM". Goodluck x :)
I think a lot of salon owners struggle with control issues with room renters as they feel that ultimately it is their name above the door. Have you tried to discuss this with her when you are both calm?
It is YOUR business, and YOUR responsibility for treatments, and really not something she should interfere with.
If you cannot resolve this, it is better to cut loose and find another salon sooner rather than later.
You should have a written agreement and it should say in there the notice both parties need to give....probably 1 month.

However, sounds like you need to toughen up and read up on how to be assertive. The owner should have no involvement in your business, so tell her nicely to butt out and you must be confident. Good luck xx

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