Routine/timing advice for mani, pedi & facial offer


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
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I’m self employed and my massage therapist colleague where I rent my room has advertised a Spa Day special before I critiqued it. And has bookings.
She’s offering just an easy 2hr aromatherapy massage, I’m to do a ‘Delux’ Gel or Lacquer Pedicure & Manicure with Hot Paraffin wax, and a Facial.
The Facial she’s listed is normally a 90minute one I can reduce the timing on.
The mani & pedi’s I allow 105minute each (yes I’m a slow coach and overly fussy).
I need to shave off over an hour of my over all timing.

Can anyone of you lovely people give me suggestions to reduce timings and work simultaneously where possible?!

Gel Pedi I normally do a dry nail prep, gel application then exfoliate, soak, hard skin, massage, Paraffin .
If not gel...then exfoliate, soak, cuticles and nails, hard skin, massage, Paraffin, clean and paint nails.

Mani is dry prep, gel application, exfoliate, massage, mask with Paraffin on top.
Lacquer is dry prep, exfoliate, massage, mask & Paraffin then lacquer.

Besides being a bit furious at her, it is a challenge I feel up to and I do need to improve my working times. I’m trying to be flexible!
Plus make some boundaries it seems.
I’ve always worked self employed so never been under pressure to work to tight timings.

Hopefully someone has time to share their advice and experience.
I’ve been reading through many older threads for tips on speeding up for single services which has given me ideas but I’m sure I could also work simultaneously on some aspects to shave off time. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with what works best.!

Thank you 🙏🤞
I’m self employed and my massage therapist colleague where I rent my room has advertised a Spa Day special before I critiqued it. And has bookings.
She’s offering just an easy 2hr aromatherapy massage, I’m to do a ‘Delux’ Gel or Lacquer Pedicure & Manicure with Hot Paraffin wax, and a Facial.
The Facial she’s listed is normally a 90minute one I can reduce the timing on.
The mani & pedi’s I allow 105minute each (yes I’m a slow coach and overly fussy).
I need to shave off over an hour of my over all timing.

Can anyone of you lovely people give me suggestions to reduce timings and work simultaneously where possible?!

Gel Pedi I normally do a dry nail prep, gel application then exfoliate, soak, hard skin, massage, Paraffin .
If not gel...then exfoliate, soak, cuticles and nails, hard skin, massage, Paraffin, clean and paint nails.

Mani is dry prep, gel application, exfoliate, massage, mask with Paraffin on top.
Lacquer is dry prep, exfoliate, massage, mask & Paraffin then lacquer.

Besides being a bit furious at her, it is a challenge I feel up to and I do need to improve my working times. I’m trying to be flexible!
Plus make some boundaries it seems.
I’ve always worked self employed so never been under pressure to work to tight timings.

Hopefully someone has time to share their advice and experience.
I’ve been reading through many older threads for tips on speeding up for single services which has given me ideas but I’m sure I could also work simultaneously on some aspects to shave off time. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with what works best.!

Thank you 🙏🤞
Also...if you were a client looking at this as a Spa Day, what would you think? (Personally is feel it was too much and no downtime to hang with my friend). Okay as a single client pamper day.
I’ve come up with a routine to practice on a friend tomorrow but it involves combining facial with manicure with pedicure so if I’ve two clients to do that for on the day, they might catch 35 minutes together while I chomp on a sandwich and prep the room to start again.
I guess it might differ if you’re a married couple and happy to not spend the much of the day together or friends 😬
Just a question about the working set up between your colleague and yourself. Is she in charge of all the goings on in the business? I am rather surprised at her not mentioning her offerings before going live so to speak. I would be very annoyed and hope that it wouldn't happen again without some input from you. You will have to be involved and come up with suggestions yourself after this experience.

You are right that she has an easy aromatherapy 2 hours. She's not daft!

I don't do paraffin wax so that would be one less stress.
I would do Pedi first. No faff apart from very good execution of the cuticle work and nails. Like a mini nail treatment. I probably would do a quick foot soak to cleanse the feet before doing anything else as it will instantly relax the client. Get this ready on arrival to save time. feet in, quick wash with scented soak and out asap to get all the other elements done.

Manicure- All dry prep saving the luxury bits for whilst she's on the couch .

Facial will have to be done last as it will be the most remembered. Get this down to 40-45 mins.
Whilst the facial masque is on you could do the luxury elements of the mani/pedi procedure. Hot towels to relax feet and hands and then apply a luxury massage balm (call it an elixir or something very luxurious) and that will be a lovely part of the facial. Like I say the most remembered.

Good luck speedy !!
Just a question about the working set up between your colleague and yourself. Is she in charge of all the goings on in the business? I am rather surprised at her not mentioning her offerings before going live so to speak. I would be very annoyed and hope that it wouldn't happen again without some input from you. You will have to be involved and come up with suggestions yourself after this experience.

You are right that she has an easy aromatherapy 2 hours. She's not daft!

I don't do paraffin wax so that would be one less stress.
I would do Pedi first. No faff apart from very good execution of the cuticle work and nails. Like a mini nail treatment. I probably would do a quick foot soak to cleanse the feet before doing anything else as it will instantly relax the client. Get this ready on arrival to save time. feet in, quick wash with scented soak and out asap to get all the other elements done.

Manicure- All dry prep saving the luxury bits for whilst she's on the couch .

Facial will have to be done last as it will be the most remembered. Get this down to 40-45 mins.
Whilst the facial masque is on you could do the luxury elements of the mani/pedi procedure. Hot towels to relax feet and hands and then apply a luxury massage balm (call it an elixir or something very luxurious) and that will be a lovely part of the facial. Like I say the most remembered.

Good luck speedy !!
Dear RosieR, Thank you so much I’m really grateful for your advice. It was a relief to read your reply this morning, I felt like I had some expert support which I was needing 🙏
I took it! Instead of my plan. 😁 a friend came today and was my practice body.
I decided to try to keep my treatment time close to 2hours, to match their massages so they’d have lunch together and then afternoon tea, and while they’re relaxing having afternoon tea I then paint nails so they can spend more time together, otherwise what’s the point of sharing a pamper day together?!
Adapted it a bit..while feet soaked I did the dry manicure and hand forearm scrub, moved onto the feet..toes sorted and foot file, quick scrub then rinse.
Moved onto the bed for facial, while the mask was on I massaged hands then Paraffin, did same with feet.
Removed the face mask then the Paraffin hands and feet.
This was 2hours, my plan was then to paint toes and hands in the relaxation area, but in hindsight, if I can get either toes or fingers painted in the Treatment room it’s better for being organised etc. And just make it a bit longer than 2hours.
I’ll get another friend to try the routine again with what I learned today. I know where I can cut a bit of time off to get at least feet or hands painted.
I must say I’m surprised I accomplished so much altho it’s not how I like to work. I like to feel satisfied with foot softness etc!
Omg and the room was a mess!..another thing to address.

I pay her rent. Because I’m not active on FB advertising constantly she’s taken on promoting me on her site and telling me afterwards. She has an idea and acts on it, ..tells me she’s done it afterwards! So, yes this is the last time I let her assume she knows my skill set and go live with promoting something I’ve not been consulted about and created.

Yep, I’m furious with her, but it has made me stretch myself to seeing what I’m capable of.

Thank you so very very much 💕💞🙏
Thankyou ajane for your courteous reply, it is so nice to be appreciated as many of us do try and give quite detailed support to each other. Some never say thankyou nor show their appreciation in acknowledging the answer which is quite insulting.

Well done for your achievement today!

I knew you could do it as you only really needed to adapt to the timing constraints, because you know your craft very well.

Sounds to me that you will do an even better routine in the future and I do like the nails painted (girls together )idea, if it's appropriate.

I know what you mean about the mess, but what can you do? After I have done pedi/gels/wax/facial/tint it's a big clean up having used every "station" in my salon. Multiple towels so a ton of washing as well.... Oh the joys!
Very good luck
Thankyou ajane for your courteous reply, it is so nice to be appreciated as many of us do try and give quite detailed support to each other. Some never say thankyou nor show their appreciation in acknowledging the answer which is quite insulting.

Well done for your achievement today!

I knew you could do it as you only really needed to adapt to the timing constraints, because you know your craft very well.

Sounds to me that you will do an even better routine in the future and I do like the nails painted (girls together )idea, if it's appropriate.

I know what you mean about the mess, but what can you do? After I have done pedi/gels/wax/facial/tint it's a big clean up having used every "station" in my salon. Multiple towels so a ton of washing as well.... Oh the joys!
Very good luck
😘Thanks RosieR, you were my lifeline today 🙏.

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