Setting goals


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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2012
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Hi Geeks

I am trying to set myself some goals, and find it tricky as I want them to be realistic, and as I have no experience and don't know of any other nail techs I can ask I have come to you. (this is more aimed at nail techs only)

Just to stress I know it wont happen overnight and I know everyone's situation and story is different but I am just looking for an idea

How many clients per week do you see on average (I know each week differs but an average would really help)

and how long did it take you to get to this stage? Did the numbers increase weekly, monthly etc

I can only drop my hours at my mind numbingly awful current day job as the clients increase so would love to have an idea when I could be out of here before I go crazy LOL
Hi Geeks

I am trying to set myself some goals, and find it tricky as I want them to be realistic, and as I have no experience and don't know of any other nail techs I can ask I have come to you. (this is more aimed at nail techs only)

Just to stress I know it wont happen overnight and I know everyone's situation and story is different but I am just looking for an idea

How many clients per week do you see on average (I know each week differs but an average would really help)

and how long did it take you to get to this stage? Did the numbers increase weekly, monthly etc

I can only drop my hours at my mind numbingly awful current day job as the clients increase so would love to have an idea when I could be out of here before I go crazy LOL

Ru home mobile or salon based?
I have a home salon, and will be renting some salon space on a Saturday in a few weeks (in a bid to gain some clients)
I have a home salon, and will be renting some salon space on a Saturday in a few weeks (in a bid to gain some clients)

Then I guess it makes a difference- working from home you have to work hard to get people through the door- leaflet drops website, social media etc
I had approx 2-3 per week at first which I was happy with as still working part time! Hope to get into a salon in the new year and converting to shellac polishes and brisa gels in a bit to up sell myself as using high quality products! I'm aiming to lift my target market slightly.

I guess it depends on your prices, argent market and area where you work!
thanks hun

I know it all depends on different things, I just thought it would be great to hear everyone's journeys as inspiration

at least it will give me even a tiny idea as opposed to the empty space I currently have in my head right now
thanks hun

I know it all depends on different things, I just thought it would be great to hear everyone's journeys as inspiration

at least it will give me even a tiny idea as opposed to the empty space I currently have in my head right now

Is be interested to hear too as I also have a boring day job and spend my days at my desk dreaming of quitting when my nail technician career takes off :-(
Totally agree, I even get in trouble cos everyone can see that I just don't want to be there, I am not one of those people who can just 'get on with it' I have to really enjoy what I am doing to do it well :o

so come on girlies share your success stories and give us itching newbies something to aim for :wink2:
I am DESPERATE to be doing nails for actual money, instead of freebies for family. I set myself a target of March next year to go mobile and it feel like I'm on track, but I wish it was now lol.

I have registered already with HMRC and have my insurance. Cheeky question, but, if I do friends and family nails at home and start getting paid, do I really have to have business insurance and or tell my local authority so they can charge me for it?!

I need some goals as well. I wanted to start doing some pamper evening in the run up to Xmas, have mailed some local businesses and golf clubs etc, but have had no response. I really don't want to feel jaded before I've started, but in honesty I'm already feeling a little beat :/

Inspiration please!! Xx

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I am mobile nail tech. Because of moving my house a year ago I was in a situation where I started to build my business from scratch (again!) In the very first weeks I had 2 - 3 clients in the whole week, but gradually things became better as the ladies came back for repeat services plus new clients.
Now I have 3-4 clients every day (I work part time) and a lot of them are regular clients.
While my business was in an early days I spent my time building my website, designing leaflets and delivering , making loyalty cards and doing nail art samples for clients to choose as well as investing in extra training to master my skills.
So, in short, your business success depends on many factors, but the biggest one is how much effort, passion and determination you put in it.

Wish you the best of luck and success!
Thanks for that :)

I assuming the rest of the geeks are newbies just starting out then
Yep, sorry. Was having my own pity party yesterday lol. Ignore me xx

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it is a shame when people wont bother answering things like this, as I am guessing so many people especially newbies going it alone would benefit so much from hearing active working nail techs stories of success

and from the amount of viewings this thread has had surely some of them must have clients
I've been plugging away since the start of the year and only have a handful of regulars- I'm quite restricted with my hours but try and do whatever the client needs. I've found as I've added service at intro prices im flat out busy with whatever that is, then when that offer ends the ladies move on to the next cheap deal. Very hard! I've finally completed my VCTC but don't think it's left me with best skills and definetly lacking confidence. especially with people loosing or picking extensions off left right and centre lol! good luck with it all Danielle I think having something that makes you stand out is the key- my area is so saturated with techs that do some sort of gel polish I'm fining it hard to get that business but now I can offer a full menu hoping to secure more regulars as I fine tune my skills. Your nails always look fab so I'm sure if you get word out that day job with be a thing of the past ;-)
Hi there, I am just starting out mobile, I have been doing friends for a while now, that has built to friends of friends and I am hoping will keep expanding. I have done quite a kit if leaflet drops over the last few weeks but not much response yet. Been trying to keep a presence on Facebook everyday. Have done a couple of pamper parties at people's homes and got another one in Saturday. As for the insurance, i would just incase you knock a bottle of polish on a carpet or something even if it is a friend or family member, better to be able to sort it out without putting yourself out of pocket. I went with abt which included a scratch magazine subscription which I was going to pay out for anyway so the insurance really only cost me £16 if you look at it that way :)
I did see a post in here a while back about networking groups for ladies, must look that up and get networking I think! Want some more customers in the lead up to Christmas if I can :) good luck and keep us posted on what works for you
I did VTCT too and I'm doing additional training now 1:1 to perfect my skills - I think constant training is the key really. It can be frustrating especially as the journey to being a nail tech is a slow one... Don't lose heart guys we are all in this together! Sometimes I feel like giving up too but then I come on SG and it keeps me going! :)
I did VTCT and what a waste of time it was, my class was far to overloaded to learn anything, I felt like I was teaching myself really.

I have self taught lots of art ideas, but am going on a one stroke soon to offer this as a unique selling point plus I plan to do one to one l & p training to try and get up to competition level
I did VTCT and what a waste of time it was, my class was far to overloaded to learn anything, I felt like I was teaching myself really.

I have self taught lots of art ideas, but am going on a one stroke soon to offer this as a unique selling point plus I plan to do one to one l & p training to try and get up to competition level

I'm planning on doing some CND training but I'm not sure which courses to do... What do you all think? I defo want to offer shellac and an torn between brisa smoothing and sculpting classes or the brisa hard gel conversion.... It's so expensive as you have to buy the kits and everything so I want to be cost effective as well....
Hi. I'm a newbie too, and finding it very hard :sad:

I am working from home, but as we have recently moved to the area I don't know anyone locally. I did a leaflet drop a couple of weeks ago which hasn't produced anything.

I think I may have to go mobile and go 20 miles up the road to where I used to be as know lots of people that way.

I am spending free time practicing my nail art techniques but am worried I'm going to lose my confidence if things don't pick up soon.
I made a thread about goals in biz but no one is replying....just making their own threads....
I made a thread about goals in biz but no one is replying....just making their own threads....

Maybe the mods can join them together?

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