Shellac nail repair


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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
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Hi guys

Just wondering what you would do in this situation.

We had a client come in today for shellac and she's emailed to say one is already peeling.

We do shellac regularly and are confident in our application.

Anyway our policy is that as a gesture of good will we offer free nail repairs within 3 days. The problem is that this client has already stated in her email that she lives in a remote area with a 5month old and is only in our area once a month so wouldn't be able to come back to the salon?!

What would you say to her?
I think I would request a photo of her nails to confirm the problem.

Assuming her claim is genuine:
- check with her therapist whether they discussed upkeep and removal in 2-3 weeks. If not then the client should be due some recompense.

If the client was fully aware of the regular visits needed with shellac then she might be just trying to get another service for free!

If the client really can't get to you, send a free removal kit in the post as a gesture of good will.
Thanks for your reply, I will ask her to send a photo.

It's annoying that it's just one nail which we would be more than happy to rectify. But I'm sure she's going to ask for a refund as she already mentioned it was an 'expensive' birthday gift :-/
Hmm ... Convenient mentioning 'expensive gift'. That would be ringing an alarm bell for me. Clients don't normally mention price when someone else has paid.
On balance I would send her a voucher for say half what you were paid making it clear it is in goodwill ( not fault admitting )

Alternatively, is there a salon close to her she could go to?
Don't refund!
Agree with CFBS, why would she mention price when it's a gift?

Another thing, by mentioning in an email about the remote area AND 5 month old it just sounds to me, reading between the lines, like she's angling for a refund (maybe partial).

Def get that picture.

Tbh you offer free repairs within 3 days, which is very generous. It's really not your fault she doesn't live close. I would reiterate you will repair if she comes in but what more can you offer? At a push you could extend it to a week?

Was she given aftercare advice btw?
I agree with Blossom, give her a week to come in. It's not your fault she lives elsewhere, and she wouldn't be likely to become a regular anyway.
Thanks for your responses.

I really hate these situations, we've had this once before a couple of years ago.
The lady came back for her repair but then said another had chipped which then we said we would have to charge. She emailed me saying she'd left the area and wanted a refund which I stood my ground and said that we couldn't offer but would be happy to repair the nail for free (despite it being over 3days). Within 10minutes shed left a bad review on our Facebook and Google page :-(

Sometimes I feel if a client doesn't get what they want they just leave negative feedback. It's really not fair, feel a little powerless in these situations!
Thanks for your responses.

I really hate these situations, we've had this once before a couple of years ago.
The lady came back for her repair but then said another had chipped which then we said we would have to charge. She emailed me saying she'd left the area and wanted a refund which I stood my ground and said that we couldn't offer but would be happy to repair the nail for free (despite it being over 3days). Within 10minutes shed left a bad review on our Facebook and Google page :-(

Sometimes I feel if a client doesn't get what they want they just leave negative feedback. It's really not fair, feel a little powerless in these situations!

If you think about it, it's quite the opposite, your the one who has the power! your holding the tools to give the client exactly what they want! Some clients try it on yes, but most are genuine. Stand firm, be professional & polite, your acknowledging her issue & you've been clear under what terms you'll repair. It's Upto her whether she takes you up on it. Like blossom said its not your fault where she lives! X
I have had similar issues with a client who was getting an £8 taxi each way to her appointments.

She had her acrylics done, then the next day she had a fall (she has a disability where her joints constantly dislocate) and needed a repair.. As a gesture of good will, i did the repair for free even though we both knew it wasn't my fault, but it's nice to appreciate the clients who come out of their way to come to you.

However, this happened again after her infill appointment and I charged her my £3 fixing fee. As much as i know she can't help it, as much as it's not my fault, she's using my time, she has since contacted me to say she's found a tech closer to home which is good news all around.

Stand your ground, where she lives, how she travels to you, how many mouths someone has to feed and whether they're rich or poor has nothing to do with us... We have our policies and within reason these can be bent a little bit, however, refunds should never be one of them and you've already been lenient in offering free repairs .. BTW, why you do this, are you not confident in your work? :)

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