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Down the Rabbit hole.
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
I've noticed my skin is drying out a lot (legs especially). I am a vegan. Could this be dietry?
It's highly unlikely but it rather depends on how you practice veganism. I've noticed some who are vegans don't have a particularly balanced diet which obviously will cause your body to not behave optimally.

It's more likely to be climate related - exfoliate & moisturise.
Hmm the climate in space must be pretty harsh :rolleyes:
I think it reflects pretty poorly on the adults involved, and this website generally, that it is considered appropriate to gang up & bully a clearly vulnerable individual.

If you don't like their posts ignore them.
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I think it reflects pretty poorly on the adults involved, and this website generally, that it is considered appropriate to gang up & bully a clearly vulnerable individual.

If you don't like their posts ignore them.
I hope that's not aimed at me, who ganged up? Have you taken time to appreciate how many posts the op has decided to comment upon recently? This isn't a vulnerable person in this thread and if you can be bothered to watch this space (pardon the pun) you'll see her antics for yourself!
I hope that's not aimed at me, who ganged up? Have you taken time to appreciate how many posts the op has decided to comment upon recently? This isn't a vulnerable person in this thread and if you can be bothered to watch this space (pardon the pun) you'll see her antics for yourself!

You are not controller of content on salongeek.

This is a skin care thread concerning veganism. The OP has been sought out & the thread hijacked to post negative irrelevant content which is intimidatory in nature.

I don't agree with your assessment of this user. However, let us take everything you say as factual for the purpose of this thought:

Why would someone behave like this? Isn't it indicative of a personality type that would need gentle handling?

You don't have to agree with them & you don't have to like everyone. But basic civility & tolerance should be practiced by everyone.

There is a small group on here who respond negatively to the OP's every utterance. Constant isolation & attack creates a vulnerable person. It is bullying.
You are not controller of content on salongeek.

This is a skin care thread concerning veganism. The OP has been sought out & the thread hijacked to post negative irrelevant content which is intimidatory in nature.

I don't agree with your assessment of this user. However, let us take everything you say as factual for the purpose of this thought:

Why would someone behave like this? Isn't it indicative of a personality type that would need gentle handling?

You don't have to agree with them & you don't have to like everyone. But basic civility & tolerance should be practiced by everyone.

There is a small group on here who respond negatively to the OP's every utterance. Constant isolation & attack creates a vulnerable person. It is bullying.
Please don't think that's in any way useful information for me, at the risk of being branded a bully I'll leave this alone.
Vulnerable? ? Pahaaaaaahaha ermmmm yeah. OK. Linkless is far from vulnerable

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