aww thanks hun,
basically cracked open the bubbly invited everyone i new, friends and family. i did little demos through out the day such as a skin bar, with all your facial products on for every one to try, and the facial steamer going, and did facial sray tanning as a taster,discount vouchers and goody bags!!
how about vouchers for a complimentary shape and polish! once their in the door you can pitch all your sales!!
dunno if your running with any brand names but the reps always dish out the freebies on a launch. how about a raffle, just a basket from any shop filled up with some products, a gift voucher for your salon, wine and choccies!! this will generate you some profit and get people excited about yor products.
i also sent out £10 gift vouchers to all the local schools for their xmas raffles this gets all the local mums talking!!
phone the local paper to let them know about the launch and they will run an article, they did for me.....
lastly put an ad in the local so every one knows, and do a leaflet drop...
sorry to waffle on, good luck, this all worked for me chik xxxxx:hug: