Was sick at the gym and haven't been back


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Jul 6, 2013
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La la land
So I decided to join a gym. I was super positive about making healthy changes to my life. bought all my gear and was raring to go. I even booked with my personal trainer (PT) who was overly nice. We had rearranged about 3 times. I've been through a bit of a rough patch lately and so hadn't been eating properly. I never ate the day I went to the gym for the first time ever so I wasn't feeling too good. I didnt want to cancel for the 4th time so pushed myself to go. I've never used any of the equipment before. I'm a complete beginner at the gym. I told my PT all of this but he still got me on the treadmill. so I did it. I found courage to get on it and do some running. My god was that an absolutely difficult thing to do! after that I did some squats and some lunges and began to feel super dizzy. I sat down and my head was spinning. My PT got me a drink and sat with me for a bit. After about 10 mins I was still struggling to stand as my head was spinning so he helped me outside. As soon as I got up to walk and got outside I couldn't stop myself from heaving. I ended up throwing up about 4 times. I had already told the PT at the beginning that I'm totally new to all of this so to go easy and that I hadn't been feeling well but didnt want to cancel again so I attended my session. He was really understanding but I'm so embarrassed.

This was about 2 weeks ago now and I've not been back since because I don't know how to use anything and I don't know what exactly to do when I get to the gym. I'm afraid to bump into him or for people to remember me and be looking at me all funny like "haha that's the girl that threw up half hour into her session" I honestly feel like quitting and joining another gym! :( I've had a major rough patch I've come out of and now I'm trying to make changes to my health as well as get out more and find my confidence again but I'm not sure i want to go back to this particular gym :(

Don't be embarrassed! He shouldn't have pushed you as hard as he did. Iv done that before and felt horrendous afterwards. It's not worth it. You need to take it easy and gradually get into it! No one will be horrible. They probably won't even remember! Go back and take it easy. Don't have a PT until you've got into it a bit, because he obviously doesn't understand! You need to make sure you eat properly too :) ask someone who works there to give you an induction, they should have done that anyway. Give it another go..you'll be fine :) x
Don't be embarrassed! He shouldn't have pushed you as hard as he did. Iv done that before and felt horrendous afterwards. It's not worth it. You need to take it easy and gradually get into it! No one will be horrible. They probably won't even remember! Go back and take it easy. Don't have a PT until you've got into it a bit, because he obviously doesn't understand! You need to make sure you eat properly too :) ask someone who works there to give you an induction, they should have done that anyway. Give it another go..you'll be fine :) x

That's one thing when looking around at gyms they all said an induction will need to be carried out by law but this one didnt even bother. I went with it because it was a great offer and the time. I don't want to quit but I do feel that this gym isn't for me and want to try somewhere else. it's a 24 hour gym which is ideal for me because I want to be able to work out at 6am or late at night, probably when nobody is even there to be honest. this gym has an all women's area too. it's not great but it does the job. I've got a handful of friends that have joined too but their times clash with me because of work and family commitments. not sure if I should stay here. Feel like a big wuss.

I used to be like this about the gym, not that I'd done anything to be embarrassed about but I used to panic that people would stare at me and point and whisper or something!!
I just decided to get on with it though and ended up dropping two dress sizes!
In the end I just thought things are waaaayyy worse in your mind than they are in reality. And there's probably loads of people there feeling awkward or embarrassed. If you need help, ask, that's their job after all and after the first time back you'll wonder what you were worried about :)

Good luck, hope you feel like you can get back there xx
It is your "Personal Trainer" who needs to feel very embarrassed, not you :-( xx
I'm pretty sure your PT should've advised you not to do so much on your 1st time especially if you hadn't eaten all day. You've got no need to feel embarrassed xx
You've got no reason to be embarrassed. You were sick no big deal and they're not going to look at you funny! You're stressing out and you haven't even been back! Just bite the bullet and go then you can stop all this worrying about nothing.
Thanks folks for the comments and support. It really means a lot. my PT continued to text me a few times asking if I was feeling better and if I would want to rearrange with him to do a full hour. I really don't want a PT now though, and think I need to find my own way around the place and my own routine, get used to it then maybe later on down the line maybe book with a different PT? He didn't go through anything with me apart from "what exactly do you want to train" so I told him I want to tone up the whole of me. That was it, not even 5 minutes. Didnt work out a plan or anything with me just took me straight to the treadmill.

Like someone said previously, they should ALWAYS give you a tour & show you all the equipment & how it works. If you do decide to carry on at the gym, i'd suggest maybe a different gym altogether x
Don't be embarrassed, I actually fell off a machine at the gym and was left dangling by my arms, made the biggest noise ever and everyone looked at me, I was so embarrassed but still continued too go for 5 months :o
I doubt anybody would remember you were sick anyway and I wouldn't worry about it, give it another go :)
I fell backwards off a gym ball and got stuck with my legs in the air trying out a new move. I had to be helped up by my PT but we were both cracking up so much lol xx

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It sounds like there needs to be some joint responsibility. You need to eat and no your limits and the gym needs to start taking health and safety seriously. I would have walked away if a gym I joined hadn't given me an induction.

Dump this gym, find another through recommendation and not price, set up an induction and get nutritional advice suitable for working out and recovery.
You have nothing to be embarressed about at all. I honestly think that was really bad of the gym not to show you around, how to use everything properly (surely thats health and safety!?) and to push you on your first time. I joined the gym on a 3 month special offer years ago and did the PT bit to show me around, do a plan and a 30 minute (light) session. I really think they shouldnt have done the session if youd not eaten, its just not safe. You could have passed out and had a face full of tredmill.!
I have to day, I did have a giggle at some of the responses on here. Has cheered me up. Thanks folks I guess it could have been worse and luckily I threw up outside the gym and nobody was there but my PT.

I think it is best I do leave though because I can't really rely on my friends to show me the ropes and don't want to wait around either. I went to 2 gyms before I joined this one and also rang 2 others in my local area who all said its the law for health and safety to give us a tour and show us the equipment. I was passing by my gym after I had joined to check it out and the girl at reception said "yeah go ahead have a look around" and literally left me to have a look around by myself.

Ridiculous. I thought it was a bit dodge when I first got there but didnt think much of it because I was so eager to just turn over a new leaf no excuses and get cracking. I'm going to cancel my membership and join elsewhere. Will sort it tomorrow and let you know the progress. I still do feel a bit silly though but you have all been so encouraging and funny. Really do appreciate it :)

I used to have a pt & there was the odd time I felt a bit sick or dizzy as I'd not eaten or was dehydrated & he used to just sit with me & we'd do some relaxation breathing techniques then carry on. A good gym no matter how cheap should do an induction and show you how to use the equipment and set your programme and then have people around to help if needed. Please don't feel embarrassed but do make sure you look after yourself and insist on being shown what to do. Good luck with it. I love working out but have no time these days x

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I've found a gym close by which is super clean, not too busy, has an all females area and FEMALE personal trainers. Little bit more pricey but that doesn't bother me at. Health always comes on the top of priority list. Good look after ourselves :)

Thanks all so much for being so encouraging xx

I've found a gym close by which is super clean, not too busy, has an all females area and FEMALE personal trainers. Little bit more pricey but that doesn't bother me at. Health always comes on the top of priority list. Good look after ourselves :)

Thanks all so much for being so encouraging xx


Ah that's great. Good luck with it all x
Just a little update. I joined a new gym weheeeey and one where a friend of mine also goes! so much more professional and organised too! I went for my first day yesterday. Had an induction. the lady giving the induction was mortified that the previous place didnt give an induction to anyone. This new gym does it in a group of 6 and you have to book an induction first before you can have a full gym membership. Had an easy session after just getting familiarised with the surroundings and equipment. Going back today to use the sauna after a work out too.

You've all been great with your funny gym stories and keeping me motivated! Thank you for the support :) xx


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