Which couch for holistic treatments


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Hi everyone

Will be starting my holistic massage course in January. I have a good strong treatment couch at the moment but it is not the up-to-date massage couch. Will my couch be ok for carrying out massage. It has a part at the head area which can be removed for when the client lies on their front.

I hope it will be ok as I really dont want to have to spend a lot of money on a new couch. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Hi everyone

Will be starting my holistic massage course in January. I have a good strong treatment couch at the moment but it is not the up-to-date massage couch. Will my couch be ok for carrying out massage. It has a part at the head area which can be removed for when the client lies on their front.

I hope it will be ok as I really dont want to have to spend a lot of money on a new couch. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

I used a company called Master couches, they are very good, as they are slightly wider so the bigger clients are generally quite comfortable and it allows the average client lots of space to move and to rest their arms. They are very reasonably priced.

As I carry out male grooming therapies, I dont like the couch with the removable face hole in the couch, I prefer the face cradle which attaches at either end of the couch, as its better for tall clients.
Massage couches are much cheaper than a few years ago, with a lot of companies offering so many different types.

Thanks and good luck
If you're just using your couch for your practice clients during your course then it's absolutely fine. Provided it really is sturdy then it doesn't matter.

You should learn on your course how to drape a couch so no one would even see it anyway.

I agree with Jack that face cradles are the way to go. If you have the slots in your existing couch you'd be better off spending the money on a good comfy cradle to go with it.

Once you're working and using a couch professionally I would say that you should buy the very best couch you can possibly afford. Even if it means dry bread and water for a month.... You need a wide one with extra thick padding. Unless you're mobile go for electric too, on height at the very least, and you'll need a 3 (or even 5 if you can) section one.

Clients are going to be on your couch for a long time, if you want them to spend their hard earned cash with you again then your couch has to welcome them with open arms and hold them safe and warm every time they visit. Make it a place they yearn for.
Thanks. I can see where you all are coming from. I will certainly take your comments on board:hug:

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