Work dilemma


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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2010
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Hi geeks, I just need some industry/life advice!
I took 2 years out of beauty and went into restaurant management however decided to go back into the industry.
I got a job 4 weeks ago as a therapist at one of the Benefit Boutiques (the make up brand)
I'm enjoying it, but I've taken a massive pay cut from 10.50 an hour roughy in management to 7 an hour.
I've gone full time and my childcare costs have increased massively.
I have just been offered a job rubbing 3 beauty rooms in Essensuals (Toni & guy branch off)
It is 3 rooms, a little reception area, much like a mini downstairs salon.
It is 12 pound an hour
I cannot decide what to do!
It would be amazing opportunity for me to build myself back up beauty career wise in the rooms, however uprooting everything again seems like such a pain.

What would you do?!
I think you've answered your own question. You describe the toni and guy job like it's an opportunity but you describe the benefit job like it's not worth your while.

Even though you've not been at benefit for a while, don't feel bad about doing what's best for you.
I'd be packing my boxes with one hand whilst typing my notice on my computer with the other....

I wouldn't question it. End of. LOL
Oh do it! you must :)
I'm with the others- there's no dilemma here.,,,
Opportunities like that dont come round very often takw it or regret it forever more. I personalky believe that wpund stand you in good stead for future opportunities.
Do it! Like others have said, I think you've secretly made up your mind, and just need a nudge in that direction. Here it is! *nudge*

T&G will be a fab company to get in with, and £12 per hour isn't to be sniffed at in this industry! Good luck :)
Thanks everyone! What has now been offered is for me to be now self employed, that's what the owner would prefer.
Does anyone else do this & how does it work for you?
I might ask to be hourly for the first month until I've established myself?
It would be a 60/40 split.
All laundry and towels are provided by them plus obviously the rooms, all bills re lighting/ heat ling etc etc...
This excites me as I could obviously be running my own business in an established salon.
They do bookings for me, & obviously I have access to their client base x
Thanks everyone! What has now been offered is for me to be now self employed, that's what the owner would prefer.
Does anyone else do this & how does it work for you?
I might ask to be hourly for the first month until I've established myself?
It would be a 60/40 split.
All laundry and towels are provided by them plus obviously the rooms, all bills re lighting/ heat ling etc etc...
This excites me as I could obviously be running my own business in an established salon.
They do bookings for me, & obviously I have access to their client base x

What about buying of products and promotion?

Sounds like a fab opportunity x

Leely x
Thanks everyone! What has now been offered is for me to be now self employed, that's what the owner would prefer.
Does anyone else do this & how does it work for you?
I might ask to be hourly for the first month until I've established myself?
It would be a 60/40 split.
All laundry and towels are provided by them plus obviously the rooms, all bills re lighting/ heat ling etc etc...
This excites me as I could obviously be running my own business in an established salon.
They do bookings for me, & obviously I have access to their client base x

So they've gone from saying £12perhour but now changed it to a self employed split?

I personally don't like when people change an offer because it makes me anxious of things that are perhaps to come. That said you still sound more keen on this than your current gig.

Hmmm...a tricky decision now methinks so hopefully your instinct will guide you :)

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