Working in a shop with varicose veins and a bad back?


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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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I don't post on here (chit chat) very often but I need some random life advice. I would like to get a bit of income behind me from Christmas temping in a shop. I last did it three years ago and I know that it's good money because the hours are there to be had. I would love to put that money towards a few investments for my business (products/training and money to tie me over in the quiet periods).

Trouble is though that my health has changed since then. I have varicose veins and back pain and I just don't think I can stand up for a whole shift without causing myself a lot of discomfort at best, pain at worst. I'm a big girl and I'm anxious that putting that weight on my feet etc won't do me any good as even when I was a few stone lighter when I last worked in retail I had difficulty with it.

I don't know what to do. Should I go for a job and hand in my notice immediately if I can't physically cope? Should I give it a go or should I accept that it might be more pain/discomfort than it's worth?

On the one hand I think "come on it's only for a few weeks and that sort of money could give you and your business a good boost" but on the other hand I think "I get pain/discomfort from standing too long in social situations even after a few hours so should I really push it?"

What would you do! Help and advice needed please! :)
Would you consider being on the till at a supermarket where you can sit down all the time ?
I think you've answered this.. give it a go, see what happens, if you can't cope hand your notice in, you have little to lose and it may not be as bad as you think. :biggrin:
Would you consider being on the till at a supermarket where you can sit down all the time ?

A till job would be ideal for me :) Probability wise though I think it's more likely that I could get a job in a high street shop.
I think you've answered this.. give it a go, see what happens, if you can't cope hand your notice in, you have little to lose and it may not be as bad as you think. :biggrin:

This is true :) I'd feel bad about handing a notice in but with temp jobs I guess it's to be expected.

In an ideal world I'd like to tell an employer about my concerns at the interview process but I just think it would put me out of the running entirely.

It's ironic because I can cope with working in a spa because a facial/mani/pedi means I get to sit down for a bit but you don't get that in a shop.
Could you have a little stool hidden behind the till desk so you can have little sit downs ? Surely managers wouldn't mind would they ?
Could you have a little stool hidden behind the till desk so you can have little sit downs ? Surely managers wouldn't mind would they ?

That would be good :) I think when it's busy and there's not much space behind the till it would be easier for an employer to take someone on who didn't need the assistance though.
Don't forget that office jobs also take on at this time of year. In fact it's often hard to find enough temps. Call centres etc ramp up too and have temp winter contracts. Warm and comfy all day and you often only need to know how to be polite on the phone and have basic PC skills

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