5:2/The Fast Diet?


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Ah no bet your scared to go out! Are you taking anything to help your immune system, hope your ok and manage to avoid. Xxx

I am on every vitamin and supplement going lol and eating super healthy foods and no fasting until after, I just can't take the risk. If anyone coughs or sneezes I run. I will be so fed up if it gets postponed, I just want it over now. X

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I am on every vitamin and supplement going lol and eating super healthy foods and no fasting until after, I just can't take the risk. If anyone coughs or sneezes I run. I will be so fed up if it gets postponed, I just want it over now. X

Sent from my ST23i using SalonGeek mobile app

Ah Nikki I no what you feel like! If I'm out and someone coughs I run! Having ME means my immune system is pants! I get a cold and end up in bed and takes weeks to get over it!
Your doing all you can I really hope you will be ok, let's think positive that you will be :)
Rest when you can to so your not running yourself into the ground xxx
Ah Nikki I no what you feel like! If I'm out and someone coughs I run! Having ME means my immune system is pants! I get a cold and end up in bed and takes weeks to get over it!
Your doing all you can I really hope you will be ok, let's think positive that you will be :)
Rest when you can to so your not running yourself into the ground xxx

Thank you, I'm trying to rest as much as I can. I have a friend with ME, it's another invisible illness that people don't understand. Oh well just keep on keeping on x

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Thank you, I'm trying to rest as much as I can. I have a friend with ME, it's another invisible illness that people don't understand. Oh well just keep on keeping on x

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Would not wish it on my worst enemy!
What is the date for your op? Xxx
Would not wish it on my worst enemy!
What is the date for your op? Xxx

5th March, 2 weeks today eek

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I've completely fell off the wagon. I've had the flu for over 2 weeks but I will start again on Monday
5th March, 2 weeks today eek

Sent from my ST23i using SalonGeek mobile app

Well fingers crossed petal, I'm sure you will be ok. :) xxx
I've completely fell off the wagon. I've had the flu for over 2 weeks but I will start again on Monday

Ah I don't think your alone, hope your feeling much better, I hope to start I Monday again so will be on here looking for encouragement :) xxx
Hi all

I know this is an old thread but can anyone tell me if they tried the nosh diet and detox program.
Is it worth getting something like nosh that has everything ready and sorted or is it doable without help as I suck at diet stuff and calorie counting.

Fast day again today & so far so good. Cold seems to have gone (fingers crossed) or at least it's affect on me is so minimal I don't feel like I have a cold now.

Lets hope that's my quota of colds out the way for a while.

Had a cheeky little weigh in earlier and scales say I am losing again so I'm all smiles again.
I'm going to give this a go.
Anyone still doing this ? Xx
Anyone still doing this ? Xx


Had a week off but back to it tomorrow xxx

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Anyone still doing this ? Xx

Doesn't appear to look like it! Although I do think it works and certainly has some good plus points, I just didn't like the fast days enough to keep going.

Just rejoined Slimming World tonight. I don't actually follow their plan, but do use a lot of their ideas on how to get the most out of 'Good' food. I can never get calorie counting out of my head and don't agree with the concept of 'Free' food at all. So, I just pinch ideas and work out the calorie values for myself, setting my own limits.

Bumped into a couple who've been attending for at least ten years and they're both bigger than ever, bless 'em. Still, they obviously enjoy the meetings and know the 'Syn' values of just about every food on the planet :hug:

Decided to have one last push at losing my final bit of pesky weight in time for summer and just wanted the discipline of being weighed every week. If I'm in the right frame of mind, it definitely helps. Horses for courses! :wink2:

Had a week off but back to it tomorrow xxx

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How you doing on it petal? I want to give it another try, I've had a couple of attempts but have in about 4.00pm !!xx
Doesn't appear to look like it! Although I do think it works and certainly has some good plus points, I just didn't like the fast days enough to keep going.

Just rejoined Slimming World tonight. I don't actually follow their plan, but do use a lot of their ideas on how to get the most out of 'Good' food. I can never get calorie counting out of my head and don't agree with the concept of 'Free' food at all. So, I just pinch ideas and work out the calorie values for myself, setting my own limits.

Bumped into a couple who've been attending for at least ten years and they're both bigger than ever, bless 'em. Still, they obviously enjoy the meetings and know the 'Syn' values of just about every food on the planet :hug:

Decided to have one last push at losing my final bit of pesky weight in time for summer and just wanted the discipline of being weighed every week. If I'm in the right frame of mind, it definitely helps. Horses for courses! :wink2:

I no what you mean it's so hard the thing that worried me is on normal days I didn't eat as much as was recommended so worry dose that mean I could store fat and out on. Weight xx
Could I run on fast days? I run up to ten miles a day on my three days off and do HIIT training two of the other days. I wouldn't want to collapse in the middle of nowhere

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Could I run on fast days? I run up to ten miles a day on my three days off and do HIIT training two of the other days. I wouldn't want to collapse in the middle of nowhere

Sent from my GT-I9505 using SalonGeek mobile app

Wow your fit :) I'm not quite sure to be honest hopefully one of the other girls can advise ??? Xx
Wow your fit :) I'm not quite sure to be honest hopefully one of the other girls can advise ??? Xx

Shame I counteract running with cheese

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Had to give up fir a bit due to my operation but I will restart in a few months when I'm better. Are you doing it again Lila?

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