Britain's hidden housing crisis


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The average rent on a two bed house in London is £475...A WEEK
Add to this average weekly nursery fees of around £160 per child..
£41,000 doesn't seem such a lot does it lol
£1900 rent a month
£640 a month childcare
That's over £30,000 a year for those alone.
But no £41,000 a year in a council house would be silly
I know you did, just using our situation as an example,
We never see him always in danger (yes I know it's choice) and when you see people in council houses on benefits with more money than us it makes you sick, when we pay our bills

Extra bedroom- Iv got to agree with others, I totally get that some people loose their job and are they really expected to move because they have an extra room! However these extra bedrooms are needed by others!

Maybe it is choice but if it wasn't for people like your partner putting there life on the line for our country where would we be.People who fight for our country saving lives should get payed more I have strong views on this very strong views.You should be entitled to council houses let's face it if people wernt fighting and past fighting in wars we would not have council houses.

My spare room you can't call a spare room it has medical stuff in it I use it for physio for my daughter two people max it's more like a wardrobe not a room lol.
I don't agree with council housing at all, especially for people who are working and earning a wage - why should people live in subsidised housing when they are fully capable of paying private rent or having a mortgage?

At a push, I can agree that council housing or housing association properties are there for people who really need them, but it still doesn't seem right to me!

Me and my husband have a mortgage and had to put £10k down as a deposit - we didn't have this money so you know what we did?
We WORKED our arses off for 18 months and saved every penny we had so we could have our own home! It didn't once occur to me to put our name down on the council list. Why can't every able bodied person do the same thing? I sleep well at night knowing that our home belongs to us and that we can't be turfed out with 2 months notice - one thing about having a council house is that it doesn't belong to you and if you are given notice to quit, then there isn't anything you can do, no matter how much money you have spent decorating!

And as for people living in big houses when they don't need all that space - I think that's selfish and greedy.

My nan had 8 kids and had a LA house - when they all moved out she happily forfeited her large house and moved into a 2 bed flat, and so she should have.

This is a very emotive subject and I hope I haven't offended anyone, but I thought I would give my opinion on everything x

I'm sorry but I disagree 100%. For you to say someone working, able to pay their way should not be in council property is absolutely shocking. Myself, hubby and son have always lived in a house that we bought (owned by the bank) had a mortgage until 8 yrs ago when we had to sell as my oh was self employed, work was harder to get and I could not pay bills etc on my wage. We couldn't afford to buy as properties where more expensive etc so we had to move into private acc (temporarily). £640 a month & 9 yrs on we're still here. Yes, we can be turfed out anytime, hence the reason why we want/need a council house. We are on the list for a property, we have never lived in 1 but we have no choice. There is no family members we can live with. 5 yrs ago we did go & see about mortgage but repayments would be £1000 a month on a property @ £125,000 so we decided against it. Today my oh is unemployed, has been for a few months, we are in receipt of HB & CTB but we have to pay part of it. We are really struggling at the mo. we would love to, as you put it 'work our asses off to get a deposit' but when paying this amount of rent which is in fact more than our last mortgage it's really difficult to do.
I hope you never find yourselves in the same situation as others if you have that attitude. What are you going to do if you lose your job or your husband losses his? Private Rent? Maybe put your name down for a council house.
My hubby ph for a job few months back for a Site Manager, he was told he had to be able to speak Polish, he doesn't so he didnt get the job. Need I say more!!!
The bedroom tax should only be for people who are on benefits, who keep having children, have never worked, you know where I'm going with this. Believe me if this were the case I'm sure they would all start looking for work. I know there are people who can't work but we all know the ones who can but won't as they get anything & everything from the benefit system. Apologies I have rambled on lol x
But would the single parent be able to afford to work if she didnt get help with childcare costs?
What difference does being part of a couple make?
If anything it would be harder as a single parent as my partner and I split our days off in the holidays so we don't pay £1000 a month during summer, how would a single parent do this?

When I was a single parent working full time, I was receiving tax credits to pay for my nursery fees, I'd I didn't receive this help then I wouldn't of been able to work full stop as my fees were extortionately the time I paid the fees, bills and rent I actually had no money to live on so there wasn't even a point of me working.

If I didn't have the help from tax credits then I wouldn't have been able to work. Single parents have to do it by themselves with no help of a partners wage.

I now live with my partner, kids are in school but when it comes to the summer holidays we will have no money at all as the childcare is going to be extortionate we won't have any help with tax credits as apparently we earn too much! I'm on £11000 year and my partner £25000 but all our money goes on bills, bills and more bills!

My friend who is on benefits, gets her rent and ctax paid has so much money, out every weekend and doesn't pay for anything.

I can't wait for the massive changes to come in and benefits are scrapped and only given to the people are actually in need.

I work for a London council dealing with council tax and benefits and the amount of calls I take daily asking why they have to pay for an extra bedroom, they don't work, mostly foreign and don't have any desire to work as they get so much and they have the cheek to complain about paying extra for a bedroom they do not need.

I do not get help or a free house, I have to work my arse off to provide so why should someone have free rooms and free rent when there is no need for it. Obviously there are people in need but not the jokers taking advantage!!
You got it in a nutshell ;)
I could easily afford working everyday 9-5 pay my rent and council tax + bills+ daughter earning £41,000 a year no troubles at all.

That is what I was aiming at as in my circumstance on that wage being a single parent in council house.I wasn't refuting to mortgages etc just my circumstance xxx

Ps jeezzzus there's no chance of me earning £41,000 a year with my knowlege of words lol
I could easily afford working everyday 9-5 pay my rent and council tax + bills+ daughter earning £41,000 a year no troubles at all.

That is what I was aiming at as in my circumstance on that wage being a single parent in council house.I wasn't refuting to mortgages etc just my circumstance xxx

Ps jeezzzus there's no chance of me earning £41,000 a year with my knowlege of words lol

That's ok.. I have been calling my clients hair colour "kackie"instead of "khaki" for years lol

Maybe it is choice but if it wasn't for people like your partner putting there life on the line for our country where would we be.People who fight for our country saving lives should get payed more I have strong views on this very strong views.You should be entitled to council houses let's face it if people wernt fighting and past fighting in wars we would not have council houses.

My spare room you can't call a spare room it has medical stuff in it I use it for physio for my daughter two people max it's more like a wardrobe not a room lol.[/QUOTE]

Like everything it's not black and white, so many ifs and buts!

Can I just say this is why it's so important to vote, and for people that don't vote can they really moan!

Sorry for opening another can if worms!
from my experience, single mum trying to work, live etc.

before anyone judges i was with my babies dad for 12 years and married for 7, not every relationship has it's happily ever after.

firstly i don't get how anyone on benefits has disposable income as i really don't, my food budget is £15 a week, i don't smoke, drink or go out.

if it wasn't for benefits i would not be living i don't want to be on them but that's the path my life took.

Id love for the people who think being on benefits is easy to walk in my shoes for a month and then tell me it's easy.

i have learnt do not judge unless you have been in the same situation

i also believe we live to our means, small income small house, bigger income bigger house therefore disposable income for people on benefits or not is likely to be low.

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I would never begrudge anyone, anything if they really need it.. But I do get annoyed when I get told that I shouldn't get child benifits or tax credits because I earn a certain amount x
I have never lived in a council property do don't know how the system works. I only know that what certain things people have done id not right.

Where I used to work before, there was a lot of people who stayed with their parents in council properly. Got married and obviously house is too small and they would proudly say they have rented their council property out to family & friends, and they are moving to a big 4 bedroom house further out into a nice area.

Heard a story on how a single girl got a new council flat, she rented it out and lives with her parents!

I think these properties were given to the wrong people, they bought them, and then rented then out and moved out to bigger homes.

This is why there is such a shortage of social housing and the people who genuinely need them don't get them!
I'm sorry but I disagree 100%. For you to say someone working, able to pay their way should not be in council property is absolutely shocking. Myself, hubby and son have always lived in a house that we bought (owned by the bank) had a mortgage until 8 yrs ago when we had to sell as my oh was self employed, work was harder to get and I could not pay bills etc on my wage. We couldn't afford to buy as properties where more expensive etc so we had to move into private acc (temporarily). £640 a month & 9 yrs on we're still here. Yes, we can be turfed out anytime, hence the reason why we want/need a council house. We are on the list for a property, we have never lived in 1 but we have no choice. There is no family members we can live with. 5 yrs ago we did go & see about mortgage but repayments would be £1000 a month on a property @ £125,000 so we decided against it. Today my oh is unemployed, has been for a few months, we are in receipt of HB & CTB but we have to pay part of it. We are really struggling at the mo. we would love to, as you put it 'work our asses off to get a deposit' but when paying this amount of rent which is in fact more than our last mortgage it's really difficult to do.
I hope you never find yourselves in the same situation as others if you have that attitude. What are you going to do if you lose your job or your husband losses his? Private Rent? Maybe put your name down for a council house.
My hubby ph for a job few months back for a Site Manager, he was told he had to be able to speak Polish, he doesn't so he didnt get the job. Need I say more!!!
The bedroom tax should only be for people who are on benefits, who keep having children, have never worked, you know where I'm going with this. Believe me if this were the case I'm sure they would all start looking for work. I know there are people who can't work but we all know the ones who can but won't as they get anything & everything from the benefit system. Apologies I have rambled on lol x

Calm down for god sake - i'm entitled to my opinion just the same as you are and to call my opinion shocking is a bit melodramatic don't you think?

If me or my husband ever lose our jobs (isn't going to happen but I will indulge you) then we would go work in a factory, be a cleaner, do any menial job that was available because that's what people like us do, we work hard to pay for ourselves and not sponge off the government!

I have 2 jobs, husband works 12 hours a day, we work bloody hard to pay our own way! I'm sorry that you are so offended by what I wrote but I stand by it 100%
Sticking to the original debate. I can't be the only one reading this thinking shouldn't we all be working harder to look after ourselves?

I defy anyone to be a complete victim of their circumstances, whether they're prepared to accept it they & their family are there through choices they have made. So deal with it, stop whining & stop assuming that nobody else has had to make more sacrifice, and made less noise about it. I haven't seen the programme but I'm responding more to this thread.

I really don't blame the council or government for anything, I am where I am because of choices I've made and I've looked at the society we live in, seen the rules & made decisions for myself to get where I want to. One of those decisions was not to have kids till I could afford to completely pay for everything. Another decision was that EVERYTHING in my life is insured to the hilt, should the worse happen. Another one was to seek a partner who had the same aspirations, and the same number of back-up plans! I could go on.

The difference is simple - where is your locus of control? Do you believe you control (and take responsibility for) your life - or is it 'the government' or 'the council' or whoever? Because whilst you are laid mercy to 'their' changes yes, life will seem like it sucks.

Tough times call for tough measures.

You and I have a similar attitude I think.

What I did was realise that this so called bedroom tax is actually a massive opportunity. In my city the maximum amount of benefits available for a one bed flat is just over £400 a month. The people that benefit will be paid for are singles and couples over the age of 25.

So, knowing that is the least amount of rent I would get, I searched on Rightmove for one bed flats being sold as repossessions. I picked one up last week for £37k - originally sold for £80k to the previous buyer. It's very nice and also has a garden too which is unusual for a flat.

The minimum £400 a month I could get is the equivalent of a 10% annual return on my money which is much more than any bank would offer me. What some people call problems are actually opportunities in disguise!
I was watching the news thismorning and a 36 year old woman who dosnt work with 11 children is having a £400,000 eco friendly house built for her and her children free of charge by the government.So they can all fit in the house.

What do you think of that ?

I think its disgusting x
I was watching the news thismorning and a 36 year old woman who dosnt work with 11 children is having a £400,000 eco friendly house built for her and her children free of charge by the government.So they can all fit in the house.

What do you think of that ?

I think its disgusting x

Pherhaps they should spend thy money on a school or hospitals or cleaning up areas instead of fundig people that clearly want very big handed to them on a silver platter. That think its ok to stay at home all day breeding away. It's a brilliant example to set isn't it to the test f the people who have seen that think that if they have too many children don't wry will have a house July for them and live a life of luxury. No wonder girls at the ages of 15+ think if thy hve children young dont work they can get a flat/house and nt have to work. The government has screwed us over it will never get better only worse. Excuse as soon as benefits start to decrease there will be uproar and people will start to rebel. If I'm right America dot do benefits like we do. In fact I don't think many places if any do what our goverment does. I think if you have children u must support yourselfs. And backup their if unfortunate circumstances happen. But not fom the et go. I know my option is going to often a hell of alot of people but at the end of the day that's just my thoughts.
Me and my oh work full time we get no tax credits but we do get our child benefit , our rent is £790 a month and council tax is £145 a month and we find it hard at times but we manage , we have a two bed bungalow and its big enough for four of us , his family 3 doors up have a 3 bed bungalow at £800 a month and the council pay £675 of that and they get council tax reductions ! They have two kids and get £2000 a month in benefits as they don't work , they have a 50 inch tv ect and this is what makes me angry the ones who could work but don't and get all the handouts then the ones of us who get up every morning go to work to provide for our families are left to struggle ,but at the end of the day is rather show my kids the way to get nice things in life is to work for it Xx
Pherhaps they should spend thy money on a school or hospitals or cleaning up areas instead of fundig people that clearly want very big handed to them on a silver platter. That think its ok to stay at home all day breeding away. It's a brilliant example to set isn't it to the test f the people who have seen that think that if they have too many children don't wry will have a house July for them and live a life of luxury. No wonder girls at the ages of 15+ think if thy hve children young dont work they can get a flat/house and nt have to work. The government has screwed us over it will never get better only worse. Excuse as soon as benefits start to decrease there will be uproar and people will start to rebel. If I'm right America dot do benefits like we do. In fact I don't think many places if any do what our goverment does. I think if you have children u must support yourselfs. And backup their if unfortunate circumstances happen. But not fom the et go. I know my option is going to often a hell of alot of people but at the end of the day that's just my thoughts.

Your correct about America, I watched a programme on their benefits system. If you go for benefits they work out purely what you need for rent/bills/food so there's no extra like there is here, they also hand them a volunteer job, if the person refuses the job, they don't receive any benefits! Which is good! They make them work for their money!
Our government support all the wrong people

My dad thinks every working man and woman should down tools for a few days, really shake the government up, there would be no transport, no services, the whole country would come to a stand still
Which then may make the government realise that without us hard workers their precious country that they are screwing over every day will actually fall apart!!
Us 'little people' are not heard! We don't get a opinion anymore cause the government always go against it xx
Until the Government have the resources or inclination to stop acting like robots things will never change.

Alan Sugar tweeted how baffled he was that he was given the winter fuel allowance automatically and when he contacted the relevant dept to tell them he clearly doesn't need it and to stop allocating it to him, they weren't interested.
Me and my oh work full time we get no tax credits but we do get our child benefit , our rent is £790 a month and council tax is £145 a month and we find it hard at times but we manage , we have a two bed bungalow and its big enough for four of us , his family 3 doors up have a 3 bed bungalow at £800 a month and the council pay £675 of that and they get council tax reductions ! They have two kids and get £2000 a month in benefits as they don't work , they have a 50 inch tv ect and this is what makes me angry the ones who could work but don't and get all the handouts then the ones of us who get up every morning go to work to provide for our families are left to struggle ,but at the end of the day is rather show my kids the way to get nice things in life is to work for it Xx

We seem to share the same opinions!

I really feel for people that try and do the right thing by working hard to pay their way pay rent and bills can't get on the housing ladder..

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