A bit of rough


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Kim Lawless

Grande Dame of the Brazilian Wax for Men and Women
Apr 17, 2003
Reaction score
London and Essex
As far as ingrown hairs are concerned, I'm a great advocate of 'prevention is better than cure' and I've always been a big fan of exfoliating or dry brushing, then applying baby oil afterwards. I've seen great results from my clients.

Take a look at this cloth which is pretty damn clever. It looks like many other exfoliating cloths, but the fabric mix has been worked out so that it's exactly rough enough to remove dry skin or the remains of spray tan etc, but soft enough not to scratch the skin, leaving it as smooth as a baby's bum.

The other ones available on the high street are too harsh for my liking and aside from being painful to use, they can cause ingrown hairs because if you scrub too hard it can create tiny little scabs too small to see, that stop the hairs breaking through. I have used one that was similar but it was over double the price.

Anyway, make you own mind up but I love it and it's creator is one of very own geeks so good luck to them and their new venture.

A Bit Of Rough - Japanese Style Wash Cloth - About
Oooo this looks very interesting. Much better than the horrible harsh things I'm using at the moment :) x
Iv just ordered 5 sounds really good. Good profit margin for wholesale. Very good value. Also great responce from company as i just ordered them and its easter sunday and i got a reply back which i wasnt expecting untill tuesday. Tho i belive hes gone out for dinner now if anyone else dosnt get such a quick responce. X

Sent from my GT-P1000 using SalonGeek
Tho i belive hes gone out for dinner now if anyone else dosnt get such a quick responce. X

Sent from my GT-P1000 using SalonGeek
Ha ha! You two have become very cozy very quickly:lol: x
Lol. X

Sent from my GT-P1000 using SalonGeek
My order arived this morning and iv already sold two one to a manicure client.one to a waxing client. So far so good. X

Sent from my GT-P1000 using SalonGeek
This look very good, I will have to try 1 of these, my partner suffers from alot of in growing hairs and noting seems to work x
I've placed my order too! X
Think I might have to try one of these. I stopped having my legs etc waxed because of really pain ingrowing hairs ( got so bad I would have to dig them out with a pin, some where really long! ). I still get the odd ingrowing hair fron shaving ( around the bikni line ), so will give this a go and if it works, I might try getting waxed again.

I'm currently using exfoliating gloves.
I have bought one too :) I will see how I get on with it. X
Will be making an order :)

Essential Bliss Beauty Therapy
Iv just ordered 5 sounds really good. Good profit margin for wholesale. Very good value. Also great responce from company as i just ordered them and its easter sunday and i got a reply back which i wasnt expecting untill tuesday. Tho i belive hes gone out for dinner now if anyone else dosnt get such a quick responce. X

Sent from my GT-P1000 using SalonGeek

Hi, could you please email me their wholesale price as still waiting for their response. Thanks
Just emailed him for trade prices - these look fab. Anyone tried theirs out yet?

As far as ingrown hairs are concerned, I'm a great advocate of 'prevention is better than cure' and I've always been a big fan of exfoliating or dry brushing, then applying baby oil afterwards. I've seen great results from my clients.

Take a look at this cloth which is pretty damn clever. It looks like many other exfoliating cloths, but the fabric mix has been worked out so that it's exactly rough enough to remove dry skin or the remains of spray tan etc, but soft enough not to scratch the skin, leaving it as smooth as a baby's bum.

The other ones available on the high street are too harsh for my liking and aside from being painful to use, they can cause ingrown hairs because if you scrub too hard it can create tiny little scabs too small to see, that stop the hairs breaking through. I have used one that was similar but it was over double the price.

Anyway, make you own mind up but I love it and it's creator is one of very own geeks so good luck to them and their new venture.

A Bit Of Rough - Japanese Style Wash Cloth - About
Do you recommend this over the Salux washcloth? I am very curious as I am dealing with ingrown hairs.
Do you recommend this over the Salux washcloth? I am very curious as I am dealing with ingrown hairs.
Hi Johnny
I see from some of your previous posts you currently use the Salux wash cloth , The wash cloth is great for body exfoliation and post waxing aftercare but Its like wax brands and skincare products we all have our favourites. We do post them to Europe so if it you wanted to order one to try please just PM and I can send you the link.

Thanks Jack
Do you recommend this over the Salux washcloth? I am very curious as I am dealing with ingrown hairs.
Sorry Johnny, only just seen this.

Yes I do recommend it over the Salux. I trialled a lot of them for Jack and it was quite a job getting the right blend. Although they look the same or similar, some of the expensive brands or well known brands were really harsh, almost like a Brillo pad and that would cause the skin to form tiny scabs which causes even more problems. I found the Salux ones to be of the lower end with regards to quality and style. A Bit Of Rough is a lovely neutral off white/cream whereas the Salux ones are hideous colours and didn't do a good job at exfoliating.

Hope that helps.
How often do you need to replace the cloth? And can you use this before hair removal?
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How often do you need to replace the cloth? And can you use this before hair removal?

Use it before and after. Never had to replace mine so I guess it's just when you want to buy a new one. Comes up like new in the washing machine.
Use it before and after. Never had to replace mine so I guess it's just when you want to buy a new one. Comes up like new in the washing machine.
Thanks Kim.
How many times a week can you use this?

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